We do heating PLEN with our own hands: installation features, selection and cost of components, feedback on the operation of the system

Is it always advisable to install traditional heating, which includes a boiler, piping and radiators? In some cases, it is impossible to implement such a system in practice due to the limited space of the premises and the high cost of components. An alternative to this can be PLEN heating: installation, video, reviews, characteristics will help you learn more about this heat supply technology.

The principle of operation of film heating

The principle of operation of heating PLEN and conventional
The principle of operation of heating PLEN and conventional

During the operation of almost all heating systems, the air in the premises is heated. Its convection leads to a gradual increase in temperature throughout the volume of the room. IR heating PLEN works according to a different principle. It is based on the generation of infrared thermal radiation, which heats the surface of objects that fall into the zone of influence of the device.

Heating of a new generation of PLEN is developed based on the properties of carbon metallized compounds. During the passage of current through them, heating occurs to a maximum temperature of + 45 ° C. But this is not the source of heat. The emerging waves with a length of 9.4 microns are reflected from the film surface and are concentrated on the surface of objects. As a result, they are heated.

Infrared PLEH heating has a number of important features of work and operation:

  • Simple DIY heating PLEN installation... For maximum coverage, installation is most often done on a ceiling surface. You can do it yourself without special tools and experience;
  • Energy saving... Despite the fact that the ceiling heating of PLEN is powered by electricity, the level of energy consumption is an order of magnitude lower than that of electric boilers or similar devices;
  • Low inertia of work... This is due to the absence of an intermediate stage of heating operation - heating the coolant;
  • Possibility of using as additional heat supply... Almost all reviews about the PLEN heating system speak of the advantages of its operation together with water heat supply systems.

Almost any video about PLEN heating tells about the compactness and ease of installation, as well as the efficiency of work. However, at the same time, they are often silent about the limitations of operation. Firstly, good thermal insulation of the room must be provided. The second factor is the impossibility of partially or completely covering the film with interior items. This can lead to overheating and, as a result, failure. Installation under the ceiling is allowed. But at the same time, the minimum distance from the heating elements to the panels should be at least 3 cm.

In addition, unlike hot water heating, after switching off the system, the temperature in the room decreases almost immediately.

In the video of the installation of PLEN heating, it is necessary to indicate the provision of waterproofing of the mounting surface - floor, ceiling or walls. To do this, you need to use special moisture-proof materials.

Design and technical characteristics of PLEN

IR film construction
IR film construction

For the consumer, three characteristics of any heating system are important - cost, efficiency and technical characteristics. It is worth telling about the latter in more detail.

What is PLEN heating, and what components does it consist of? The main heating element in the system is a thin film made of lavsan or similar material. On its surface, stripes are applied with the content of carbon blend. They are also conductors of electric current.

General technical characteristics of PLEN heating directly depend on the specific film model. But there are a number of parameters common to all types of this heating system:

  • Power - W / m² of film... It can vary from 100 to 240 W / m² depending on the thickness of the carbon strips and their density on the surface;
  • Width... This is a normalized parameter - from 300 to 1000 mm. The video of the PLEN heating installation shows that it is not allowed to cut the film lengthwise. This can lead to disconnection of the electrical circuit;
  • Control device - thermostats... These are universal appliances that are also used in the electric underfloor heating system.

The time to reach the optimal power of IR heating PLEN depends on the parameters of the room - volume and thermal insulation. When the system is turned on for the first time, stabilization can last from 4 to 189 hours. Subsequently, after adaptation, the system will heat up to the required temperature for 5-10 minutes.

Another important feature of infrared PLEN heating is fire safety. This is due to the maximum surface heating temperature up to + 45 ° C, as well as the presence of a special protective film.

PLEN complete set

Heating equipment PLEN
Heating equipment PLEN

Studying the video about PLEN heating, you can see that much attention is paid to the choice of the contour model of the heating element, as well as to the control units. The choice of installation technology, as well as the coverage area, largely depend on the dimensions of the installation surface.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the optimal width of the heating roll of the new generation of PLEN. This takes into account the rated power per 1 m² of its area. To install heating PLEN with your own hands, you need to purchase the following additional elements:

  • Fastening material... These can be mounting brackets or dowels. It is important that their width does not exceed the distance between the resistive strips;
  • Reflective backing... It is installed on the rough surface of the ceiling and is designed to concentrate infrared radiation towards the room;
  • Thermostats and temperature sensors... With their help, manual or automatic adjustment of the operating modes of the PLEN ceiling heating is performed.

One of the installation conditions is a flat surface. Therefore, it may be necessary to make a crate for the PLEN ceiling heating. To do this, you can use a plasterboard profile or install a wooden structure.

For the convenience of regulating the heating temperature of the new generation of PLEN, you can purchase a thermostat with a remote control or a GPS module.

Film heating installation rules

Connecting the film to the thermostat
Connecting the film to the thermostat

The installation largely depends on the technical characteristics of the heating PLEN. First of all, the overall dimensions of the roll. To carry out this work, you do not need to involve specialists - all stages of installation are performed without special tools. It is important to correctly complete the system.

Most of the reviews about the PLEN heating system refer to the operation of this type of heat supply. And only a small number indicates possible installation difficulties. They are related to the initial state of the mounting surface and the location of the electrical wiring in the house.

Knowing the definition and features of PLEN heating, general recommendations for its installation were developed. They are as follows:

  1. Choosing a mounting location... This can be the floor, walls, or ceiling. The latter option is preferable, since the infrared heating of the PLEN should cover as much of the room as possible. Ideally, the area is 60 to 75% of the total surface.
  2. Preparing the rough ceiling... In many videos about heating PLEN, little attention is paid to this point. But for proper operation it is necessary to provide a perfectly flat surface. For this, a mounting grid is made from a galvanized profile or wooden battens.
  3. Preliminary insulation and waterproofing... This is necessary to ensure the safe and long-term operation of infrared heating PLEN.
  4. Drawing up an installation diagram... It indicates the location of the film, the connection and installation of control elements.
Installation of IR film
Installation of IR film

Only after these steps can you carry out the installation of PLEN heating with your own hands. The distance between the films should be at least 10-12 cm, and their distance from the walls is 4-5 cm. Considering that the ceiling heat supply of the PLEN is sensitive to the resistive effect, additional insulation is installed in the places where the electrical wiring passes.

If the installation is carried out on the floor, it is necessary to take into account the technical and operational parameters of the heating PLEN. Upon completion of the installation, a concrete screed must be poured. In this case, it is necessary to trace the location of the films - in the process of pouring with concrete, they should not move under the mechanical action of the mixture.

With a large heating coverage, PLEN provide for the installation of several control thermostats and temperature sensors.

Equipment cost and feedback on PLEN

PLEN factory complete set
PLEN factory complete set

After drawing up the installation diagram and determining the optimal configuration, you can start forming a budget for the purchase of PLEN components. Fortunately, products from many manufacturers are presented on the market, which offer models of various capacities.

First you need to do a primary market analysis. It is recommended to choose a film heating of the brand that has service centers in the region. This will help to quickly solve possible problems with product defects. Do not forget about the quality and technical parameters of the components - they must be calculated for a specific heating circuit, be easy to use.

Component typeFeatures of theCost, rub.
Infrared film CALEO, m.p.Width 50 cm, power - 232 W / m²,504
Thermostat UTN 200Weekly programmer2775
Thermal tape, 20 lmFor ceiling mounting225
Mounting substrate, 100 cm, lmWith markings for installation30

You can learn about the actual features of the functioning of this type of heat supply from the reviews about the PLEN heating system:

  • Our country house has good water heating. The only drawback is the long heating time of the water. Therefore, we decided to install an additional film system. It works well as protection against freezing of pipes - before the trip, I set the thermostat to + 8 ° C. During the month of absence from home, electricity consumption was only 78 kW;
  • We have a small one-room apartment. Since the central heating works very poorly, and there is a small child in the house, we installed an IR film. Everything is fine, but the room cools down quickly after turning off the PLAN. Over time, we realized what was the reason. First, it was necessary to insulate the outer wall;
  • For a children's room, PLEN is one of the ideal options. Firstly, it doesn’t dry the air like ordinary water heating. There is no need to be afraid that the child will burn himself on the pipe or radiator. Convenient temperature control. The only difficulty is the laboriousness of the installation.

You also need to know that the height of the ceilings affects the efficiency of heating the PLEN. The higher they are, the larger the coverage area of ​​the films. However, at the same time, radiation scattering occurs. The ideal ceiling height should be 2.7-3 m.

You can familiarize yourself with the features of the installation by watching the video of the installation of the heating PLEN:

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