We make an independent insert into the heating system: pipes, pumps, circuits, heating elements

Sooner or later, any heating system will need repair or modernization. If shut-off and drain fittings were previously installed in a certain area, there will be no problems with this task. However, in this case, you need to know the technology for performing work. How is the correct insert into the heating system done: pipes, pumps, circuits, heating elements? Let's first consider the cases when it is needed.

Rules for installing new equipment

Tie in the central heating system
Tie in the central heating system

Installing new equipment or replacing out of order should not affect the performance of the entire system. The correct insertion into the existing internal networks of heating pipelines is carried out with a minimum period of stopping the heat supply of a house or apartment.

This procedure should be performed only in compliance with the following rules and recommendations:

  • Minimal coolant leakage. This is especially true for closed pressure systems. In this case, the best option would be to insert into the heating without welding using special couplings;
  • Reduce system downtime during work execution. For this, it is necessary to provide in advance for the availability of all tools and materials;
  • Preservation of the heating parameters of the room, taking into account the new equipment for modernization. Efficiency should not decrease, the temperature regime should not change, unless this is planned in advance;
  • Safety. This is especially true when the heating element is inserted into the heating system.

To do this, it is recommended to first study the existing heating scheme in advance and develop a plan for its modernization or repair. For example, inserting an electric boiler into the heating system is carried out not only according to the manufacturer's recommendations, but also taking into account the optimal location of the equipment. Consider the common types of work that you can do yourself.

Pump connection to the heating system

Installation diagram of the pump in the heating system
Installation diagram of the pump in the heating system

This device is designed to improve the circulation of the coolant in the system. For private houses, the pump is most often inserted into the heating if the speed of water movement in the pipes is unsatisfactory. It is noteworthy that such a need may arise not only for closed, but also for open systems.

First you need to decide on the installation site. If you carefully read the operating instructions for any model, you cannot see the clear recommendations of the manufacturer. The main question is: where is the pump insert into the heating system - before or after the boiler? The optimum operating temperature of this device is usually 110 degrees, which makes it possible to install it immediately after the boiler. However, the following factors must be taken into account, which directly affect the efficiency of the pump:

  • It should be located at the lowest point in the system;
  • Temperature fluctuations of the coolant are minimal;
  • It is recommended to choose the installation site as straight as possible.

Based on these conditions, the heating pump is inserted into the old system directly in front of the boiler. This ensures not only uniform water supply to the boiler heat exchanger, but also increases the pump's maintenance-free service life.

Before starting work, it is necessary to lower the heating agent heating level to a minimum. The difference in the tie-in technology lies only in the material for the manufacture of pipes.

Installing the pump in a steel pipeline

Possible options for the manufacture of a circuit with a pump
Possible options for the manufacture of a circuit with a pump

Installation of the pump is not recommended in the pipeline. Parallel editing is best. To do this, it is necessary to make a b-shaped structure of pipes, the middle part of which will be occupied by a pump.

The diameter of the line must correspond to the parameters of the main one. Shut-off valves must be installed to shut off the coolant. Correct connection of the circulation pump to the heating system can be carried out without a welding machine. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Shut off the movement of the coolant at the installation site. If no shut-off valves are installed in the system, in most cases it will be necessary to completely drain the water from the pipes;
  • Make two mounting holes in the return pipe. When inserting the pump into the heating system, the dimensions should be carefully checked;
  • Install transition couplings;
  • Connect the already assembled circuit with the pump.

It is recommended to include a check valve in the package of the latter. Thus, the connection of any pump to the heating system will not affect the direction of movement of the liquid in the pipes.

Installing the pump in plastic pipes

Saddle for tapping into plastic pipes
Saddle for tapping into plastic pipes

For polymer pipes, the task is simplified. This is due to the fact that the pump insertion scheme into the heating system can be carried out using a special coupling with a cutter. Even if there are no shut-off valves at the work site, it is not necessary to drain the water from the pipe.

Having made markings on the section of the highway, special valves are installed for tapping under pressure. Then it is necessary to connect the circuit with the pump according to the connection diagram in the heating system. With the help of a cutter, holes are made in the main line. They are designed to tie the pump into the heating system. A safety clutch prevents fluid from flowing out of the circuit. But a small amount will still seep out. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare dry rags in advance. After the completion of the tie-in into the heating system, the tightness of the joints is checked, then the boiler can be started.

During installation, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Correct position of the pump in relation to the direction of movement of the liquid in the pipes. There are corresponding pointers on the body of the device;
  • The circulation pump must not be installed upside-down or at an incorrect angle.
Correct and incorrect position of the pump
Correct and incorrect position of the pump

The disadvantage of the saddle is its relatively high cost - from 5000 rubles for a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. Therefore, an insert of the circulation pump into the heating system can be done using a homemade adapter. To do this, you need a conventional female coupling and a ball valve. Having assembled this structure, the coupling is installed on the heating return pipe. Opening the tap with an electric drill, holes are made in the line. Then it is important to quickly close the shut-off valves to prevent the coolant from spilling out. Using this technology, it is possible to carry out a tie-in into heating without welding for any type of pipes.

Insert of an electric boiler into the heating system

Diagram of inserting an electric boiler into the heating system
Diagram of inserting an electric boiler into the heating system

Before inserting an electric boiler into the heating system, you must read the installation instructions. Often, the scheme does not differ from the standard ones - the only exceptions are ion boilers, which are characterized by a small size.

It should be noted right away that illegal insertion of any boilers into the central heating system is prohibited. This cannot be done even with an inappropriate level of water heating in the pipes. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a decrease in the efficiency of the system and failure of the boiler.To achieve the appropriate temperature mode of heating operation is possible only in the management company.

When inserting an electric boiler into an autonomous heating system, a piping should be made. It should consist of the following components:

  • Pump. If it is already in the boiler, installation is not necessary;
  • Control valve and balancing valve;
  • Shut-off valves for the outlet and return pipes;
  • Manometer and thermometer.

A new connection to the pipe of the existing heating should be carried out only after the main boiler has stopped. Otherwise, it may damage it.

If an electric boiler is installed as an additional source of water heating, you must first correctly calculate its power. The operation of the device should optimize the temperature regime without disturbing it.

Installation of additional heating elements

Heating elements for insertion into heating radiators
Heating elements for insertion into heating radiators

Often, the temperature in the radiators remote from the boiler does not correspond to the optimal one. This may be due to an incorrectly designed system or an inappropriate operating temperature. To stabilize the parameters, you can make a tie-in into the existing internal networks of heating pipelines. Electric heating elements are most often used as an additional heating element.

Only models specially designed for this should be used. They are mounted directly into the radiator, since installation in pipes will affect their throughput capacity. When inserting a heating element into the heating system, you need to take into account the following parameters of the radiator:

  • Battery model... Installation of the heating element is possible only in sectional radiators. It is made in the mounting hole of the heating device;
  • Radius and screw connection... When inserting a heating element into heating, not only its length is taken into account, but also installation parameters;
  • Power... The parameters of the main source of water heating in the pipes are taken into account.

It is recommended to select models with a control thermostat. This will make it possible to set an individual heating mode for each radiator separately.

The manufacture and installation of homemade heating electrical elements is unsafe for the life and health of those living in the house. Only certified factory products should be used.

Tie in the central heating system

Example of a tie-in in central heating
Example of a tie-in in central heating

In apartment buildings with central heating, the installation of new polymer pipelines is associated with one difficult task - inserting a metal heating pipe into a heating pipe. If you choose the wrong materials and installation technology, there is a high probability of depressurization of the joints.

The problem is associated with rapid rusting of pipes due to the possible enrichment of water with oxygen. Therefore, it is not recommended to use XLPE pipes without a special protective sheath.

The technique of tapping into a heating pipe is as follows:

  • Turn off the water supply... This must be agreed with the management company by submitting to them all the necessary documentation for changing the parameters of central heating in the apartment;
  • Mounting the adapter block... It usually includes a filter element, a check valve and a counter;
  • Checking the tightness of the joints... Launching water into the heating circuit.

When inserting into the existing internal networks of heating pipelines, it is necessary to check the throughput of the new section. It should correspond to a similar parameter for the entire network. Otherwise, there will be an additional hydraulic load.

Often, such work cannot be done as a tie-in to the heating without welding. The problem may arise when coordinating the installation scheme with the engineering department of the management company. Experts recommend replacing the riser pipes with plastic ones or weld a metal pipe.

As mentioned above, the connection of an additional pump is prohibited for central heating.If found, the owner of the premises may be fined with the obligatory restoration of the previous system parameters.

It must be remembered that any insert into the heating system, regardless of what it will be: pipes, pumps, heating elements, will change the parameters of the entire circuit. Therefore, it is important to first perform a preliminary calculation of the power and select the optimal temperature mode for heating operation. And only after that, you can choose a scheme for installing new equipment or replacing the old one.

The video shows an example of using a saddle for emergency connection of a crane:

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