Even the most modern heating system is not protected from the appearance of extraneous noise during its operation. There can be several reasons for this, ranging from improper installation to operating conditions. How to diagnose and eliminate noise in heating systems: batteries, radiators, pumps, pipes? To do this, you must first understand the factors causing this phenomenon.
Types of noise and its diagnostics
If water is noisy in the heating pipes during the operation of the heat supply, then there are certain reasons for the occurrence of this effect. First you need to identify them, and then proceed to reduce the noise or completely eliminate it.
Why does the water in the heating pipes make noise and how to correct this deficiency? Let's deal with the main types of extraneous sounds. It is they who indicate the objective factors in the occurrence of the unwanted effect:
- Crackling pipes. Occurs when the heating system is turned on;
- Clicks that appear at regular intervals;
- Constant hum in highways;
- A barely audible knock.
All these side effects - noise in the heating battery or radiators significantly reduce the comfort of living in the house. In addition, they may indicate that the heating supply is not working properly. If you do not take action to remedy the situation in time, some heating element may fail.
If the heating pump or other component of the system makes noise, you should first try to localize the cause of the extraneous sounds. To do this, it is recommended to use the following technique:
- Trace the frequency of occurrence of the effect.
- Try to identify the relationship - an increase in temperature in pipes, pressure surges, etc.
- Make sure that the noise in the heating boiler comes from it, and not from other objects in the boiler room.
If it has been identified that the source is a component of the heating system, certain actions should be taken to eliminate this phenomenon.
Often, noise in the heating riser appears due to faulty elements of the safety group - an air vent and a drain valve. Therefore, it is recommended to first check their functionality.
Noise in heating radiators
To identify why heating radiators make noise, you must first check their condition. Often the reason for this is their breakdown - damage to the case or other obvious design defect. In this case, a battery replacement or restoration work is performed.
If everything is normal with the appearance and integrity, the type of noise is determined. More often the effect occurs in the form of clicks or constant hum. This can be explained by several factors:
- The appearance of a small airlock... It only slightly hinders the movement of hot water, but at the same time there is a hum in the system;
- A large number of foreign elements in the heating device... This is a common reason why radiators make noise;
- Malfunctions of the thermostat... The check stem has shifted resulting in unwanted noise defects;
- Incorrect battery installation... Vibration during the flow of the heating medium is transmitted to the mounting units in the wall.
These are the main causes of noise in radiators. After correct diagnosis, you can start to work to reduce the sound effects.
In a centralized heating system, only a management company can fix a noisy riser. To do this, you must draw up a statement and hand it over to representatives.
The elimination of the airlock can be done using the installed Mayevsky crane. It is designed specifically for this purpose.
With the noise of the heating batteries, the autonomous heat supply should be stopped so that the water temperature drops to + 25-30 ° C. Then you should do the following:
- Open Mayevsky's tap.
- Gradually fill the heating system with water.
- Wait until coolant flows from the tap pipe. It should be weaved for 1.5-2 minutes so that the air lock is completely removed.
Then the system is fully started up and checked to see if the noise has appeared in the heating radiators again. If the cause was established correctly, this effect will no longer occur.
To eliminate noise in the radiator due to a large amount of debris, the condition of the strainer is first checked. The presence of foreign elements in it (the remains of rusting pipes and radiators, limescale) indicates a clogged system.
Having found out the cause of the noise in the radiators, the system should be cleaned. There are several ways to do this:
- Hydrodynamic... Garbage and limescale are removed from the mains and batteries under the action of a strong pressure of water;
- Chemical... Special reagents decompose the clog into small fractions, which are then flushed out of the heating system.
In this way, noise can be eliminated.
Before choosing a cleaning technology, in particular a chemical one, it is necessary to read the instructions for using the composition or method. In some cases, they can adversely affect the integrity of system components.
It is easiest to diagnose the appearance of noise in heating radiators due to improper installation. Its source is the fasteners installed in the walls. In this case, it is necessary to replace them and re-install them.
The noise in heating radiators can be caused not only by the problem in them. In some cases, the reason is the malfunctioning of other system components - boilers or pumps. Experts recommend a comprehensive approach to solving the issue of noise in heating radiators. Only a complete diagnosis will help determine the true cause.
Noise in heating pipes
How to determine why heating pipes make noise and what caused this phenomenon? The first step in identifying causes is to follow the methodology described above. So, a constant hum may indicate incorrect operation of the circulation pump.
The noise of water in heating pipes can be caused by a number of factors. Often they are complex in nature - as if adjusting to each other, they create a complex kind of sound effects. Let's deal with the cause of noise in heating pipes by the nature of the sound:
- Bubbles and clicks indicate blockages in pipes.... Reducing the bore diameter creates excessive pressure in a certain section of the system, which is the cause of noise;
- Cracking sound causes air valve breakage... After checking it and detecting a malfunction, replace it;
- Vibration caused by improper installation... Noise in the heating pipe occurs when the coolant passes - the line can hit the wall.
The easiest way to get rid of extraneous sounds is to flush the heating system. To do this, you can use the methods described above. Diagnosis of incorrect attachment is carried out by touching the line. If strong vibration is felt with simultaneous noise of water in the heating pipes, additional fasteners should be installed.
The water in the heating pipes can make noise due to improper operation of the mixing unit - a large temperature difference leads to the expansion of the metal lines and the appearance of extraneous noise.
Noise in heating pumps
Constant noise in the heating pump may appear due to partial breakdown of its components - the impeller or rotor. At the same time, the functioning of the entire system deteriorates, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of its work. To eliminate this cause, the pump should be repaired or a new one should be installed.
Also, constant noise in the circulation pump can be caused by its unstable operation. voltage drops lead to a loss of synchronization and, as a result, to an uneven movement of the coolant. This can cause noise in the heating system in other areas - in pipes and radiators. It is possible to check the operation of the pump only after a complete diagnosis. It is impossible to do it at home without special equipment.
In addition, noise effects in the riser or other areas of the heating supply may occur due to a pump malfunction for the following reasons:
- Incorrect installation... The rotor of the device must be strictly horizontal;
- Inconsistency of equipment power with calculated data... This leads to a significant increase in the rate of flow of the coolant through the mains. The only way out is to install a pump of the appropriate power.
In practice, it is extremely difficult to diagnose noise in a heating circulation pump. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle it and disassemble the structure. This can be done only with special skills and diagnostic tools. Therefore, it is best to entrust this work to professional repairmen.
For the correct calculation of the pump power, it is recommended to use special software systems.
Noise in heating boilers
Constant noises in a heating boiler arise for the same reasons as for pipes and radiators. Most often it is limescale deposits and clogging of the heat exchanger. But it all depends on the design of the equipment and the principle of its operation.
If the timely cleaning of the heat supply system has not yielded results, one should look for the reasons elsewhere. In practice, noise in the boiler may indicate that it is not working properly. Therefore, it is best to call specialists from the service center, who will eliminate the cause under warranty or at a reasonable fee.
If it is impossible to perform these actions, you can try to independently determine the cause of the noise in the boiler. It largely depends on the design and type of fuel used:
- Solid fuel models... Extraneous sounds can occur in the chimney. This is facilitated by its clogging and reduced draft. To eliminate it, you should clean the pipe and start the boiler at full power;
- Gas... Uneven burner operation. This is typical of older models without flame and CO2 control devices. It is best to install a new modulating burner;
- Diesel and waste oil... The characteristic whistling sound comes from the injector nozzle. This indicates an excessive amount of soot, which also prevents the complete heat transfer of the combusted fuel.
After identifying the causes, you should try to fix them at home. Cleaning is carried out only according to the method recommended by the manufacturer of the heating equipment. It is important to choose the right cleaning agents and technology for their use.
It should also be remembered that there may be several reasons for the appearance of extraneous probes in the heating system. Eliminating one - the problem will not be solved. Only comprehensive diagnostics will reduce the noise level in the heat supply of the house.
In the video, you can familiarize yourself with the technology for removing air congestions, which cause noise in heating:
The noise from the batteries was in our house, in all its entrances, for many winters. And it was only this year that we finally managed to sort out the situation. As it turned out, the fact is that our plumber from the HOA does not have very straight arms, and for all the many years he has been inaccurately making choke washers. I recommend everyone who is faced with a noise problem in the heating system to check the throttle - the hole must be carefully ground and even polished so that the flow passing through it does not break.
And we have a riddle. A two-storey house, a metal-plastic highway leads to the second floor to the comb. Carried out in the wall. When the heating is turned on, sounds resembling drops are periodically heard. It drips - and silence. Then it starts to drip again. We put down the bricks and started looking for where the water was. But there is no her. You close the highway - dripping disappears. Turn on - again drip-drip-drip. What the hell is this, how can a pipe drip without the slightest trace of a leak?
We blocked off with both taps, both the direct flow and the return flow. The dripping stopped. Now we decided to check, turn off only one of the taps. That is, the pressure will remain, but the flow will be shut off. If it continues to drip, it means that there is a hole that flows out somewhere. If not, the pressure has nothing to do with it. Bottom line: dripping has stopped. That is, the sound comes precisely because of the flow of water. But how, dog, looks like dripping ...
There is a geometric change in the dimensions of the pipe (fractions of a millimeter) and it is heard as if dripping. It is necessary to trace all contacts with the pipe, i.e. remove. Make attachments as directed. In the case of a long distance, perform compensation (arc, loop).