Flushing of cast-iron batteries is necessary to eliminate blockages and carry out preventive measures in order to maintain a normal temperature in the room in winter, to prevent damage to the product. The cleaning procedure is not particularly difficult; subject to certain conditions, it can be carried out independently at home without the involvement of specialists.
Why flush batteries
Cast iron radiators are characterized by a fairly long service life, but even correct installation and operation does not protect them from the gradual accumulation of various contaminants:
- rust;
- scale (calcium);
- organic suspension;
- residues of chemical reagents;
- other sediment.
As contamination builds up, the capacity of the system decreases, which negatively affects the efficiency of its operation. In such cases, an alternative to replacing old heat exchangers is to clean them from the inside.
Dirt 1 mm thick reduces the efficiency of the heating system by 15%. To avoid problems, it is recommended to prophylactically flush the radiators at least once a year before or after the heating season.
The outside of the batteries should be cleaned from dust and dirt on a weekly basis. This need is due not only to aesthetics and hygiene, but also to improve the heat transfer from the system.
Signs of blockages
The fact that the radiator is clogged can be determined by the following signs:
- tactile examination shows uneven heating of the battery;
- neighbors have a higher temperature in the apartment;
- warming up the heating system longer than in previous periods;
- the temperature in the heating risers and outlet pipes significantly exceeds the indicators in the heat exchanger;
- the presence of extraneous sounds in the heating system.
In a private house, there is an increase in energy resources for heating with a decrease in heat transfer.
If you do not rinse the cast-iron radiators, the temperature in the room will decrease every year with constant costs of maintaining it.
How to clean cast iron radiators
Batteries can be cleaned mechanically without the use of special tools. A simple tapping of each section leads to the separation of the scale from the inner surface, then the debris is removed under pressure. The technique is questionable, rather harsh, and may damage the product.
A good result is achieved using chemical or complex methods using:
- alkalis;
- citric or acetic acid;
- milk whey;
- caustic soda;
- means for cleaning sewer pipes, for example "Mole";
- solution for washing car radiators.
The cleaning procedure is quite laborious, so it is better to use special solutions, the action of which is most effective.
The complex method consists in the combined use of a chemical agent and a mechanical method (tapping).
Preparatory work
It is advisable to flush the radiators outside. If this is not possible, before cleaning the cast-iron batteries inside, it is necessary to prepare the room in which the work will be carried out.You should remove the curtains, remove things and furniture to reduce the risk of their contamination, lay a rag on the floor, and hang the walls.
Directly cover the bathtub with a rag to prevent damage to the enamel layer, close the drain with a special mesh in order to avoid clogging with debris particles.
Next, the heating system is turned off and the coolant is drained. Individual heating involves turning off the heating unit and removing water from the system. There are several ways, depending on the type of boiler and the intended drainage options.
The interruption of the water supply to the radiator in apartment buildings is possible when the shut-off valves are closed. You should first get the advice of specialists from the housing office.
Dismantling the battery involves disconnecting it from the heating system, removing and draining the water present in it into a previously prepared container.
How is flushing done
Once disconnected, the battery is taken outdoors or placed in a bathtub or other container and filled with hot water. To do this, you can use a hose, shower, watering can, kettle or funnel. Both plugs must be open for free flow of dirty liquid. Periodically shake the radiator, pour out the contents and remove dirt with your hands, wire, brush. The actions are repeated until large pieces of dirt appear. Cast iron products are heavy, so helpers should be found.
Then the plugs are closed on the radiator, a cleaning agent diluted in water is poured into it for 1-2 hours.
It is necessary to thoroughly clean the battery from the cleaning agent with a strong pressure of water until there is no foam and a characteristic odor at the outlet. In case of poor-quality washing, part of the chemical solution remains inside the device, which leads to the destruction of the metal and leaks.
After the procedure, the radiator is installed in its original place.
The use of a pneumatic gun or other special devices designed to eliminate contamination is not excluded.
Safety rules cannot be neglected. All actions must be carried out with rubber gloves so that the chemical solution does not get on the skin.
Is it possible to clean the radiator without dismantling
You can flush the radiator without dismantling in a private house by cleaning the entire highway. It is necessary to shut off the steam line and run water along the heating circuit until a clean liquid appears at the outlet.
Washing batteries in an apartment building without dismantling them is possible only by agreement with the rest of the residents and is carried out by utilities using the hydropneumatic method. Air-saturated water is fed into the system. The impact of microbubbles on the inner surface of the radiators leads to the washing out of contaminants.
It is better to seek the help of professionals who will carry out all the necessary actions with high quality and faultlessness.
Instead of messing around with the battery removed, exhausting cubic meters of water for flushing, it is better to disassemble it into sections, at the same time replacing the gaskets.
What have you heaped up here? You put the rubber hose on the tap and the other end on the toilet. Also spoil the bath. It's simple.