Roof heating is important in areas that are characterized by sharp temperature changes. Due to a series of thaws and frosts, the roof and drainage system become icy, corks form in the drain funnels, and the cornices become overgrown with icicles. This is traumatic and leads to destruction and rapid wear of the roofing and drainage system.
Preventing the problem
To avoid trouble, you should install a heating system on the drainage nodes and around the perimeter of the roof. The device starts up automatically when outside from minus 10 to plus 6, and maintains the desired temperature, preventing the formation of ice. The installation of the system does not affect the aesthetics of the architecture. The installation is not visible from the ground.
Thanks to such equipment, the service life of the roof and gutter, suffering from temperature extremes, increases. Due to ice, they become brittle, fade, fasteners become unusable, which leads to leaks. Heating solves all these problems.
Deicers options
For heating the roof and gutters, three types of anti-icing systems are used: water, infrared and cable. Each has its own pros and cons.
Water installations
On the surface of the roof or under it, pipes are stretched into which hot water is launched. It is heated with a home gas or electric boiler. But there are also combined ones with electrical installations, when the liquid in the pipes is heated due to the built-in wire.
Advantages of "liquid" heating of the roof and gutters from snow is that when using a gas boiler, the cost of maintenance is less. It also allows the system to operate with the mains disconnected.
The water installation is stronger and more durable than the electrical options. But it is more difficult to mount it: water pipes are thicker and less flexible, so it is more difficult to bend them. In addition, when it is cold, the water cools down, and pipes can burst. The system must be started before icing occurs, otherwise the work will not be effective.
Cable systems
Heating of a roof based on a heating cable is still the most widespread. The kit includes a distribution network, a control unit and heating elements, fasteners.
Due to the control unit, temperature relays, emergency shutdown toggle switch, as well as sensors that measure the level of precipitation and temperature indicators on the street are monitored. When the situation becomes critical, the unit automatically starts heating.
It is carried out due to a special cable that is fixed on the roof, gutters and pipe, cornice. Due to its flexibility, the heating wire can be positioned in the most difficult-to-reach places, for example, to heat the valley roof or to prevent the formation of ice on the eaves of the balcony.
Benefits of cable installation:
- work out of necessity, not constantly;
- increased protection against damage;
- long service life.
It is not easy to lay a cable with your own hands, it is better to contact a professional. In addition, electricity bills increase, and in the event of a power outage, the installation will not work.
Infrared varieties
They have not yet gained popularity on the territory of the Russian Federation, but in fact this is the most convenient option to heat the roof. The principle of operation is that electricity is transformed into infrared radiation, which naturally melts ice and snow. Heating takes place thanks to special elements made of carbon fibers, which are connected by silver-copper plates. They are located between protective layers that prevent heat loss and moisture penetration into the system.
The advantages of an infrared heating system for drainage and roofing include:
- maximum efficiency;
- uniformity of heat transfer;
- ease of installation;
- ease of temperature control;
- energy savings;
- long service life.
The infrared heating circuit can be installed in difficult places, except for downpipes. The system is installed under the roof surface.
Cable selection and power calculation
The heating wire is produced in two types. It can be resistive and self-regulating. The first type is more attractive in price and easier to install. It has a fixed linear power - heat transfer per "square" of the roof covering, so it is easier to calculate the required amount and power indicator for the entire area. For anti-icing systems, wires are used that are connected to a regular 220 volt network. Suitable power is 20W / m.
To calculate the total power indicator, you must:
- measure the lengths of all grooves and summarize the data;
- double this number, getting the length of the wire, which will be located along the perimeter of the roof;
- add to this number the total length of the drainpipes;
- multiply the sums by 25.
This will be the power rating for the cable system in watts. If the cable will run somewhere else, these segments should also be taken into account when calculating.
De-icing systems use resistive wires with one or two conductors. The first option is cheaper, but not very functional. The current flows only along one "string" of metal, which leads to the need to connect the cable at both ends. They should be reduced to a control block, which is not always convenient. It is impossible to divide the wire into segments. The two-core version, due to a pair of metal wires inside the shell, can actually be connected to the block at one end. The second, remaining on the roof, is closed with a sealed sleeve. Such a heating element is more expensive, but its installation is much easier, especially if the roof is of a complex configuration.
The heating conductors of the resistive cable are protected by insulation, on top of it there is a copper braid wrapped in a special sheath. This multi-layer construction saves from overheating and freezing, moisture, damage. For rigid roofing building materials: corrugated board, slate, shingles, veins in any shell can be used. Heating of a soft roof is carried out with a cable with a fluoropolymer braid.
When installing a resistive cable, it must be borne in mind that it cannot be strongly bent, otherwise the vein inside will break. The distance between the turns should be 40-60 mm.
Self-regulating heating cable is better than resistive heating cable. It is more sensitive to temperature extremes, capable of regulating heat transfer. In the shade, it will bask more than under the sun's rays, in hot weather - less than in cold weather. This ensures high-quality ice prevention and savings - electricity does not go into the void.
Inside such a wire there are copper cores, a matrix that regulates heat transfer, a protective sheath and a braid, and on top all this is covered with another common sheath. However, there are difficulties with calculating the power, so the design and installation should be entrusted to a specialist.
Installation features
If the drainage system is not installed, the cable is mounted as follows:
- On roofs with a low slope, installation is carried out using a special recess in the center.
- With a steep roof slope, the system is laid in the direction from the center to the edges. Small holes are made near each corner for the outlet of precipitation and cable loops.
In the presence of drainage elements, self-regulating cables are used. The wire is installed in several rows at the bottom of the pipe for at least 2/3 of its length.
Choosing the right anti-icing system and installing it correctly will help to ensure that you will not suffer from ice and icicles in winter, and your roof and gutter will last much longer.