During the renovation process, it is often necessary to repaint the old radiators of the heating system in the bathroom, kitchen or living room. The former coating often cracks, becomes cloudy, and traces of indelible dirt may appear on it. Processing allows you to give structures a new look, saving on replacement. The first step is to remove the previous coating. Before removing the old paint from the radiators, you need to prepare the surface and decide on the cleaning method. There are several methods, the choice is made taking into account the area, inaccessibility, budget and other factors.
Features of the work and the choice of paint
In the course of painting radiators, the old coating is removed, the surface is prepared and a new layer is applied. For processing, the following paints and varnishes are often used:
- Acrylic based. Such paints do not have a pungent odor, are easy to apply, and retain their brightness for a long time. To obtain the required shade, a pigment is added to the base.
- Alkyd paints. The finished coating is more durable, but it can turn yellow if the batteries are painted white or light.
- Based on heat-resistant varnish. Such paints are relatively inexpensive, resistant to strong temperature changes.
- Silicone compounds. They cover the radiators themselves and metal heating pipes.
Acrylic compounds withstand a maximum temperature of +80 degrees Celsius.
Tools and paint removers
Before removing the paint from the radiator, you need to purchase the following accessories:
- putty knife;
- wire brush;
- rags;
- latex gloves;
- protective glasses;
- respirator.
If you have to clean off the coating using chemicals, you will need to buy a solvent. You also need a primer, new paint.
Preparation for cleaning
Before you clean the battery of old paint, you need to carry out preparatory work. The heating is turned off, the radiators themselves are removed, they are allowed to cool: it is dangerous to process a hot product, especially if the coating has to be removed with the help of chemicals. Dirt is washed off the surface: it will interfere with effective cleaning.
It is especially important to treat hard-to-reach places where a large amount of dust accumulates. The floor in the room must be covered with a film so that the remnants of the old coating or new paint and varnish composition do not stain the surfaces.
Ways to remove old paint
There are three main methods for removing the old coat of paints and varnishes from the radiator.
The most time consuming solution is manual cleaning, which takes more time and effort. Most often, this method is used to process cast iron batteries. To remove old paint, use an electric drill with a rigid nozzle or a sander. The surface is cleaned with an electric tool, then small areas are processed manually. To do this, use sandpaper with a coarse-grained structure, a spatula or a metal sponge.
Also, the mechanical method is used to remove paint in hard-to-reach places, for example, inside the radiator itself.To do this, take a wooden rail, wrap it with sandpaper. The finished product passes between the ribs of the battery, allowing narrow spaces to be processed. You can clean the structure with a spatula, it makes it possible to remove traces of paint in the joints and corner parts.
To remove in this way, you will need the following tools:
- construction hair dryer;
- fine mesh metal mesh;
- set of spatulas;
- sponge or rag.
During thermal cleaning, a basic condition must be met: dismantle the battery and carry out processing outdoors. But if the pipes are stationary or the owner does not have the opportunity to remove the radiator, you can get by with protecting the walls with thick sheets of cardboard.
The process of removing old paint by the thermal method includes the following steps:
- The old coating is heated. If there is no hair dryer, use a soldering iron. When the paint begins to peel off, you can continue processing.
- The exfoliated substance is removed with a spatula. It is necessary to clean the battery while it is hot, as the composition hardens as it cools.
- The heating of the radiator is done in parts, first, large surfaces are treated, then small and hard-to-reach areas.
- As it cools, the product is prepared for re-painting. To do this, the surfaces are wiped from the remnants of the substance with a rag, then cleaned, degreased, covered with a primer.
- Fresh paint is applied. As it dries completely, the structure is mounted back.
Thermal cleaning is more efficient and safer, but not everyone has the equipment. To save money, it makes sense to rent it, not buy it.
This is the fastest option, but the process requires strict adherence to security measures. Before cleaning the product using chemistry, a set of preparatory steps should be carried out:
- washing, drying the battery;
- airing the room;
- purchase of a respirator, glasses and gloves.
The solvents used during the treatment are harsh chemical reagents, they can severely harm the skin and mucous membranes if they come into contact with them.
To remove the old paint and varnish layer chemically, you need to do the following:
- The solvent is poured into the prepared container. Requires 50-100 ml of the substance.
- With a construction brush, the liquid is applied to the heating radiator. The inner surface should be oiled with particular care. Small brushes with curved handles are used to treat hard-to-reach areas.
- It takes some time for the coating to soften. Readiness is indicated by the appearance of flakes and flaking of the paint.
- The radiator is cleaned with a spatula with an average size of the working element. The inner parts and ribs are cleaned with a narrow spatula.
- Finish cleaning with a metal bristle brush or sponge.
The surface is treated with a primer. This improves adhesion and prepares the product for a new paint application.
Basic security measures
During processing, it is important to comply with the following requirements:
- use protective clothing and equipment, it is especially important to use it when processing with chemicals that can cause allergies, burns, damage to mucous membranes and skin;
- chemical and thermal treatment is required to be carried out in the open air or to provide high-quality ventilation of the room, preferably the use of a forced ventilation scheme;
- protect pieces of furniture, interior, appliances and electronics from paint, solvents, and other hazardous substances;
- keep children and pets safe during battery handling.
Removing paint from heating radiators is a relatively simple procedure, which you can handle on your own.The simplest is the mechanical method, but it is more laborious and time-consuming. The chemical method is more dangerous, but provides the fastest possible removal of the substance, and the thermal option is good for processing a large number of batteries.