Operation and advantages of Rifar radiators for home heating

Rifar radiators are bimetallic models that have a special design and technical characteristics. Due to their operational properties, the products are highly popular with buyers.

Manufacturer information Rifar

Radiator Rifar

Rifar has been selling its products in the Orenburg region since 2002. The domestic brand produces aluminum and bimetallic batteries, divided into sections. The radiators are specially designed for use in the Russian climate. They can be installed for heating houses, apartments, cottages and non-residential buildings.

Despite the already existing success, the company continues to develop in the field of improving radiator performance. Not only the achievements of foreign colleagues are taken into account, but also the conditions created by the Russian climate, under which it is necessary to modernize the innovations available on the market.

Pros and cons of radiators

The cost of Rifar radiators is lower than that of foreign counterparts

Rifar batteries are available in stores around the world and are an example of quality heating systems. Rifar bimetallic radiators have the following advantages:

  • The maximum water temperature can be 135 degrees.
  • Possibility of temperature control. The heating intensity is selected by the radiator owner.
  • Versatility. Batteries can be used to create centralized and autonomous systems. The average operating pressure is at around 20 atm. During tests, the pressure is increased to 30 atm.
  • Cost. Due to the fact that Rifar is a domestic product, its price is lower than that of imported competitors, although in terms of quality it is not inferior to analogs assembled in other countries.
  • Outer monolithic layer. The paint is applied using a special technology that prevents chipping and damage to the radiator.
  • Inside, the radiators are covered with a special layer, which is necessary to protect the structure from the effects of water and chemical elements contained in it.
  • The heat dissipation of one section can reach 200 W.
  • The official warranty period for all Rifar products is 10 years.
  • The ability to add sections. If the generated heat is not enough, the owner of the radiator can buy additional modules installed to the battery.

Rifar bimetallic heating radiators have only one drawback - the cost. All batteries that use bimetal are distinguished by their high price. Although domestic products are cheaper, they still do not reach the level of cast-iron radiators. Smaller drawbacks include the weak thread, which is found on all copies of the Rifar.

Rifar Radiator Specifications

Radiator RIFAR BASE 350 7 sections

The characteristics of Rifar bimetallic heating batteries depend on the model range. Each of them has individual indicators calculated depending on the needs of the buyer. But all models are united by a liquid used as a heat carrier - water.

Rifar Base

The basic model is divided into 3 types: 200, 350, 500. The number indicates the distance between the axes, which directly affects the power and heat transfer parameter. Model 500 is installed in rooms with large areas or low heating levels. The less powerful 200 and 350 models, which offer better value for money, are designed for small spaces.

Rifar Monolit

Radiator RIFAR Monolit 500

The best-selling model that is capable of delivering the highest efficiency under the most extreme operating conditions. The maximum pressure is 100 atmospheres, and the temperature is 135 degrees. At the same time, the service life of batteries reaches that of cast iron - up to 50 years. Found the widest application in public institutions and private homes.

Rifar Alp

The shallow version (75 mm) is designed for rooms with wide window openings. According to the standards, the battery should occupy three-quarters of the width of the wall niche. The length is regulated by the number of sections: from 4 to 14 blocks.

How to choose batteries

The best option for an apartment is the Rifar Alp radiator

Rifar bimetal radiators should be selected based on the required power. An additional factor of regulation will be the ability to choose the number of sections. Therefore, the best option for an apartment is Rifar Alp.

If the installation is carried out in a private house, the Base series models are suitable, which are distinguished by their low cost. For more modern heating systems, Monolit is suitable, but remember that it is impossible to connect additional sections to such models.

The choice of the number of required sections depends on the area of ​​the room and the heat loss. It is best to determine the required power by specialists who work with heating systems. When determining the value yourself, you need to adhere to the plan:

  1. Multiply the power by the area of ​​the room by a factor of 1.1 if there are windows with a large area.
  2. Determine the thermal power of each section from the passport. You can find information on the manufacturer's website or in the attached documentation.

The total power of the radiators must not be less than the value obtained when multiplied by the area of ​​the room. In the Alp series, you can choose the exact number of sections required.

Features of installation and operation

Installation standards for heating radiators

Heating equipment must be installed in specially designated places. If you follow the recommendations, the battery will give maximum efficiency, heating the room without heat loss.

Most often, radiators are installed under the window. This allows you to get rid of the likelihood of condensation on the glass, and heat losses will be minimal. When installing Rifar bimetallic radiators, the following distances must be observed:

  • from the window sill to the top point of the battery - 15 cm;
  • from the wall - 5 cm;
  • from the floor - 15 cm.
Installing brackets for hanging radiators

Incorrect connection of the Rifar heating radiator will entail heat loss of up to 40%. Installation should be carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. Marks of places of future brackets.
  2. If the wall is made of brick or concrete, dowels must be installed. If drywall was used during construction, the radiator mount should be on both sides.
  3. Attaching brackets and installing batteries.
  4. Connection to the heating system by connecting pipes.
  5. Installation of a tap to shut off the water.
  6. Installation of the air valve.

The Rifar battery installation procedure can be carried out by both a specialist and a person without experience. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for installation:

  1. Before starting work, the water supply is shut off. It is necessary to check that there are no liquid residues in the pipes.
  2. Batteries may be sold assembled or disassembled. In the second case, for assembly, you must read the instructions.
  3. Check the package contents. All necessary fittings, taps and valves must be available.
  4. When the installation procedure is completed, water is let into the radiator, and the remaining air is vented using the installed air valve.
  5. The connection diagram can be side, bottom or diagonal. It must be observed when installing the radiator.
  6. Fittings must be connected using materials resistant to high temperatures.
  7. Screens should not be installed on top of radiators, as they will reduce the efficiency. In this case, heat loss can be up to 40%.

Installation of Rifar bimetallic batteries is possible by one person, since the structure is lightweight due to the material used.

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