Keeping the temperature in your home constant is critical. In the cold season, various types of heaters are used, including infrared models. To understand whether an IR heater is suitable for a particular house or apartment, you should consider its principle of operation, varieties, as well as all the positive and negative aspects.
Types of infrared heaters
The principle of operation of infrared, infrared and ultraviolet heaters is similar to exposure to solar radiation. Radiant heat heats a person, overcoming the air. This increases the efficiency of the product. Also, the walls of the room and the objects in it heat up, which then reflect the heat.
There are different types of infrared heaters according to the type of energy carrier. These include electric, gas and oil models. In everyday life, electric and gas heaters are usually used.
Electric heaters
Such models of infrared heaters can be divided into two groups - light and dark. Light waves are also called shortwave. They use glass tubes as a heating element, inside which a spiral is placed. They can heat up to 600 ° C and above, and also emit bright light. Heating is very intense in the direction in which the heating elements are facing. Dark (long-wave) heaters are heated to temperatures below 600 ° C. Available in the form of panels and films. The average operating temperature ranges from 300 ° to 400 ° C. They can be mounted on ceilings and walls. It can be connected for a long time, since such products do not overheat a person.
When voltage is applied to the heating part, the thermal energy is converted into electromagnetic waves. These waves shine in the infrared range. To prevent waves from spreading through the room, a special metal reflector is used.
They produce IR heaters with short (from 2 to 4 meters), medium (3-6 m) and long-range (from 6 m) action. This is influenced by the wavelength of infrared rays. Depending on the range, heating devices can be used both in apartments, cottages and summer cottages, and in industrial premises for heating workshops.
There are vertical and horizontal models. According to the installation method, floor products, wall and ceiling products are distinguished. They can work effectively indoors and outdoors. They are produced in the form of heating foils and panels.
Gas infrared heaters
Such devices are used less frequently. Their principle of operation is similar to electrical ones. The device generates radiant heat, which is generated by a heated ceramic plate. Heating is produced from a supply of natural gas and air, which are combined in a mixing chamber. It produces flameless combustion, which gives up its heat to the porous plate. The resulting infrared rays are emitted from the ceramic plate.
The advantages include device mobility. It works from a cylinder that can be placed next to or taken away from the device and supplied with gas through a long hose. The cylinder can be installed inside some heater designs.
Varieties of gas infrared heaters:
- Household. They are used in apartments, in summer cottages, in polycarbonate greenhouses.
- Hiking. For installation in a tent.
- On the counter for outdoor cafes and observation decks.
Despite their advantages, gas appliances are used less frequently. This is primarily due to the high risk of gas leaks. Water heaters and other types are practically not used.
Types of heaters by type of installation
In total, there are 3 ways to install infrared heaters: floor, wall and ceiling.
Floor standing models are used when device mobility is important. They are used for temporary heating of summer cottages and apartments. To ensure safety, many models are equipped with overheating protection blocks and various sensors that de-energize the system in the event of an emergency. The cost of the heaters is several thousand rubles.
Wall mounted heaters are considered an alternative to classic heating radiators. They can be used for additional heating or to create a primary heating system. Have a stylish look. In stores, you can buy models with exclusive finishes.
Ceiling units are suitable for heating rooms with high ceilings (sales areas, offices, residential buildings). They are actively installed in children's rooms. Outwardly they look like ordinary fluorescent lamps and do not spoil the interior. Most often they are installed for additional heating. They are inexpensive, but investments in high-quality and reliable installation may be required.
Types of heating elements
Regardless of the place of installation, one of four types of the main part can work in infrared heaters. Heating elements can be used halogen, carbon, ceramic tubular.
Halogen heaters have a tungsten filament. Emitting visible light of golden color. This is the cheapest and most harmful heater option.
Carbon models are a quartz heater with a filament made of high temperature carbon. It heats up quickly and gives light. The disadvantage is high energy consumption. They have the highest efficiency. The radiation spectrum is safe for humans. Not suitable for continuous continuous operation.
Ceramic devices have a special ceramic shell that blocks visible radiation. They have good durability and economy. Moisture resistant. The disadvantage is that they heat up for a long time and cool down after turning off. They are used in floor and wall models.
Tubular infrared heaters with heating elements are considered the best for long-term use. They do not emit harmful waves and substances. Minus - small sound when turned on and off.
Advantages and disadvantages
Infrared heaters have their positive features, thanks to which they are actively used for heating.
- Low cost.
- Simplicity of design. The simplest is infrared heating film.
- Ease of connection.
- Direct heating. Radiation acts directly on people and objects, bypassing the air.
- The heating rate of the infrared emitter. The heat is released immediately after the coil heats up, which takes about 30 seconds.
- Profitability. Since it takes a little time to heat up, and all the energy is spent on supplying heat to a person, little power is required for work. The average power is 500W as opposed to an oil heater with a load of 1500-2000W.
- No convection currents. The rays propagate to a certain place along a given vector and do not depend on the height of the location.
- Silent operation of infrared panels. Since there are no fans or coolers in the device, there is no noise from a working heater.
- Local heating in a certain part of the room.
- Possibility of installing an electric street heater in an open area.
- Duration of work. The absence of moving parts means that there is nothing to break in the heater. This also leads to ease of maintenance.
- Environmental friendliness. The device does not emit harmful substances and does not produce by-products. There are no harmful materials in the composition.
- Various installation schemes.
- Connection of different thermostats, sensors and regulators for safety.
Due to its high mobility and unpretentiousness, the heater can be installed in different conditions without buying other models instead.
The disadvantages include the following factors:
- The temperature drops quickly when disconnected from the network.
- Uneven heating.
- Negative effect with prolonged use. Problems may appear if a person is constantly under the switched on device. The harm is the same as from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
- Danger to children and animals. If you touch the spiral heating elements or the bulb, there is a risk of burns. To warm up a room with children, it is better to choose ceiling models.
- Bright light.
- High risk of fire for high temperature models.
After exploring all the pros and cons of infrared heaters, you can make a choice.
Selection Tips
When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:
- Power. It should be calculated in advance. 10 sq.m. requires 1.2 kW of electricity.
- Design features. These include the installation method and type of heating element.
- The presence of additional factors - a thermostat for an infrared heater, maintaining a constant temperature, the presence of different sensors, the ability to use a remote control.
- Appearance. The case must be strong, without scratches or dents, all parts must be securely fastened. The device must be accompanied by a passport and warranty card.
The user should select a model based on the following algorithm:
- Decide for what purpose the heater is being purchased.
- Choose an installation location.
- Calculate the power for the area of the room.
- Consider the cost of the product.
- Select a device for all the necessary requirements.
You need to buy an infrared heater in a professional store from well-known manufacturers. You should not take cheap models, as they may not correspond to the declared characteristics and will warm the room poorly.
Popular manufacturers include Mister Heat, Ballu, Eberle 3563, as well as Russian Almak, Resanta and Pion. The Mister Hit IK-2.8 model is often installed.