An electric boiler for heating large rooms is used when the area is not connected to a gas pipe. In this case, there are two options: solid fuel, for which you need to procure raw materials or an electrician. Solid fuel units are less economical and require constant attention. Compared to electric ones, they are less profitable. An electric boiler can be used as an additional source of heat in winter, since the gas consumption by all residents is sometimes so high that it is impossible to achieve the required power and the room cools down.
- Advantages of electric boilers
- Boiler models
- Induction
- Electrode
- Using heating elements
- Specifications
- Unit power
- Efficiency of electric boilers
- Number of contours
- Connection method
- Materials (edit)
- Automation type
- Equipment
- Installation and connection
- Energy savings
- Choosing a boiler for different purposes
- Electric boiler for a bath
- Electric boiler for a private house
- Popular manufacturers of electric boilers
Advantages of electric boilers
In comparison with gas or other types of heating boilers, electric boilers have advantages:
- Quiet operation as the heating elements turn on imperceptibly.
- Can be left unattended, just like gas. The boiler can turn itself off on its own only in the event of a power outage. The equipment is fully automated.
- Low cost of equipment, as well as installation and maintenance.
- Fewer installation problems, as the electric boiler does not require installation documents.
- The small size of the unit, but at the same time, the power develops high.
- Environmentally friendly - no chimneys or residues to be drained or disposed of. Can be connected in any room.
In regions where the cost of electricity is high, it is unprofitable to install electrical equipment for heating a private house. Gas in this case will be cheaper for utility bills.
Boiler models
To choose a suitable electric boiler for heating a private house, you need to know what characteristics they differ in, as well as what goal the buyer is pursuing: he is going to completely switch to electric heating or install the equipment as a backup option.
By what parameters are electric boilers distinguished:
- power;
- design features;
- sizes;
- the form;
- the cost of products;
- manufacturer - domestic or foreign.
By the type of heating element, induction, heating elements and electrode electric boilers are distinguished.
Advantages of induction electric boiler for heating:
- high protection against scale;
- high efficiency - about 98%;
- efficiency - with low electricity consumption, the boiler generates a lot of heat;
- fire safety;
- resistance to temperature extremes.
There are no quickly wearing mechanisms in the design of the unit, so they can work up to 30 years. Various liquids are used as a heat carrier - distilled water, oil, refined petroleum products.
The disadvantage of electric boilers is their high weight and high cost.The smallest boiler can weigh over 20 kg.
The principle of operation of ion boilers is the potential difference across the electrodes, which are located in the heat exchanger. A special liquid is used, with the addition of electrolytes, so that it increases the potential and heats up faster. A small ionization chamber is used to heat the water.
The advantage of the electrode boiler is its high power with low power consumption, for example, in comparison with heating elements, by 2 times. The equipment heats up quickly, which allows you to reach the desired temperature in a large room in half an hour.
The equipment is not sensitive to voltage surges, therefore it does not turn off. In the event of a coolant leak, the boiler turns off, since the current potential on the electrodes decreases. Otherwise, there is nothing to break in these models, so the boilers serve for a long time.
There is only one drawback: you need to buy a special liquid, since the boiler will not work with ordinary water.
Using heating elements
The advantage of the heating element is the minimum risk of a short circuit, and a thermostat protects it from overheating, which turns off the equipment.
The disadvantage of tenovye boilers is the formation of scale. In order to prolong the life of the boiler and reduce the risk of breakdown, it is recommended to use distilled water for filling.
The technical characteristics of an electrical device include power, number of circuits, efficiency, connection method, material for manufacturing parts and housing, as well as the type of automation and dimensions of the device.
Unit power
There is no exact formula to calculate how much electricity is consumed when the boiler is operating. Here you need to understand that electrical equipment consumes as much energy as it leaves the room during the cold season.
It is profitable to buy the equipment that has a representative office in the region in order to carry out high-quality repairs if necessary. Domestic electric boilers are made with high quality and are cheaper, but in a certain region there may not be a master familiar with the design of the models.
On boilers, the type of power regulation may differ - smooth or step. If the unit has additional heating capacity, the type of regulation will be stepwise. Usually the main element provides half of the total power, the other two - 25% each. If necessary, you can disable additional elements.
Efficiency of electric boilers
It is useless to choose an electric boiler for efficiency, since all models have a high rate - from 96 to 98%. Energy conversion, not its generation, is the principle of all heating equipment of this type.
Number of contours
Connection method
You can choose a single-phase or three-phase boiler - 220 and 380V, respectively. Depends on what type of electrical wiring is available in the house. The power of a single-phase unit will be less, more than a three-phase one.
Materials (edit)
It is important for the service life of what materials the internal parts and the body are made of. The metal frame is capable of withstanding shock loading, so it is more profitable to buy it. Basically, all manufacturers produce boilers in a metal case.
Automation type
When the temperature drops to a certain level, the equipment turns on again without human intervention. If you set the lower and upper temperature thresholds in the minimum range, the boiler will turn on and off more often. This affects the period of its operation in the case of a heating element boiler.
There is a basic complete set of electric boilers and additional options. The second option is more expensive, but it may turn out that the subsequent installation of options will lead to an increase in the cost of the device several times, including the work of the wizard. Additional options include:
- drainage of water in automatic mode if the equipment is not used at low temperatures;
- control of pressure in the system;
- centrifugal pump to enhance fluid circulation through pipes;
- filter for water purification;
- remote sensor for temperature control in distant rooms.
Sometimes it is necessary to use an expansion tank, so it is bought separately, since it is not included in the basic package of the device.
Installation and connection
There are no special rules for installing an electric boiler, but there are general points that must be followed:
- It is better to put the device in a separate room, where the younger family members cannot reach.
- Route the power cable so that no water gets on it. For this, plastic or metal boxes are used. For the same reason, the cable should not be laid under water pipes.
- The pipes are fixed to the wall so that their weight does not damage the body and parts of the boiler.
- The wire cross-section must correspond to the current strength, and the unit body must be connected to an earthing device.
To begin with, the body is attached to the wall with special canopies. The height above the floor level for the heating element boiler is at least 1.5 m. Other models can be installed lower. Usually, at the bottom of the boiler there is an inlet for cold or cooled liquid, and at the top, an outlet with hot water. The pipes are connected to the branch pipes using American taps.
An expansion tank and a sump for collecting debris or pieces of scale are mounted to the return flow line. There should be a faucet nearby to clean the sump.
For induction boilers, the installation is more complicated, since it is required to cut a circulation pump into the line, as well as a safety group: a pressure gauge, a safety valve and a device for bleeding air from the system. A mud collector and an expansion tank are also installed on the return line.
Particular attention is paid to the selection of the cable cross-section and the installation of the control unit for emergency shutdown of the device. The work is carried out according to the scheme specified in the technical passport of the boiler.
Energy savings
The operation of an electric boiler will consume energy, which must be paid for and the prices for which are constantly increasing. In order not to throw away finances, it is recommended to carry out work to reduce heat loss that can occur through cracks in wooden windows, single-glazed windows in metal-plastic structures, an uninsulated ceiling or floors between floors, a roof that is not sealed with insulation, as well as the floor.
For insulation, you can use inexpensive materials - mineral wool, foamed polyethylene, polyurethane foam.
Choosing a boiler for different purposes
Electrical equipment for heating small spaces - garages, saunas, summer kitchens - can be quickly installed and connected. This is the advantage, since you do not need to go to the authorities and seek permission for a gas boiler.
Depending on the area of the room and the material of manufacture (wood, brick, sippanels), an electric boiler of the required power is selected, as well as the number of circuits and the method of connection suitable for other requirements.
Electric boiler for a bath
For a sauna built of wood and insulated with synthetic materials, a powerful boiler is not needed. It is enough to calculate according to the formula 1 kW / 10 square meters. If you need to quickly heat the room, choose an electrode or induction boiler. If the bathhouse is located next to the house, the heating element can be turned on in advance, since it takes longer to heat up.
Since utility rooms are rarely used, a domestic manufacturer's unit is quite suitable for a bath, on which you can save money.
Electric boiler for a private house
For a private house, saving on heating is inappropriate, since the device may fail at the most inopportune moment. It is known that foreign-made units have a longer service life than domestic ones, so they work without breakdowns, but with preventive maintenance and flushing the system every 2 years.
From the heating elements, you can choose the Evan boiler. From domestic - the Proterm Skat electric boiler, which can be connected to a single-phase network without additional modifications. The Evan electric boiler has a different modification with the ability to connect to a different electrical network.
Popular manufacturers of electric boilers
- Bosch - service life 15 years;
- Vaillant eloBlock - works without interruption for 10 years;
- Protherm - service life 10 years;
- Tenko Premium - 10 years;
- Leberg - 10 years old;
- Hi-Therm - 10 years old;
- Kospel is 15 years old.
The rating is based on a comprehensive analysis of the functions and equipment of devices. The ability to work in a cascade with other heating systems is also taken into account, as well as the possibility of connecting the "warm floor" function. In some models, the basic equipment does not provide for the presence of a circulation pump, an expansion tank and a safety group. These devices will have to be purchased separately, which will affect the final cost of the equipment.