Electrode heating boilers for a private house

An electrode heating boiler operates on the principle of water ionization under the influence of electricity, when heat is produced but there is no heating element. The efficiency increases, the period for reaching the set temperature decreases, and energy is saved. Autonomous heating works in conjunction with a system of pipes, radiators, operates with the use of pumps, valves. Competent selection and installation of equipment guarantees good heating at low cost.

The principle of operation and features of the electrode boiler

The electrode boiler is a safe device that does not go into dry running mode without a coolant

Resistance arises in the coolant when an electric current passes through it, due to the chaotic movement of electrons from the cathode to the anode, energy is released and the liquid is heated. Heating efficiency depends on the type of filler in the system and its properties. The coolant acts as a working element of the electric line, therefore there is no risk of the boiler switching to dry running. If liquid flows out of the heating system, the circuit is opened and the unit stops working.

The installation is characterized by direct action, and no additional components are used. If scale appears on the cathode and anode elements, the power of the ion heating boiler is reduced, but the components that carry the current are not destroyed.

Types of electrode boilers

When choosing equipment, the cost and the possibility of installing automatic systems on boilers are taken into account. The area of ​​the house and the strength of the space heating equipment are taken into account.

Devices are classified according to:

  • power;
  • method of connection and power supply (three- or single-phase);
  • the number of connected circuits;
  • heat carrier distribution method.

Manufacturers define a 3-year warranty, but in fact the equipment lasts up to 10 years. Water is poured into the system, there is no need to purchase expensive antifreezes and special fluids. The body is made of high quality metal.

By the number of contours

Boilers differ in power, number of circuits and phases

The simplest to implement is the single-loop system. Water from the boiler is supplied to the heating main, moves to the radiators, where it gives off energy. The liquid passes through the registers and returns to the place of heating. The closed combination forms the heating main.

The single-circuit boiler supplies the heating medium for heating the house, and the double-circuit unit additionally supplies liquid for the hot water supply system. An electric electrode boiler operates from a three-phase or single-phase power line.

The circuits are connected to a distribution unit (manifold). The center of the electrode heating system is installed for the correct distribution of heat along the branches of the line.

By the number of phases

Three-phase units operate from a 380 V power supply and are produced with a capacity of over 9 kW. The electrodes are composed of plates, rings or cylinders and effectively interact with a heat transfer medium of low thermal conductivity. The amount of power is inversely proportional to the resistivity of the fluid.

Three-phase devices consume an optimal amount of energy when heating water from + 75 ° C.At low temperatures, thermal conductivity decreases and electricity consumption decreases, the opposite situation occurs when high heating rates are set.

Single-phase electrode electric boilers for heating are less powerful (2 - 6 kW) and are intended for small houses (40 - 120 m2). The type of power supply (single-phase or three-phase) is determined in the distribution board. If 3 wires go to the house, the first option is carried out, the presence of 4 - 5 wires indicates the second type of consumption.

By power

The power is constantly changing and depends on the water temperature. Connecting and starting up the boiler in winter can lead to a lack of heating capacity. If cold water increases the thermal conductivity index to normal, after heating the line, the index will increase, an overload of the network and an accident will occur.

Electrode boiler for heating is produced with a capacity of 2 to 36 kW. In simple models, there is no electronic circuit for smooth or step regulation. Because of this, there are sudden voltage surges in the supply network when the unit is started and turned off. This is more noticeable when turning on boilers of significant power.

According to the principle of distribution of the coolant

In closed systems, an expansion tank must be installed

Energy-saving units are installed in open and closed lines, the latter type is used more often. In an open system, shut-off and control equipment is installed behind the expansion tank. The section of the circuit between the boiler and the expansion tank must not contain locking devices.

The closed system includes an expansion tank and a pump. The heating circuit is equipped with an air and safety valve, a pressure gauge, a safety group is located at the top of the line. In the heating system, boilers are placed strictly vertically and are additionally attached to the wall.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electrode heating technology allows instant heat transfer compared to heating elements.


  • the efficiency is close to 100%, the boiler is small in size and high in power;
  • there is no need to organize the removal of exhaust gases;
  • there is no risk of an accident due to insufficient or lack of water in the system;
  • voltage drops in the supply network do not harm the boiler elements.

Electrode heating places high demands on the coolant and works only from the network with the required performance. It is imperative that the chassis is grounded for safety reasons.

Basic requirements for the coolant

Distilled water must be used in the system

The electric current passes through the heat carrier in the boiler, which increases the risk of electric shock. Large leakage currents are present and therefore no residual current device is used with the unit. Over time, the phenomenon of electrolysis occurs in the coolant and the chemical composition changes. The process causes gases to evolve and air builds up in the system. The selection of the coolant for electrical conductivity is required.

Rainwater, filtered or distilled water can be used as a heat carrier. The operating currents are measured with a current clamp. An aqueous solution of soda or salt is added at low conductivity values, the procedure is repeated until the required indices are reached.

Efficiency of the electrode boiler

Sometimes old batteries are connected to the unit, which reduces efficiency. Bimetal and steel radiators are suitable for transferring heat from electrode assemblies. The efficiency of the system is reduced when using cast iron or aluminum batteries.

Wrong diameters of fittings and pipes cause waste of energy. The pump maintains a certain pressure, the wrong choice of pump in terms of power will lead to a decrease in performance. The boilers are electrical equipment and require appropriate technical characteristics of the supply wiring.

Installation nuances

The joints in the system must be pressure tested so that the antifreeze does not leak out under pressure

It is better to mount the boiler together with a new circuit made for it. A unit installed in an old heating system consumes more electricity.

During installation, the following subtleties are taken into account:

  • with the use of antifreeze, attention is paid to detachable parts and connections, since the fluidity of the coolant is higher than that of water;
  • outputs from the boiler at a distance of 1.2 m are made from a metal pipe without internal galvanizing, and then metal-plastic girders are installed;
  • grounding is done with a copper wire with a cross section of 4 - 6 mm with a resistance indicator of no more than 4 ohms.

In open systems, heating devices are installed with an inner polymer coating. In closed pipelines, such an inner layer is not needed, since corrosion occurs only when air is supplied.

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