Eliminating radiator leaks - what to use as a sealant

Radiator leakage due to leakage can be eliminated with a sealant. A special compound is also used during assembly or bulkhead sections. It is resistant to high temperatures of the coolant and provides high-quality tightness at the joints of all joints of the structure, elimination of open / latent leaks in all sections of the heating system.

Composition and principle of action

The sealant must be resistant to moisture, temperature extremes and mechanical stress

The radiator sealant has excellent performance characteristics that allow complete sealing without much difficulty. The composition includes:

  • acrylic polymers or oligomers - this is the base responsible for the liquid consistency and subsequent complete curing during the drying process, additional substances are added to speed up the process;
  • stabilizers-inhibitors increase the resistance of the composition to chemical environments;
  • functional additives are responsible for color, act as thickeners, improve resistance to alkalis, acids and other aggressive media.

In the process of using the sealant, the necessary reaction occurs between the components, coming into contact with metal elements, the composition fills all the irregularities and cavities. After air ceases to enter the hole, curing occurs. From the outside, the remnants are removed with a cloth, brush, from the inside, the excess is washed off with water.

Main requirements

The following requirements are imposed on radiator sealants:

  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • resistance to deformation loads.

These qualities are necessary so that the composition fully fulfills all the tasks assigned to it and creates a durable seal that is resistant to negative factors, without collapsing under the influence of a hot coolant.

Varieties of sealants

External sealant

The sealant differs according to the type of application:

  • external, used to apply to the leak from the outside of the structure;
  • internal, most often it is a liquid composition that is poured into the heating system and under pressure determines the place of the defect, solving the problem from the inside;
  • sealing, strengthening the joints, restores tightness.

The sealant is chosen according to the type of damage, the availability of repairs.

Liquid internal sealant

Also, the sealing material is classified by composition:

  • Acrylic. Not all representatives of this series are suitable for heating lines, since not all specimens tolerate temperature changes well. Therefore, the choice of a brand should be treated as carefully as possible.
  • Polyurethane. They have increased elasticity, resistance to corrosion, optimal adhesion to metal surfaces, and are not afraid of hot coolants.
  • Silicone. The main advantages are versatility, plasticity, moisture resistance. The composition feels good in a wide range of temperature conditions. Available in liquid, pasty form. The second option has good adhesion to almost any surface and is resistant to a variety of aggressive environments. The material easily finds and fills cavities, cracks, joints.
  • Polymeric. These representatives are specially used to eliminate leaks by polymerizing in direct contact with air.

Sealants are classified as acidic and neutral.The first option is not applicable to heating systems where metal elements are present, since the composition can accelerate the corrosion process.

Each radiator repair fluid has its own purpose, so it is important to make sure in advance what type of structures it is intended for:

  • for OS operating on water;
  • for systems running on antifreeze;
  • for plastic pipes;
  • to restore the sealing of metal surfaces.

It is important to read the instructions before making a purchase.

Preparing the radiator to repair the leak

Before eliminating the leak, you need to drain the water from the radiator and find all problem areas

Before repairing a leak, it is important to carry out some preparatory measures. First of all, the required concentration is determined. If the heating system has lost up to 80 liters of coolant within 24 hours, it is enough to fill in one liter of the selected sealing substance.

The action of the sealant is designed for a long period, but it gives a positive result only when used in pipes and radiators. If the problem touches the expansion tank, this method will not help.

Preparation steps for external processing:

  • the coolant is drained;
  • the damaged area is determined;
  • the area of ​​the detected defect is cleared of contamination;
  • the surface is degreased.

After all the above actions, a new composition is applied. After the material has completely dried, liquid is poured into the system.

Preparation for internal sealing:

  • before starting work, all filters are removed / overlapped, this will preserve their performance;
  • all the air is released from the pipes, otherwise it is fraught with the appearance of blood clots in the process of uncontrolled polymerization of the sealant;
  • OS cranes are opened to ensure free transportation of the repair staff through the working areas;
  • in place of the dismantled Mayevsky crane, a pump is installed, which delivers the sealant to the pipeline;
  • the OS starts up and warms up to 60 ° C.

Compliance with all recommendations and rules will allow you to avoid negative consequences and carry out sealing effectively and efficiently.

How to use the sealant

To find out the amount of coolant, you can measure its volume after draining

The amount of material depends on the brand, type of product. To achieve the desired effect, the concentration must be calculated as accurately as possible. The required ratios can be found in the instructions.

Calculation of the coolant is determined by the following methods:

  • Direct measurement. Liquid is drained from the OS into the prepared container and the available volume is calculated.
  • Indirect froze. The following calculations are made: pipe length * cross-sectional area + volume of the radiator, boiler (the numbers are indicated in the product passport). The rate of the sealing substance is determined.

Sealants, consisting of two components, must be mixed right before use.

Pouring process:

  • A bucket of hot coolant is poured into a previously prepared container, and another half a bucket of liquid, which will be used for flushing, is drained into another container.
  • The repair agent is shaken and added to the prepared reservoir with heated water or antifreeze.
  • The resulting composition is instantly pumped into the pipeline.
  • Air is released again.

Long-term contact of the sealant with air should not be allowed; its transportation to the OS should be carried out as quickly as possible. The solution diverges along the line and within 4 days fills cracks, irregularities, empty cavities. After this period, it is recommended to carry out pressure testing under close supervision.

Sealing agents for heating radiators are easy to use. You do not need to be a professional to carry out the procedure, the event can be held independently. The composition quickly finds the place of leakage and eliminates the problem without unnecessary complications, expensive manipulations.In the process of heating, it does not collapse and maintains tightness for a long time, withstands increased pressure.

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