Which induction heating boilers are best for a private house

The household appliances market offers a wide range of heating devices. These include induction boilers, which are rapidly growing in popularity. They account for about 30% of all electric boilers. There are different types of induction heaters that are suitable for heating homes, shops, warehouses and other facilities. You need to familiarize yourself with the features and design of each type in order to make the right choice.

Boiler device

Induction boiler device

An induction boiler is an electric heater capable of generating heat and heating a room through electromagnetic induction. For this, there is a coil and a core inside the device. When an electric current passes, an electromagnetic field appears. As a result, currents are formed that heat the core, the energy from which is given to the coolant. Its principle of operation is similar to an induction underfloor heating system.

The induction boiler consists of two parts. In the first, where the core and the inductor are located, a magnetic field is generated. In the second part, there is a heat exchanger with a coolant, which is ordinary water or another liquid, depending on the boiler model. What kind of fuel you need can be found in the documentation for the device.

In the heating circuit of such devices there is always a closed circuit. The wiring diagram also includes a container for excess water, which appears from thermal expansion. The resulting liquid is then drained.

Specificity of application in the heating circuit

The devices are designed for installation in a forced circulation system, therefore, the circuit always contains a circulation pump. Automation elements are used for control - temperature sensors, thermostats and other devices that ensure operability and safety.

Depending on the power, the boiler can be connected to a 220 V or 380 V. The connection can be single-phase or three-phase. It is also necessary to select the correct cross-section of wires for the load so that the boiler works correctly. Personal protective equipment is additionally placed on powerful devices.

The user independently chooses the temperature regime that is comfortable for him. The boiler heats up to a predetermined temperature value, switches off automatically and, if it falls below the specified temperature, switches on again. Thanks to the continuous cycle, an optimal microclimate is ensured in the house.

Varieties of induction boilers

Shell boiler

The principle of operation of all induction boilers is the same. They differ only in design. There are 4 types - shell devices, with a volumetric and tubular heat exchanger, as well as inverter ones.

Shell boiler

The design of such a device has a cylinder-shaped casing. An inductor is placed in it. Heat exchange takes place inside and outside. The liquid enters the branch pipe, passes through the heat exchanger, heats up and enters the heating circuit.

The production of casing devices in Russia is carried out by the NPK INERA brand, also known as SAV.

Volumetric heat exchanger boiler

The second name of the models is inductive-conductive.It has a cylindrical body made of metal, in which a coil with a ferromagnetic core is located. It acts as a heat exchanger.

Manufactured by the "Alternative Energy" plant. Presented by the VIN series.

Boiler tubular heat exchanger

These are classic induction boilers, in which the heat exchanger is made in the form of a set of pipes. They go around the coil. They are considered the first type of such devices to appear on the market.

Boiler with inverter

In heaters with an inverter, direct current from the battery is converted into alternating high frequency. The resulting current is then transferred to the inductor. This solution allows you to get eddy currents that generate heat in the absence of power from the network.

Installation features

Connection diagram

In the configuration, the induction electric heating boiler comes with a passport with a drawing and a detailed description of the connection method, characteristics and operating conditions. It is recommended that the installation be carried out by specialists familiar with the connection of boilers. In case of defects during installation, the heater can be withdrawn from the warranty. If you are not confident in your abilities, you should contact a plumber.

The heater can be integrated into an existing heating system as a main or additional device. The installation site is selected in advance, taking into account the performance characteristics of a particular device.

According to GOST, an induction electric boiler must be grounded. The device itself is installed at a distance of at least 80 cm from the floor and ceiling. There must be a distance of at least 30 cm between the unit and the wall.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of induction boilers are compactness and fire safety.

Heaters have gained great popularity due to their positive properties. Induction devices are distinguished by safety, including fire safety, ease of installation and operation, as well as a high degree of room heating.

The main advantages of the electric boiler include:

  • High efficiency. Higher than other electric boilers. Reaches 98-99%. The coolant heats up in about 7-10 minutes.
  • Constancy of energy characteristics.
  • Minimum requirements for the coolant. Ordinary water can play its role.
  • Reliability of work. The design is simple, without complex components. Installed sensors allow you to quickly find and fix problems.
  • Long service life. Devices without power reduction are capable of operating for 30 seasons.
  • Possibility of autonomous work.
  • Simple installation. You can perform the installation according to the instructions yourself.
  • A wide range of. You can find appliances for heating a small house or for a building with a large area. An induction electric boiler can be selected for a summer residence, apartment, store, warehouse.
  • Process automation. The device turns on and off automatically, a person only sets up and selects modes with his own hands.
  • The heat carrier is heated up to 95 ° С.
  • Work safety.
  • Constant maintenance is not required. This saves money.
  • Small size. It can be installed even in a small room.
  • Unpretentious in service. It is not necessary to clean the pipes, as in other types of heaters, and also to remove scale from the heating element.


  • The high cost of the boiler itself. It is associated with the use of expensive materials and the complexity of the manufacturing process.
  • Great weight. Due to the presence of steel parts, some models weigh up to 40 kg.
  • Noisy work. Can be eliminated by using sound-absorbing pads.

If the operating conditions are observed, the device will serve for many years, while the user will save money on maintenance.

Selection recommendations

Dependence of thermal power on the area of ​​the room

When choosing any electrical device, the main criteria will be the load and properties of the device itself. It depends on them how the boiler will heat up and how much you need to pay for electricity per month. For heating 10 sq.m. with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters, 1 kW of energy is required. These values ​​are used to calculate the required load for the heater. For a house with an area of ​​100-150 sq.m. a unit with a load of about 13 kW is needed. In advance, you should select suitable wires and take care of a separate high-voltage line for connection.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the room itself. The presence of insulation, wall material affect the characteristics of the selected boiler. If these parameters are not taken into account, the owner will overpay for wasted power or freeze from a lack of heat in the house.

You need to pay attention to the power factor. By this indicator, you can determine how much electricity is spent on heating the coolant and how much on creating a magnetic field. Its value lies in the range from 0 to 1. The optimal indicator is 0.97-0.98 kVA. In this case, almost all the energy goes to heating the liquid, there are no financial costs for unused electricity.

Many well-known brands are engaged in the production of induction electric boilers. Quality products can be found from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

When purchasing, it is important to inspect the device for defects. All components must be included in the kit. What exactly should be included in the kit can be found in the instructions for the electric boiler. There must also be a passport of the device indicating all the characteristics and the manufacturer's warranty.

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