Infrared heating for home and summer cottages is the most economical, since appliances of this type are characterized by efficient electricity consumption. But in order for it to bring maximum benefit, you need to know the basic principles of operation and features of different types of heating devices.
Operating principle
During operation, infrared heat is not transferred by the traditional convection method, but by means of radiation. The heat rays that the device emits do not heat the air currents in the room, but material objects: walls, furniture, skin of people and animals. This leads to a decrease in the cost of heating the air, the heat after connecting the device is felt almost instantly.
These qualities allow you to feel comfortable in a room where the temperature has dropped by about three degrees. There is no need to waste electricity for additional heating.
Types of infrared heating
There are three types of heaters that are used for infrared heating of a private house: ceiling devices, wall-mounted infrared panel heating batteries and film options. There are also free-standing infrared heaters - they are used for additional heating of rooms or an open area for recreation.
Ceiling appliances
This option for infrared heating is the most popular because it is practical, it is equipped with inexpensive radiators. Consists of a heat electric heater and a reflective aluminum element, which provides directional radiation of infrared waves.
Such devices are mounted directly on the ceiling or on the wall below it.
The heater is aimed at the floor and slightly to the side. As a result, the flooring and the opposite walls below are heated the most.
If the climate is mild, infrared devices can become the main ones in the heating system. Otherwise, it is a good additional heat source capable of forming separate "hot" zones.
Wall panels
These infrared batteries are used as an alternative to the standard radiator. Modern panels look stylish and will not spoil the interior like bulky radiator devices on a water circuit.
Panel heaters are referred to as ceramic: they include ceramic tiles that emit infrared rays. Wall-mounted panels are more efficient than ceiling-mounted ones as they are designed not only for infrared heating, but also for air convection.
IR films
Infrared film heating (FLEH) is one of the inexpensive and effective options. The device looks like a film, inside which a thin heating element is built in a zigzag pattern. The film coating is usually laid under laminate, linoleum, carpet, tile.
The main advantage of PLEN is that it consumes a minimum of energy.
However, such a heating system, as the only one, is only suitable for regions with a warm climate. In Russian conditions, the film will only be useful as an additional heating element.
Film heaters are used not only as a substrate for flooring. PLEN is installed under wall finishing materials, most often under gypsum plasterboards. Infrared plasterboard heating can be installed even on the ceiling.
Emitter power
For household devices, this figure is in the range from 300 to 2500 W. Given the effectiveness of this arrangement, a device of no more than 800 watts is usually sufficient to heat a room. If the ceiling heater has a high power, it is rational to install it in rooms with high ceilings.
Industrial equipment has high performance - from 2500 W and above. Usually, the emitters of such devices operate in a wider spectral range, which is safe only in industrial premises.
Infrared equipment is also classified by wavelength. Devices are:
- long-wavelength (from 50 to 1000 microns);
- medium wave (from 3.2 to 50 microns);
- shortwave (0.74 to 3.2 microns).
The indicator is directly related to the radiation temperature. The shorter the waves, the higher the temperature regime the device operates. Therefore, long-wave models are considered completely safe in everyday life. They have no contraindications and have a positive effect on the functioning of the human body, for example, they increase immunity. Other types of devices are used for outdoor heating or industrial heating.
Power supply
Household heaters are most often powered from a 220 V AC source, while powerful industrial models require a three-phase 380 V.
Moisture protection
Infrared equipment with protection class IP24 and higher is not afraid of high humidity. It can be installed in a bath, sauna or bathroom.
Advantages and disadvantages
If we compare heating with infrared radiation with other methods of heating rooms, the advantages are immediately noticeable:
- wide range of applications;
- fast warming up of the room;
- noiselessness and absence of vibration;
- compactness;
- low inertia;
- increasing the temperature in individual zones, if necessary;
- integration into the "smart home" scheme;
- easy installation and dismantling;
- reliability and durability.
Infrared heaters are economical. But in order to achieve rational energy consumption, a number of requirements will have to be met, among which one can note the insulation of buildings and the installation of reflective screens that reduce heat losses. With the right approach, you can equip the heating system at a cost of only about 2,000 rubles per month.
In terms of impact on human health, ceiling appliances can be harmful if they are suspended low above the work table. The device will continuously heat up the scalp. On the other hand, infrared devices, unlike spiral ones, do not dry the air and do not burn oxygen out of it.
Some models crackle when heated and cooled, since metals are used for the production of the device, which have different degrees of expansion when heated and cooled, for example, steel and aluminum. But this does not affect the quality of work.
When choosing an IR device, pay attention that the package contains a thermostat - mechanical or electronic. The device will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in a given mode.
The author needs to get at least the rudiments of knowledge in thermodynamics. The efficiency of the heater directly depends on the mass of the coolant. Infrared heating is one of the most mediocre and uneconomical ...