Using long-burning boilers for home heating

Regardless of the type of modern solid fuel (TT) boilers, they all differ in high efficiency, which can be achieved by the design features of the units themselves. This is facilitated by the solid fuel combustion mechanism implemented in them, which is somewhat different from the traditional method. Knowledge of these features will allow you to understand how a long-burning boiler (CDG) works, as well as get acquainted with its advantages and disadvantages.

How DRGs work

Most solid fuel stoves use the top-feed oxidizer (oxygen in the air) method to maintain combustion. In addition, immediately before entering the furnace, it is heated to a certain temperature, which contributes to better oxidation and minimization of combustion waste: ash, soot, etc.

Oxygen in them, unlike a fireplace, is supplied from the upper inlet, and then goes down to the lower part of the combustion chamber.

Due to this organization of air movement, at the initial stage, only the upper layer of solid fuel located in the chamber volume is effectively burned. After the reserves of this layer are exhausted, the oxygen supply to its lower part is switched on. As the next layer burns out, the air flow penetrates deeper and deeper into the furnace. Due to this, each subsequent portion of wood is disposed of only when its sequence arrives.

This approach allows you to save on the amount of fuel consumed and at the same time to clearly control the combustion process. The described features of the technology made it possible to classify boilers operating on its basis as long-burning heating equipment. Due to the specifics of their operation, these units are economical and guarantee a high level of environmental friendliness when disposing of all types of fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of solid fuel boilers is high efficiency, which can reach 85%

The advantages of long-burning boilers include:

  • efficient use of the combustion chamber - this is achieved due to the fact that the fuel inside the unit does not burn, but slowly smolders;
  • high index of efficiency (efficiency), which for some samples is close to 85%;
  • significant volumes of the loading chamber;
  • the ability to work on one tab of solid fuel for more than 12 hours;
  • the ability to concentrate heat within the boiler, which makes it possible to heat large spaces in terms of volume.

In most KDG models, it is allowed to load up to 50 kg of fuel at a time, so the owners of boiler products are freed from the need to constantly add firewood to the furnace.

There were no complaints about the work and the quality of the equipment from the users. The only problem when deciding to purchase it is the high cost of the heating complex - from 100,000 rubles. If a not very prestigious and cheap unit is purchased, no one can guarantee the high quality of the work of such a “stove”.

Fuel used

Wood burning solid fuel boiler

The advantages of long-burning heating equipment include the ability to use various types of fuel, which allows its owner to choose the most economical type. The following types of solid fuel are suitable for loading into a CDG:

  • firewood or coal;
  • natural peat and artificial pellets;
  • ordinary or pressed sawdust.

The sizes of the combustible workpieces placed in the chamber can be different, which simplifies the procedure for their storage within the boiler room.

The ability to use a wide variety of solid fuels once again confirms the versatility of automatic boilers, which can also be operated in domestic conditions.

Calculation of the required power

Table for calculating the required power of the boiler

To determine the performance of the purchased boiler, you will need to thoroughly prepare and take into account the following indicators:

  • area of ​​heated premises in the country or in a private house;
  • the quality of insulation of the walls of the building;
  • type of constantly used fuel;
  • the number of heating circuits for heating the house.

After preparing all the above data, including the most detailed circuit drawings, the calculation of the required boiler power for heating a private house will be noticeably easier. In this case, the well-known ratio will help, according to which per 1 sq. meter of the room will require 1 kW of useful power. This rule is valid only if the height of the ceilings in the building does not exceed 3 meters.

For the convenience of determining this indicator, special tables have been developed in which a room of a given area is assigned a power sufficient to heat it.

Features of choice

When choosing a boiler, you must pay attention to its dimensions.

Before choosing the required CDG model, you should carefully read the characteristics declared by its manufacturer. In addition, it is important to consider the following details regarding the technical parameters of the purchased product:

  • number of water heating circuits;
  • provided power - it cannot be less than the indicator obtained by calculation;
  • the dimensions of the boiler, allowing it to be installed in any corner of the room convenient for these purposes;
  • used type of solid fuel.

When buying, it is important to inquire about the availability of a certificate for expensive equipment and find out the duration of the guarantees provided by the manufacturer.

Safe operation

The floor under the door must be covered with a sheet of steel

For the safe operation of long-burning solid fuel boilers with a water circuit, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the floor covering under the door of the combustion chamber must be closed with a steel sheet measuring 700x500 mm;
  • a 25 mm thick layer of plaster reinforced with a metal mesh is applied to the surface of the wall adjacent to the boiler drum;
  • the distance from the door of the firebox to the wall closest to it is made at least 125 cm;
  • if it is impossible to fulfill the last two requirements, a steel sheet or a workpiece made of asbestos with a thickness of 8 mm is mounted in this zone - their upper cut is located 25 cm above the level of the boiler.

The gap between the floor and the bottom of the ash pan is selected taking into account the characteristics of the overlap. If it is made of combustible material, this distance should be about 14 cm; otherwise, the bottom is left at floor level. The safe handling of heating equipment also includes the rules for firing up the boiler and its loading, which are described in detail in the user's manual.

Popular manufacturers rating

Solid fuel boiler NMK Magnum KDG 30 TE

A large number of CDGs of domestic and foreign production are presented on the Russian market. But only a few of them meet the requirements for these units, including reliability, durability and ease of use. When compiling a rating of solid fuel heating boilers for a private house, a number of certified models were used, the quality of which has been confirmed by many users.

On the first place located products from a Russian company NMK, distinguished by an extensive assortment and a large selection of prices: from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. With their help, it is possible to heat premises ranging from 50 to 3000 square meters, as well as bath rooms (steam rooms) with a volume of up to 30 cubic meters.All boilers from this manufacturer are certified, their characteristics correspond to international standards.

Solid fuel boiler Stropuva S8

Second place is confidently occupied by a Lithuanian manufacturer with a brand Stropuva... Solid fuel equipment from Lithuania is capable of sustaining combustion for 3 days. At the same time, constant supervision by a person is not at all necessary. The design of boilers from this manufacturer allows for one load to place more than 50 kilograms of firewood in the working chamber. At the same time, the declared power of the unit exceeds 40 kW, which is quite enough for any country house. One of the examples of solid fuel boilers manufactured by Stropuva is a model called the Candle. Its advantages include:

  • the ability to work on wood for 2 days, and on coal - more than 5 days;
  • high efficiency indicators (efficiency - up to 94%);
  • admissibility of integration into a system with natural (forced) circulation of the coolant.
Long burning boiler "Nedelka" KO-60

A distinctive feature of Candle brand products is the ease of use of the equipment. All that remains for the user to do is to periodically add portions of fuel, and also to clean the furnace from accumulated ash at least 2 times a month.

Honorary third place is occupied by one of the leaders of the Russian market of heating equipment - a company called "Week"... The company is engaged in the serial production of heating boilers with a capacity of 15 to 90 kW. Models of this brand warm up well premises with a total area of ​​up to 400 sq. meters and are able to work autonomously for about a week.

Fourth place is confidently occupied by a well-known German company Buderus, whose products are of high quality and enviable indicators of durability. All units of the Buderus brand are characterized by a well-thought-out design, use of high-quality materials, as well as their versatility.

In addition to the considered list, the attention of users is often attracted by solid fuel pyrolysis boilers of long burning "Kosmos", equipped with doors with a replaceable hinge. Another noteworthy model is the Prometey-12M-5 solid-fuel unit, which is well known to most Russian buyers.

A modern solid fuel boiler with a water circuit is a high-tech and difficult-to-assemble equipment, characterized by a rather high cost. However, only professionals with extensive experience can make it with their own hands. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that a home-made boiler will not allow achieving the required efficiency of heating premises in a private house.
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