Use of Izorok mineral wool insulation for a private house

Isoroc mineral wool (Izorok) is an insulating material used in construction works of the widest profile. This heat insulator is used to protect the components of modern structures, including floors, walls, roofs, as well as ventilation shafts and piping elements. With the help of Isoroc, such important tasks as insulation and sound insulation of structures under construction, as well as their fire protection, are solved.

Information about the manufacturer Izoroc

Izoroc products are manufactured in compliance with European standards

The date of the appearance of the Russian brand "Izorok" is considered to be 2000, when a large association was created on the basis of the Tambov Mineral Insulation Plant. Further development of this production was supported by investments from a number of foreign companies.

Over time, Izoroc mineral wool has become a very popular product in demand in most areas of construction technology.

To expand the production of mineral wool, the association required:

  • significantly expand their production areas;
  • acquire modern equipment to automate the work process;
  • to master new technologies of waste-free production of insulation products.

Izorok thermal insulation is made on the basis of the finest fibers from a melt of mineral rocks, the individual components of which are held together by a special binder. The need to comply with all the intricacies of the technological chain stimulated the engineers of the concern to improve this process all the time. Today it belongs to the undisputed leaders of the Russian market of insulation materials.

All samples of Isoroc mineral wool insulation are manufactured in compliance with European standards. Since its production is organized in Russia, the prices are attractive for domestic consumers.

Product line

The density of Isoflor allows it to be laid under a concrete screed or decorative floor

The line of insulation materials for Izorok walls contains several subspecies focused on the characteristics of the protected surfaces and various areas of application. It includes the following names:

  • Isolight-L;
  • Isovent;
  • Isofrol;
  • Isoruf in packs;
  • Izorok in slabs (in cylindrical shapes).

Samples of Isolight-Lux products have a density of 60 kg / cu. meter and are used to insulate surfaces of various orientations. At the same time, large loads and deformation stresses in the layers of products of this type are unacceptable. The next model in the series Isovent-L is distinguished by a significantly higher density (up to 90 kg / cubic meter) and is used for arranging ventilation of building facades.

In the Isoflor modification, the density indicator declared by the manufacturer is close to 140 kg / cu. m. This insulation is used as an intermediate link in three-layer reinforced concrete structures. It is allowed to be used in sandwich panels. For thermal insulation of roofs and concrete floors, another type of insulation material is used, called Isoruf. It is produced with marks H, B or NL, and its average density is 110 kg / cu. meter. Billets of this material or mats without a broaching shell are marked as "MP", and if available - "MP (ST)".

Insulation Izorok in slabs has two modifications with a material density of 75 and 100 kg / cu. per meter, respectively. They are ideally suited for the protection of any horizontal surfaces, but do not allow the load to be exceeded above the limit level. Izorok Cylinders bearing the CF marking are considered as a separate category of heat insulators. Various samples of these products differ in the diameter of cylindrical billets (within 18-273 mm) and are used to insulate cold water and hot water pipes.

Scopes of insulation

Stone wool cylinders are used in engineering communications

Insulation materials of the Izorok brand are characterized by the fact that they are used not only in construction, but also in other areas. In their classic form, they are used:

  • for internal thermal insulation and warming of floors (interfloor floors);
  • in order to protect attic rooms and roofs of buildings;
  • for sound insulation of premises in apartment buildings.

When choosing products suitable for specific purposes, the density of the insulation material used must be taken into account.

Due to their ability to retain heat well, they are used for thermal insulation of various utilities, including centralized water supply and heating systems.

Main advantages

The Izorok line of heaters, which has a large number of varieties, is characterized by the following indicators:

  • low level of thermal conductivity, which reduces the cost of heating the object;
  • good sound insulation;
  • high strength indicators;
  • resistance of insulation boards to deformations and other mechanical influences;
  • good water-repellent qualities;
  • fire resistance and environmental friendliness of the product.

Another attractive aspect of this material is its resistance to aggressive environments.

Resistance to fungal formations is explained by the inorganic origin of the starting material, and fire resistance is due to the presence of flame retardant additives in it.

Material specifications

Insulation is produced in the form of slabs of various sizes or rolls, differing in a number of operating parameters. The following technical characteristics of Isoroc insulation are especially important for the user:

  • The density of the starting material reaches 150 kg / cubic meter.
  • Compression resistance up to 55 kPa.
  • Inverse or tensile strength within 15 kPa.
  • Thermal conductivity, expressed as 0.075 W / (m K).
  • Moisture absorption - no more than 5%.

The last characteristic is understood as the ability of the fibers of the substance to absorb moisture - hygroscopicity.

Installation features

Under the screed, Izorok slabs are laid tightly to each other, without gaps

The peculiarities of mounting Izorok slabs and rolls for surfaces of various classes are manifested in the requirement to adhere to certain rules. They depend on the conditions in which this material is supposed to be used as a heat insulator. However, in any case, its use is permissible only in combination with steam and waterproofing.

Cement floor screed

Installation of insulation on a floor base begins with preparatory operations, which include the following steps:

  1. The screed is cleared of accumulated layers of dirt.
  2. All cracks found on the floor are closed, followed by leveling its surface.
  3. A waterproofing layer is installed, on top of which Izorok mats are laid.

When laying them, you will need to ensure that the workpieces are located end-to-end without noticeable gaps.

On top of the thermal insulation, another waterproofing layer is laid, on which a reinforcing mesh is then placed. The laid reinforcement is poured with a cement screed. When carrying out these works, it is important to take into account that the total thickness of the coating increases significantly.

Thermal insulation of external walls of frame structures

For external walls, a metal frame is formed for mineral wool

Before purchasing Izorok slabs, their total volume is calculated based on the fact that two layers of protective material are formed. Installation works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. On the walls, a lathing is mounted on the basis of wooden battens or a metal profile.
  2. During installation, the distance between the individual elements must match the dimensions of the insulation boards.
  3. Laying is organized in such a way that the slabs in layers are staggered, the workpieces of the second row completely overlap the joints of the previous one.

To fix the outer sheets on the walls, mushroom-type piece hardware is used, hammered in at 5 points. Waterproofing is mounted on top of the insulated surface, which provides reliable protection of the formed coating.

Insulation of flat roofs

For roof insulation, Izorok material with a high density index is selected, laid on a base made of reinforced concrete slabs or a metal profile. Work order:

  1. A vapor barrier is installed to prevent moisture from entering between the layers of the heat insulator.
  2. The edges of the protective film must be folded under the insulation, which does not allow vapors to penetrate into it.
  3. With multi-layer installation, the joints of the slabs are located with a slight offset.
  4. For the upper layer, a material of higher density is selected than for the lower coating.
  5. Waterproofing is installed on top of the insulation.

Isoroc insulation is a reliable and high-quality material used in a wide variety of production areas. Due to the ease of installation and availability, this type of heat insulators is constantly in demand among professionals and people involved in construction at an amateur level.
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