Working off is the already used engine, industrial or transmission oil and fuel oil, which accumulate in large volumes at auto enterprises, service stations and in departmental garages. They are used as a cheap and fairly efficient fuel. This technique allows you to save a lot of money, besides, the heat transfer from the working out in terms of power corresponds to the action of an electric heater of 15 kW. The consumption of combusted fuel in this case is approximately 0.5-2 liters per hour.
Varieties and device of the furnace
A classic working furnace designed for use in a garage or workshop can be made in several ways. There are three types of structures in which this option for obtaining thermal energy is applied:
- Direct combustion device. Oil vapors are burned in it in a special open-type perforated pipe.
- Waste oil drip unit with closed-type afterburner.
- A furnace known as the Babington burner.
From a practical point of view, only the first two positions are of interest. The last sample is not considered due to its complexity.
The device of oil ovens used as heaters for office and technical premises will be considered using the example of a pyrolysis structure. It is a square or cylindrical container, partially filled with used diesel fuel or fuel oil and equipped with a special air damper. In its upper part, a pipe with holes is provided through which, due to natural draft, the outside air is sucked in. Even higher there is a chamber used for burning fuel. It provides for a special partition through which heat is removed from the liquid combustion product.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of homemade waste oil ovens include:
- suitable for heating enclosed spaces;
- it is allowed to operate in technical rooms, for heating small greenhouses and other agricultural buildings;
- easy to set up and operate;
- independence from electricity.
The numerous disadvantages of such designs include:
- Constant air draft is required for stable operation of the oven. In her absence, the unit begins to smoke and gradually goes out.
- Antifreeze or water droplets getting into the oil lead to the formation of dangerous splashes in the firebox, which is fraught with the possibility of fire.
- The designs are characterized by too high fuel consumption - up to 2 liters / hour with a relatively low heat transfer rate.
- The one-piece housing is very difficult to clean from soot.
It is not allowed to use mining that has impurities that increase the explosiveness of the liquid. The chimney and the unit itself need constant cleaning from the remnants of combustion products (soot). With intensive fuel combustion, the stove hums very strongly.
Drip ovens
The main difference between drip furnaces and pyrolysis heaters is as follows:
- A specially designed perforated pipe is placed in a steel casing made of a gas cylinder or a pipe of a suitable diameter.
- Fuel enters the combustion zone in the form of small droplets, which are then freely sprayed along the bottom of the bowl under the afterburner.
- To increase efficiency, such a unit provides for forced air blowing, for which an electric fan is built into it.
The specified scheme for constructing a waste oil stove is devoid of many of the disadvantages that pyrolysis units have, but on the other hand, it needs a mains supply.
Scope of use
The stove for testing, according to the principle of its functioning, belongs to the universal devices. In a number of industrial areas, these units are used as heaters and heat guns.
For heating private residential premises, these devices are used very rarely, since they are unsafe in operation. Due to the presence of hot metal surfaces, the air is constantly dry.
For industrial premises, furnaces based on waste lubricating and combustible products are just ideal, since their main advantage is the rapid heating of the ambient air due to good heat transfer. These heating devices are traditionally used for operational heating of the following objects:
- garden greenhouses;
- public and private garages;
- construction sites in the winter;
- repair shops and service stations, as well as car washes.
Upgraded heating structures equipped with a coil can be integrated into a water heating system.
How and what to make a stove with your own hands
The easiest way to make a waste oil oven with your own hands is to use available tools for this. An old gas cylinder, previously cleaned of residues of blue fuel, is taken as a body in which a container for filling the mining is placed. In addition to it, for the manufacture of the furnace according to the drawings, the do-it-yourself working process will require:
- An ordinary steel pipe with a typical diameter of about 10 cm is enough to equip the elements of the body, burner and chimney two meters.
- Steel corner 5 cm, which is prepared at the rate of a little more than a meter. It is necessary for the manufacture of a stand for the stove, as well as for parts of the heat exchanger and for door handles.
- Sheet steel billet going to the plugs and the bottom of the upper chamber. This will require about 50 cm of sheet with a thickness of 2-4 mm.
- The remaining brake disc from the car, which fits freely inside the cylinder.
- An empty container for freon of a standard volume with a working needle valve (valve) for the manufacture of a fuel tank.
The auxiliary parts will require a piece of fuel hose, as well as a pair of clamps and a small piece of half-inch pipe. On it, it is supposed to feed the working off itself into the stove.
Assembly order
The description of the procedure for self-assembly of the furnace is reduced to the following sequence of actions:
- A through hole is made in the bottom of the prepared cylinder.
- On its sides, two openings are cut, located one above the other.
- Between them, a platform in the shape of a balloon is welded from 4 mm steel, which serves as the bottom of the upper compartment. But first, several holes are drilled in it, providing air access to the oil.
- In this part of the furnace, a combustion chamber is mounted together with a heat exchanger, and in the lower compartment - a burner with a pan.
- The burner is mounted directly on the bottom of the upper chamber from the outside, and the pallet of the lower part of the structure is made on the basis of a cast-iron brake disc, the bottom is welded to it from below.
- From above, the structure is closed by a cover with an opening through which there is air access to the counterpart of the burner.
Upon completion of the main work, they proceed to the manufacture of a coupling that connects the pallet to the burner. The oil supply system is made on the basis of a pipe welded to the pallet, having previously prepared a hole of the appropriate size. Next, it remains to install a valve on the pipe and bring it to the fuel tank.
The smoke extraction structure is best made from a 10 cm pipe welded to the side of the upper chamber closer to the lid. The chimney is led out through the wall and roof directly onto the street. Before this, the pipe is placed in a refractory glass.
Waste Oil Furnace Operation
During the operation of the furnace at working off, it is important to always remember the need to comply with safety rules when working with flammable substances. In this case, the fuel burns open, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Compliance with the safety rules is reduced to the following points:
- During operation, the unit is placed on high stands supported on a surface made of non-combustible materials.
- If there are other objects or walls nearby, they should be covered or covered with heat-resistant material.
- It is not allowed to kindle and use the stove in strong drafts that can throw the flame onto other flammable objects.
- For loading into the furnace, only oil or fuel oil that is well cleaned of impurities is used.
- It is not allowed to top up spent fuel when it burns intensively.
When the furnace is fired up, the working container is filled with mining by at least two-thirds of its total volume. A few milliliters of solvent or gasoline are added on top, which will increase the evaporation and provoke the mixture to ignite.
To ignite the stove, a special wick or lighted paper rolled into a tube is used, brought into the hole for filling fuel.