Modern radiators Kermi are a product of a well-known German manufacturer, which is part of the AFG-AG association. Thanks to the well thought-out design and high quality of the products, the demand for them has been maintained at a high level for many years. The merits of Kermi batteries require a more careful study of their characteristics and installation features in residential premises.
Manufacturer Description
The German company "Kermi" was founded in 1960. The main profile of its activity is the production of panel-type heaters and modern shower cubicles. A distinctive feature of Kermi heating radiators is the presence of two connection methods, as well as various design options. In addition to standard steel structures, the manufacturer offers relatively inexpensive bimetallic products.
A characteristic feature of German radiators is a high level of heat transfer, surpassing that of models from other well-known manufacturers. It can be achieved due to the high efficiency of heat exchange processes taking place inside the heating system. Kermi heating radiators are ideal for installation in autonomous mains with low working pressure (in a cottage or a country house, for example).
Sizes and types of batteries
A user who decides to purchase Kermi batteries will have to choose a suitable model, which is difficult to implement. This is due to the fact that a significant range of performance indicators requires a detailed study of the technical characteristics of each of the offered products. Particularly noteworthy is such a specific parameter as the dimensions of the case, which vary widely.
- the length of known models ranges from 40 cm to 4 meters;
- the height is from 30 to 90 cm.
In addition, steel radiators from Kermi differ in their design and can be simple tubular, panel, or have many transverse ribs. The second option, in turn, is subdivided into units that include one, two or more panels.
According to this indicator, several types of radiators are distinguished, differing in the number of sections used. All of them are summarized in the table and indicated by the corresponding numbers. In the consolidated catalog, in the form of a special designation, not only the number of constituent elements is encoded, but also a number of additional characteristics. Code 10 means one panel, and 11 - its version with an indication of the ribbed structure. Batteries under code 22 include products with two panels and double ribbing.
Panel radiators from Kermi are available in corrugated ("Profil" category) and smooth surfaces. The second variety is designated as "Plan" and also has various designs, differing in characteristics and generally accepted markings. The Plan-V series, for example, is referred to as FKO and is a product with bottom piping. They are known to most buyers in the following three forms:
- left-sided;
- right-sided;
- centered.
Models from the Plan-K group with standard FKV markings have side connections.
The group of smooth heating devices of the V series also includes special "hygienic" models that do not have additional ribs and covers.This type of radiator is intended for installation in medical institutions, as well as in places where people suffering from allergic diseases are located.
Another non-standard version of Kermi heaters is Verteo Plan or FTV. They are products of the vertical type, which are in demand in situations where the installation of horizontal analogs is impossible. These samples have a "classic" bottom connection and can be integrated into a concealed pipe system. In addition, the supply pipes for these products are allowed to be laid under the floor finish. The inner and outer surfaces of the radiators are protected by two layers of high-quality varnish.
Advantages of Kermi radiators
Branded models from the German company Kermi, regardless of their type and type of connection, have the following advantages:
- attractive design and operational reliability;
- high heat transfer rate;
- the use of quality materials;
- the ability to select an easy-to-use sample with the desired type of connection (side or bottom feed).
To give the metal base additional strength during manufacture, it is subjected to treatment with iron phosphate. In addition, a special protective dye is additionally applied, which is closed on top with two layers of varnish. This approach allows you to extend the life of the German radiator, as well as provide it with an attractive appearance.
Power calculation
The capacity of the internal volume of the cast iron sample filled with the coolant is 13 liters.
From the passport of Kermi batteries, it is easily recognized that the heat transfer from a typical one-section unit under the code 10 is about 2100 W (with a working volume of 6.3 liters). Using these data when replacing cast-iron batteries with new samples, you can be sure that their heat transfer will be no worse, and even slightly higher.
- the amount of heat loss in the apartment;
- parameters of the liquid carrier;
- estimated room average temperature.
When choosing, the dimensions of the radiator are also taken into account, after which the appropriate adjustments are made to the selection algorithm. The desired heat transfer value is determined by the summary table provided by the manufacturer of a specific radiator from the popular Kermi line. The required model is in the corresponding column, opposite to which the power value suitable for it is indicated. Experts advise taking this indicator with a small margin, which guarantees the desired result.
After all the parameters have been taken into account, the user will be able to more accurately determine the model suitable for specific operating conditions.
Connection features
Installing Kermi radiators is not at all difficult, especially if you take into account all the nuances of the upcoming work in advance. If you do not plan to change the existing piping scheme, it is important to provide for the possibility of its docking with the inlet and outlet pipes of the battery. For different standard sizes of pipes and working holes of radiators laid in the apartment, special adapters will be required.
To identify the features of the installation of a new heating system, it is recommended to immediately read the instructions for its installation. After all the nuances have been taken into account, you can proceed directly to the procedure for connecting radiators. In this case, one should not forget about the presence of two connection options, according to which it can be bottom and side. Each of these methods has its own characteristics.
Before installing Kermi radiators with a bottom connection, for example, it is important to determine the place of their installation, selected taking into account the following requirements:
- the distance from the floor should not be less than 100-120 mm;
- location relative to the window sill - no closer than 80-100 mm.
Compliance with these requirements guarantees the convenience of piping, and also ensures maximum heat transfer.
Correct positioning of batteries with any type of connection contributes to an even distribution of heat over the entire area of the room.
Another feature of these products is that they are supplied with everything necessary for installation, a set of accessories, which includes:
- mounting brackets (hooks);
- corner clamps;
- upper protective grill;
- covers and sidewalls in the form of plugs.
The same set includes taps for the thermostat and Mayevsky bleed device, but not for all types of supplied products.
The order of installation and connection of radiators with a lower connection:
- At the selected place, the marking of the mounting points of the brackets is applied.
- They are securely attached using the hardware supplied with the kit.
- At the end of this operation, the radiator is hung on the hooks and leveled.
- After that, it is connected to the pipe system (including the return).
The last procedure is carried out in accordance with the scheme provided in the instructions.
At the final stage of work, the system is tested for tightness. To carry out this operation, you will need the help of professionals who have at their disposal special test equipment.