The use of insulation Isover for thermal insulation of the house

Reducing heat loss in a private house is the main task of a prudent owner. Isover is a heater that has certificates of compliance with Russian building codes. It is produced by the French company "Saint Gobain" on the basis of mineral fibers obtained from environmentally friendly raw materials. Over the decades of production and sale, this material has become a classic in its field of application. The Russian consumer is offered a choice of 8 main types of thermal insulation under one brand.

Scope of application and characteristics of thermal insulation materials Isover

Insulation of a frame house

A qualitative reduction in heat loss involves the insulation of all building envelopes or parts of it, including internal, external, horizontal, inclined and vertical surfaces. The possibilities of this insulation are not limited to any one direction.

In addition to the main function, this material does a good job with sound protection and pipeline insulation. Isover mineral wool is optimal for thermal insulation of wooden, frame, monolithic or block houses. Resistance to open flames and high temperatures determines its use even in baths or boiler rooms.

Roll insulation

Rolled insulation isover has unique technical characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.040;
  • non-flammable, environmentally friendly;
  • the basis of the composition is quartz threads;
  • length of a roll consisting of two mats - 10-11 m;
  • width (standard) - 120 cm;
  • mat thickness - 50 mm.
Isover is fire resistant

The advantages of "stone" wool:

  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • low conductivity of heat and sound;
  • simplicity, speed of installation;
  • elasticity;
  • availability.


  • lack of resistance to moisture;
  • spreading glass dust;
  • lack of rigidity.

An interesting feature of this product is its ability to regain its shape. In the process of packaging, rolled Isover insulation is compressed, which reduces its volume by 6 times.

Isover varieties and purpose

The manufacturer offers to choose the type of insulation that suits a specific purpose. The differences between the varieties are in appearance, price, characteristics. There are 8 popular samples on the market in Russia.

Isover Warm House mats

Isover Warm House mats

Isover "Teply Dom" is a mineral wool based on quartz fibers. It is produced in the form of two soft mats, rolled into a roll. Each mat is 50 mm thick. The area to be covered when laid in one layer is 13 m2. The product is used to insulate horizontal or inclined surfaces. Ideal for filling the frames of interfloor, attic or basement ceilings.

Laying inside vertical structures is undesirable, but possible, subject to economic and technological justification. In this case, the mats are fixed using transversely stretched strings made of wire or nylon thread.

The material is vapor-permeable, but in this case it is more a minus than a plus. Under the influence of moisture in mineral wool, Isover loses its thermal insulation properties. An increase in the moisture content of the insulation by 1% increases the thermal conductivity by 10%. Therefore, the installation of a sealed vapor barrier on both sides of the mats is a mandatory procedure.

Isover Warm Home Stove

Classic stove

This is a mineral wool insulation, similar to mats in its properties, but different in form factor. The main nuance is the elasticity of the material due to its high density. Execution in the form of plates with a size of 610 * 1210 mm simplifies installation and adjustment of the frame of the insulated structure.

Plates under the Isover brand are the optimal insulation for walls. Due to their elasticity, they do not tend to slide down inside the frame, they fit snugly against it. The possibility of choosing the thickness of the insulating layer - 50 or 100 mm - allows you to choose the depth of the lathing or counter-lathing in the most convenient way.

Isover Comfort Pitched Roof

Isover Comfort Pitched Roof

These are mats, similar in their properties and purpose to the "Warm House" mats. However, they represent a higher price category, which is justified by distinctive features. The main nuance is the processing of the material with the patented Kraft protective coating. It gives the Isover minelite the following properties:

  • reduced coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0.037;
  • increased resistance to moisture;
  • almost complete absence of glass dust spread during installation or operation;
  • increased elasticity of the material, making it easier to lay inside sloped roofing or vertical wall structures.

Isover Warm roof

Isover Warm roof

This is a roll insulation Isover, the thickness of which is 100 or 150 mm. It is similar to the "Pitched roof", but it is distinguished by an even higher resistance to moisture. This became possible thanks to the application of an additional hydrophobic coating using the AquaProtect technology. The main area of ​​application of the material is insulation of roofs and other enclosing structures, the formation of condensation inside which is not excluded.

Isover Plaster Facade

Use of Isover Plaster Facade boards

Plates Isover "Plaster Facade" are thermal insulation with excellent properties: high density, vapor permeability, hydrophobicity, elasticity, strength. These qualities greatly simplify installation, exclude excessive moisture saturation and facilitate subsequent finishing.

Scope of application - wall insulation from the outside, exposed to the aggressive effects of the climate. Installation is carried out by fixing with disc-type dowels ("umbrellas" or "mushrooms") or gluing with special glue. The hydrophobicity of the slabs explains the possibility of finishing them with facade plasters.

Isover Sauna

Isover Sauna

Foil mineral wool is additionally protected from temperature and moisture. Aluminum foil can be used in rooms such as saunas, baths, showers, swimming pools. In this case, vapor permeability is excluded, the thermal insulation properties will not decrease. Therefore, the installation is carried out in the same way as the installation of other plate heaters, but the use of vapor barrier membranes becomes unnecessary. This material is a representative of an even higher price category.

Isover Sound Protection

Isover Sound Protection

Isover-insulation "Soundproofing" is distinguished by the minimum density of binding components. Thanks to this feature, the sound-insulating properties of the material are significantly increased while maintaining the heat-insulating ones. However, laying the slabs is somewhat complicated by the need for respect. Nevertheless, the installation of "Soundproofing" inside the frame partitions is also relevant, as well as inside the ceilings.

Isover Floating Floor

These are slabs characterized by high density and rigidity. At the same time, sound and heat insulation characteristics remain at a high level. The main function of the slabs is to create a barrier to heat and sound inside any frame, monolithic structures. They are used as a base for floating concrete screed or under plaster.

A useful difference between the material "Floating floor" is the presence of end locks of the thorn-groove type, which simplify installation, excluding the formation of "cold bridges".

Installation features

When working with the material, you must use gloves

When working with Izover material, remember - this is glass wool.Despite the application of additional protective coatings to the surface of certain species, the spread of glass dust is not excluded. Skin contact will only cause temporary irritation, but contact with the eyes or respiratory tract will become a serious problem. Therefore, the use of gloves, masks, respirators, goggles when working with mineral wool is mandatory.

Isover stone wool installation is a simple, quick and almost waste-free procedure. Installation between the lags inside the interfloor overlap is carried out without the use of additional fixing means. Sloped roof structures also usually do not require dowels or strings. Vertical mounting of rolls can be difficult and therefore undesirable. Plates are installed in partitions between profiles or lathing bars, mounted so that the insulation fits as tightly as possible. As a rule, a width between the posts equal to the width of the slab minus 1 cm is sufficient. Installation of facade samples is carried out using disc dowels or special glue.
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