How tariffs for heating are formed: central, gas and electric

How can you check the correctness of the current tariffs and payments for district heating? To solve this issue, it is necessary to know the algorithms of accruals and the factors affecting them. Let's consider the most common heating tariffs for the population and methods of their calculation depending on the type of energy carrier.

Calculation of payment for heating without a meter

District heating scheme
District heating scheme

The vast majority of apartments do not have individual heat meters. But what constitutes the heating tariff in this case? The Management Company, which provides district heating services, is charged in accordance with regulatory documents and consumption rates.

There are several ways to calculate your heating tariff. It all depends on whether the general house meter is installed or not. If this meter is available, at the end of the month, readings are taken and the consumed heat energy is distributed among apartments based on their living space.

If this type of meter is not available, several options are possible, in which the tariffs for central heating apply:

  1. Full payment. Its size depends on the current tariffs of the Management Company. They are also determined on the basis of many factors - the region, the specifics of heat supply, etc. That is why heating tariffs are different not only in individual cities, but also within the same region.
  2. Preferential payment. Possible only after registration of the subsidy. The amount of the reduction is determined for each competitive case.
Examples of norms
Examples of norms

The new heating tariff is defined as the amount of Gcal consumed per 1 m². The table shows the values ​​of the norms for some regions of Russia.

Accurate data can be obtained only from the Management Company. When changing the tariff plan, she is obliged to warn her customers. If necessary, an annex to the contract is drawn up.

All heating tariffs for legal entities differ from those for individuals in a larger direction.

Heat supply costs with a heat meter

Installing a heat meter
Installing a heat meter

The norms of heat energy consumption have always been a controversial issue. Often, due to the poor condition of the central heating supply lines, the heating medium heating level is poor. Considering that heating tariffs by region differ from each other, it is recommended to install heat metering devices.

If a heat meter is installed in the apartment, then the calculation according to the new heating tariffs is simple. It is enough to multiply the readings of the device for the reporting period by the cost of 1 Gcal of thermal energy. But is it possible at the same time to check the relevance of the last figure and is it possible for the tenant to independently calculate the heating tariff?

Alas, all the Management Companies do not advertise the methodology for forming the cost of district heating. On request, a general calculation method is available, but no specific figures. But for each heating tariff by region, the following components are distinguished:

  1. The cost of purchasing heat from a resource supplier. In fact, the Management Company is an intermediary that ensures the transportation of heat from the resource supplier to the end consumer. Therefore, the value of tariffs for central heating is determined by the purchase of heat energy by the MC from the resource supplier.
  2. Internal expenses of the management company - depreciation and renewal of equipment, repair of heating mains, payment of wages to employees.

If there is a suspicion that the heating tariff does not consist of actual figures and current expenses of the Criminal Code, and is greatly overestimated, you can contact the regional housing inspectorate. Before that, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the law No. 307 of 23.05.2006, which determines the rules for the provision of housing and communal services.

In case of unlawful overestimation of heating tariffs for legal entities or individuals, the service provider is obliged to recalculate within 5 days (Article 56 of Law No. 307).

Calculation of the tariff for gas heating

Gas meter installation
Gas meter installation

How to correctly calculate the running costs for autonomous gas heating? This is one of the important points when organizing this type of heat supply. In this case, there will also be different heating tariffs.

For those living in an apartment building, it is necessary to correctly draw up permits for disconnecting from central heating. Not in all cases this is possible due to the general house piping. But if the new tariff for heat supply does not suit you, it is best to try to follow this procedure.

This will take into account the following factors:

  • The ability to disconnect a separate apartment from heating without reducing the efficiency of the entire heat supply of the house;
  • The volume of supplied gas must ensure the operation of heating equipment - a boiler or a convector;
  • It is recommended to install a boiler with a closed burner and a coaxial chimney. The ventilation system of an apartment building is not designed for additional loads.

The tariff for gas heating is formed according to the same principle as for the central one. The difference lies in the amount of energy consumed. If in a centralized system the user cannot increase or decrease the heat flow, then for the gas volume it is determined by the flow rate and operating mode of the heating equipment.

In this case, you can calculate the tariff for gas heating by receiving information on prices from the Management Company. They include the base cost and the surplus factor. The latter takes effect if the consumer has exceeded the consumption limit. Usually this border is determined by 6000 m³ in g.

Currently, the tariff for gas heating in the regions ranges from 4.2 to 4.8 rubles. for 1 m³. A prerequisite is the installation of the meter, since there are no gas consumption standards for autonomous heat supply.

In contrast to the tariffs for district heating, the costs can be reduced for the stand-alone scheme. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the building (apartment), as well as use modern materials for the assembly.

Calculation of electric heating tariffs

Multi-tariff electricity meter
Multi-tariff electricity meter

If the organization of gas autonomous heating is impossible for a number of objective reasons, an alternative electric option can be considered. To do this, it is necessary to install boilers, convectors or other heating devices powered by electricity.

For apartment buildings without a gas main, a special preferential tariff for gas heating is applied for legal entities and individuals. The procedure for switching to it is currently simplified - it is enough to write a statement to the Criminal Code, which will be considered within 7 working days. Only then will the preferential tariffs for electric heating come into effect.

In addition, significant savings can be achieved by switching to a multi-tariff plan. This requires the installation of a multi-tariff meter, which applies different values ​​of tariffs for electric heating, depending on the time of day:

  1. Differentiated by two zones of the day. At night, the fee is significantly less than during the day.
  2. Three tariff plan. Additionally, the norms of peak load during the day are taken into account.

The duration of tariffs for electric heating is determined by the Federal Tariff Service.Usually, to minimize costs, two tariff meters for electricity are installed. Additionally, the heating system is being modernized by installing a heat accumulator.

Electric heating in a private house can be combined with solid-fruited. In this case, the operation of the electric boiler will ensure rapid heating of the coolant, and the solid fuel boiler will maintain the required temperature level.

Is it possible to reduce the existing heating tariff? To do this, you must provide evidence of inflated prices. In practice, the procedure can take several years. That is why they prefer to switch to autonomous heating.

The video shows the difficulties of challenging district heating tariffs.
Add a comment

  1. Valeria

    And where to get the norms for tariffs in Magnitogorsk?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      You need the tariffs set for the Chelyabinsk region. You can clarify in the UK when calculating receipts for payment, or you can find decrees for setting tariffs. Tariffs change every six months.

  2. Vladimir

    I will try to briefly describe how tariffs for district heating are formed. To make the correct calculation of the cost of the coolant, it is necessary, while dealing with this issue, to immediately exclude all the possibilities and desires of the management of heating networks to steal something. The e-book "The Legacy of the Party (Pandora's Box)" details the reasons for the disgusting district heating in military garrisons and cities the former USSR. This knowledge is based on personal experience and is confirmed by the facts cited by Igor Kuznik - "a well-known entrepreneur and specialist in the field of energy accounting, the head of SAYANY in his descriptions of the" dead end "of heat supply in Russia". The worst thing in solving this problem is then, as Igor Vladimirovich put it, that "Specialists know what to do, but they do not know why." From this story, we can conclude that, having eliminated these identified reasons, everything will become too transparent and it will be difficult to steal anything. When all this simplicity was revealed in the Armavir City Court of the Krasnodar Territory, the decision was made: to recalculate the owners of apartments in two apartment buildings for two heating seasons and pay each owner 3000 rubles for moral damage caused to them. But the main goal was to eliminate the reasons, and not to return the loot. However, no one is going to eliminate the reasons. WHAT FOR???



