How and how to paint batteries and heating pipes correctly: choose paint and the technology of its application

One of the methods to preserve the original appearance and operational properties of heating system elements is to paint their surface. However, the implementation of this work has its own characteristics - from the choice of paint and varnish composition and ending with the nuances of the preparation of the radiator. Is it possible to do this at home and how to paint radiators and heating pipes correctly, what paint to choose?

Why paint batteries

Radiator discoloration due to long-term use
Radiator discoloration due to long-term use

Changing or updating the protective coating may be necessary in several cases. Frequent of them is the natural wear of the paint layer, and then radiators or pipes not only lose their original appearance, but can also fail faster. Therefore, before deciding what color to paint the radiators, you need to find out the purpose of the coating.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, the battery experiences significant temperature changes during operation. Without a layer of paint, condensation forms on its surface, provoking the rusting process. Since you can paint a heating radiator at home, it is recommended to do this if the following external signs occur:

  • Changing the shade of paint... This indicates gradual fading and thinning of the protective layer;
  • Occurrence of discontinuities - places where paint is absent;
  • After completing a battery overhaul... Often during this, the protective layer is damaged.

But how to paint a heating radiator correctly if the current shade does not match the design of the room? This problem occurs less often, but to solve it, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of paints and varnishes. Not only the appearance is important, but also the operational properties of the coating - preservation when exposed to high temperatures, resistance to moisture.

If the radiator is not painted in time, then over time the rust will thin its walls. Even with minimal hydrodynamic shock, the likelihood of a gust will increase.

Choosing a paint for heating

Spray paint for radiators
Spray paint for radiators

Before properly painting a heating radiator, you need to choose the appropriate type of coating. To do this, you should be guided by 2 main priorities - safety for humans after application and durability.

Consider the main types of paint that can be used for elements of a heating system. After all, their appearance and application technology will depend on what paint to paint the heating batteries.

They are made on the basis of organic components. A characteristic odor may appear during application. But this is perhaps the only drawback. Otherwise, acrylic paints are the best option for renewing the protective layer or repainting heating radiators. And if the question arises of what paint to paint the heating pipes, it is recommended to dwell on this particular type.

Heating battery decoration
Heating battery decoration

The characteristic features of acrylic paints and varnishes include:

  • Be sure to apply a layer of primer before painting. It is necessary for better adhesion to the battery;
  • It is recommended to make 2 or 3 layers of protection. In this way, possible swelling of the paint can be minimized;
  • All layers must be the same thickness.

But acrylic compounds have one drawback - relatively high cost.If in the first place is the question of how much it costs to paint a heating radiator - you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the assortment from various manufacturers.

Acrylic paints are quite thick. They can be diluted with water in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer. In order to properly paint a heating radiator, it is enough to observe a 1: 1 ratio. The second layer can be made from a thicker composition.

Alkyd paints

They are the best option for systems with high temperature conditions. They perfectly tolerate prolonged thermal exposure. But before you paint the radiator with this paint, you need to prepare the room. In the process of doing the work, there will be an unpleasant odor that will persist for several days.


  • Choice of shade. Depending on the color of the radiators, the interior of the room will change;
  • The likelihood of an unpleasant odor after several cycles of the heating system;
  • When using a brush, one coat of protection can be applied.

If, after some time, you want to change the color of the radiators, the paint is relatively easy to remove from their surface.

What paint to paint the radiator with - ready-made or to buy a paste-like concentrate? If the amount of work is small, the first option is recommended.

Water-based paints

Factory painted steel batteries in various colors
Factory painted steel batteries in various colors

They are characterized by fast drying, odorless and wide choice of colors. But before you paint the heating radiators with this composition, you should carefully read the instructions. It should indicate that this paint belongs to the category of heat-resistant.


  • Do not use formulations based on polyvinyl acetate dispersion or similar. These paints are not designed to withstand high temperatures;
  • To obtain the desired color, you can add a dye;
  • There must be a normal air exchange in the room to remove vapors.

Since it is possible to paint heating pipes with this type of coating, they often make a single type of heating system.

Average paint consumption is 135-175 g / m². But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the unevenness of the surface, characteristic of radiators and batteries.

Regardless of what paint the heating pipes are painted with, you need to first calculate the cost part of the event. For this, it is recommended to make a superficial analysis of the offers on the market from various manufacturers.

NamePaint typeprice, rub.
Lacra, 2.4 kgAcrylic465
Dufa Allgrund, 0.75 l.Acrylic375
Tikkurila Miranol, 2.7 kgAlkyd848
PF-115 LUX "Impulse", 2.8 kgAlkyd548

It is recommended to purchase spray paint as additional consumables. Its price will not greatly affect the question of how much it will cost to paint a heating radiator. But if you need to eliminate a small defect without repainting the entire battery, this will be the best option for using paint for a heating battery.

Heating radiator paint technology

Painting stages
Painting stages

Will the choice of color affect the performance of the radiator? You can paint radiators in almost any shade - this will not affect its characteristics. It is important not to overdo it with layers - 2 or more can reduce heat transfer by 1-2%.

Before painting a heating radiator, you need to thoroughly clean its surface from dirt and dust. Then, with the help of solvents, the old paint layer is softened. You can remove it with a metal brush or coarse sandpaper.

This technology is only suitable for cast iron and steel radiators. Bimetallic and aluminum are painted over the old layer. For better adhesion, a primer can be used.

Heating pipes and other components of the system are painted only after the coolant has completely cooled down.To obtain a high-quality protective layer, it is recommended to observe the following rules for painting heating radiators:

  • Work should be done from the top of the battery;
  • It is best to use a spray bottle to create an even layer;
  • If the paint for painting the radiator is too thick, rollers can be used;
  • The second and third coats should only be applied after the first one has dried.

Drying time depends on the type of paint chosen. But even after its final solidification, you need to wait at least 24 hours before starting the heating. Too harsh temperature exposure can lead to swelling of incompletely cured paint.

If you do not want to do this work yourself, you can entrust it to a specialized company. The service for painting a heating radiator with a powder method costs from 230 rubles / m². However, the minimum order quantity is usually from 10 m².

It should also be remembered that it is not enough to paint the radiators and heating pipes with the correct paint. After completing the work, it is necessary to clean the moving parts of the shut-off valves - taps, valves, etc. Otherwise, after the final cooling of the protective layer, their work will be impossible.

The technology for painting a heating radiator can be found in the video:
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