How to use the shell for pipe insulation

Uninsulated pipelines located above the ground or underground, but not deep enough, are prone to freezing in winter. The consequences are inevitable: blocking of the utility network, pipe breakage, equipment failure. These troubles can be easily prevented if the thermal insulation is selected and installed correctly. A shell for pipe insulation is ideal for this purpose. It is easy to install and prevents freezing.

Necessary properties and requirements for the shell for pipe insulation

Insulation shell with a lock for fastening on a pipe

The shell for pipes is a cylinder, notched on one side, or segments, fastened together according to the groove-comb principle. Insulation without grooves can be fixed with clamps, wire, glue. After fixing, a protective casing is formed on the surface of the pipe.

Shaped elements are provided for insulating tees, branches, bends, abutment angles. To connect the shell along the length, use a separate shaped element - a sleeve.

Such communication protection does not insulate, but avoids heat dissipation or heating due to high ambient temperatures.

The shell must correspond to the diameter of the pipeline on which it will be mounted. The material from which the insulation is made must be resistant to low and high temperatures.

Basic requirements for thermal insulation for pipes:

  • long service life;
  • easy installation;
  • insignificant thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • protection against burns in case of accidental touch;
  • biological and chemical passivity;
  • the ability to maintain a constant temperature of the coolant.

Different materials have different characteristics from each other. Taking into account the conditions in which the insulation will be installed, it is possible to choose a shell for pipes with suitable parameters.

Insulating materials for the manufacture of shells

The shell material is selected depending on the operating conditions of the pipes

The range of modern insulating materials fully complies with the listed requirements. Shells for pipe insulation are made from the following materials:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • basalt insulation;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • synthetic rubber.

Insulation is insulated in order to protect against mechanical damage and increase the efficiency of insulation:

  • foil;
  • fiberglass and fiberglass;
  • galvanized and stainless steel.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam does not absorb water, therefore it is used for underground utilities

Polyurethane foam is a material with a fine-bubble closed-cell structure. It contains approximately 95% closed cells. PPU shell for pipes has the following technical characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity (0.037-0.042 W / m2 * K);
  • high density (40-60 kg / m3);
  • does not absorb water (1.5-3%);
  • operating temperature range: -180 ° C to + 130 ° C.

Before installing the PPU shell for pipe insulation, the steel pipeline must be treated with anti-corrosion compounds, because the condensate formed due to the temperature difference remains under the shell and causes corrosion.

Fixation with the help of additional elements leads to the formation of seams, due to the presence of which heat loss increases. In order to seamlessly join the segments, polyurethane glue is used; it is recommended to fill the free space with polyurethane foam.

Expanded polystyrene

Styrofoam cannot be used without isolation from sunlight

The polystyrene shell is used mainly for warming ventilation, water supply, sewer pipelines located in the ground, since the material has low resistance to ultraviolet radiation. It causes destruction of the structure. When insulating above-ground communications, it is necessary to wrap the shell or paint with something.


  • does not absorb moisture;
  • shows resistance to biochemical effects;
  • withstands significant static load.

Disadvantages of Styrofoam:

  • fire hazardous;
  • not resistant to mechanical stress.

The working temperature range of expanded polystyrene is from -50 ° C to + 80 ° C.

Basalt insulation

Basalt wool is not used for insulating pipes located in the ground

It is recommended to use basalt shells for insulation of the external pipeline. Its main disadvantage is high water absorption, which cannot be compensated even with the help of hydrophobic impregnations. Once wet, the shell completely loses its thermal insulation properties. Operating temperature range: -40 ° C to + 74 ° C.


  • light weight;
  • Fire safety;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • biological resistance.

Disadvantages: used only for insulation of plastic pipes.

It is recommended to glue the seams of the basalt wool shell with reinforced tape or construction tape, and then paint.

Foamed polyethylene

Foamed polyethylene does not absorb moisture

The polyethylene foam shell is a flexible and lightweight material in the form of a cylinder 1.2 or 2 m long with a slot. The operating temperature range varies from -40 ° C to + 95 ° C. Due to the special plasticity of the material, it is recommended to fix it with plastic or metal tightening clamps.


  • relatively low price;
  • has the properties of a steam, noise and heat insulator;
  • resistance to aggressive environment;
  • protects against the development of corrosion;
  • environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages: Absorbs moisture.

Due to the high degree of water absorption, it is necessary to waterproof the shell from foamed polyethylene.

Synthetic rubber

Synthetic rubber is not afraid of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, suitable for any communications

Synthetic rubber is superior to many materials in its performance characteristics. The insulating shell made of this material is produced in the form of cylinders with a longitudinal section, which can be mounted by putting the casing on the pipeline and gluing along the cut.


  • UV resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • the minimum level of water absorption;
  • effective insulation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

In order to improve its appearance, the insulation is painted with paint.

Dimensions and diameters

The size and thickness of the insulation layer is selected depending on the operating conditions

The shell is used for thermal insulation of aboveground and underground utilities. The protective cover is formed of two or more segments connected to each other. The larger the shell diameter, the more segments. The shell of a soft and flexible material, such as polyethylene foam, can be made in the form of a cylinder with a longitudinal cut.Shells of relatively dense material for small pipe diameters up to 2 inches are composed of semi-cylindrical segments. If the pipe diameter is 2 to 3 inches, the segments are narrower than 3. For larger diameter pipes, shells consisting of quarter-circle segments are suitable.

The inside diameter of the shell must match the outside diameter of the pipe.

The thickness of the insulation from which the shell is made varies from 9 to 90 mm. Insulation with a larger diameter and thickness will cost more. According to this parameter, the shell is selected taking into account the requirements for the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

Lengthwise dimensions also range from 1 to 2 m. The latter characteristic is determined by the ease of transportation, manufacture and installation.

Advantages of shells for pipe insulation

PPU shell is easy to assemble, is not afraid of high and low temperatures, but needs shelter from ultraviolet radiation

Polyurethane foam shell is most suitable for pipe insulation. This insulation has a number of advantages:

  • multiple use;
  • resistance to mechanical, biological, chemical, atmospheric influences due to high density and chemical composition, including resistance to rodents and pests;
  • durability;
  • easy and quick installation at any temperature;
  • possibility of installation without the use of additional fasteners;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • quick dismantling if necessary to repair a section of the pipeline;
  • use in the insulation of underground and aboveground communications;
  • does not make the structure heavier;
  • shows inertness to fungi and mold;
  • light weight;
  • insignificant coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • noise insulation properties.

At a pipeline temperature above + 150 ° C, the insulation cokes. In addition, it collapses under the influence of ultraviolet rays, therefore, a prerequisite for warming overhead communications is the presence of a protective coating.

Basics of installation and operation

The joints should be coated with glue to reduce heat loss.

Before installing the shell, the pipes must be inspected to exclude the risk of leaks. Then the pipeline should be cleaned from traces of corrosion and primed twice.

Insulation segments should be installed with an offset of the longitudinal seams by 5-10 cm. For the insulation quality to be higher, the joints should be glued with foil or ordinary tape.

Having closed the pipeline with a protective casing, the insulation should be fixed with clamps, wire or steel tape. Then, on top of the shell, if there is no factory protective coating, roofing material, fiberglass or roofing paper are wrapped. The protection is also secured with plastic or metal clamps. The joints are coated with glue to reduce heat loss.

Together, in an 8-hour working day, you can insulate up to 150 m of the pipeline.

Scope of application

Insulation of sewer and water pipes reduces the risk of plastic rupture in winter

A shell for insulating pipes made of polyurethane foam or other material is used to maintain a constant temperature of the medium circulating inside the pipeline, to protect people from burns at high or low pipe temperatures. This material is used for insulation:

  • sewer pipes;
  • cooling lines;
  • hot and cold water supply networks;
  • chemical synthesis systems;
  • pipelines in the oil and gas industry.

The high speed and ease of installation distinguish the shell from the insulation materials of a different form factor. Due to the high efficiency of insulation, environmental friendliness, ease of use, the shell for pipe insulation is popular in the field of public and private construction, industry.
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