How to connect a boiler to the heating system with your own hands

You can connect the boiler yourself at home. The installation method of the equipment depends on the use of the appropriate type of raw material and the selected heating system.

Varieties of heating systems

Diagram of an open heating system with an expansion tank

For the correct connection of the unit, it is necessary to study the main types of heating systems.

Open type

Such systems have a fairly simple scheme. They consist of an expansion tank, pipes, a boiler and a radiator. The basis is an expansion tank, which stores excess water when it is heated.

The system does not use a pump. The tank is not completely sealed, which leads to the evaporation of water and the need to replenish its level. The liquid in the pipes circulates slowly, therefore, during operation, the pipes must warm up gradually.

If the system does not work during the winter, the water is drained to prevent the pipes from freezing. The boiler is installed in low places of the house, and the expansion tank at high elevations. Few parts and fasteners are required for installation.

Closed type

Closed system with a safety group, in which water evaporation is excluded

Closed-type heating systems are hermetically sealed, therefore water evaporation is excluded, circulation is carried out using a pump. The scheme includes pipes, radiators, boiler, expansion tank and pump.

The principle of operation is based on the opening of the expansion tank valve with an increase in temperature and the elimination of excess coolant. After the degree of heating decreases, the pump pumps excess fluid back into the pipes.

The system maintains the pressure within strict limits.

Installation diagrams

Heating battery installation diagrams are presented in 5 connection methods:

  • the upper version assumes a fluid supply or drainage only from the upper point of the radiator;
  • the lower connection method is characterized by the flow of liquid directly from the connector located at the bottom;
  • one-way piping is carried out through the top, and its outlet from below is only on one side of the pipe;
  • diagonal connection is carried out when warm water is supplied from the top and it is removed from the bottom, but already from the back of the battery;
  • the spot circuit is rarely used, since a special radiator is needed to implement it - installation of the inlet and outlet of the coolant from 4 corners in the battery.

The system is connected only after a preliminary calculation of all the characteristics that ensure the normal operation of the unit.

How to connect units

The connection process depends on the type of boiler using a certain type of raw material for heating the house: natural gas, electricity, solid fuel).

Installation of gas boilers

When installing a gas boiler, the model, power and method of removal of combustion products are taken into account.

Boilers using gas as raw material are a profitable option for private properties. The units must be selected taking into account certain factors:

  • price and manufacturer;
  • the amount of power consumption;
  • number of contours;
  • the principle of the liner (floor or wall);
  • method of cleaning waste raw materials.

Gas installations are equipped with a burner, an expansion tank, a pump, a pressure gauge, a thermometer, a heat exchanger, and an exhaust gas discharge system.

You need to connect the gas boiler in a separate room with a chimney and flow and supply ventilation.

Required tools:

  • welding machine;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • scissors for cutting metal products;
  • building level;
  • black marker, tape measure.

The procedure is carried out on a prepared level place. For safety reasons, an iron sheet is placed on the surface. The chimney is pre-connected and the draft is checked.

The unit is connected to a common heating system. On the reverse side of the pipeline, a special protective filter against clogging is mounted. The plumbing is cut as close as possible to the entrance to the room.

Water pipes must be equipped with shut-off valves (valves) for dismantling without draining the water.

The installation of equipment on gas is coordinated with the relevant supervisory authorities and checked by a qualified specialist.

Connecting solid fuel devices

Installation of solid fuel boilers requires a separate room with good ventilation.

Solid fuel boilers are most often installed in residential buildings where there is no access to a gas pipeline. The raw materials for them are coal and firewood. By design, they resemble ovens equipped with modern installations and meeting all the necessary requirements.

The boiler room for these units must have well-plastered walls, ventilation and a protective coating.

The boiler is mounted horizontally on a flat surface. The height of the foundation is 15 cm higher than the base, the space for the heating of raw materials is at least 50 cm.

Required tools:

  • ball valve with a diameter of 50 mm 2 pieces;
  • squeeze 2 pieces;
  • protective valve;
  • pressure regulator (manometer);
  • automatic air exhaust;
  • ball valve 15 mm (diameter) 2 pieces;
  • steel coupling (diameter 50 mm) 3 pieces;
  • taps (57 * 3.5 mm);
  • transitions (57 * 32 mm) with a wall of 3 mm;
  • chimney with a gate valve;
  • pipe (57 * 3.5 mm);
  • temperature resistant sealant;
  • special reel;
  • pump with circulation.

Algorithm for performing the procedure:

  1. installation of the unit directly on the foundation;
  2. connection of heating pipes using taps, special winding;
  3. provision of grounding and connection to the power grid;
  4. installation of a security system (pressure regulation, air venting, safety valve);
  5. assembly of the chimney and sealing of the joints with a sealant;
  6. filling batteries with water;
  7. checking the location of the necessary elements (damper, grates);
  8. the first bookmark of firewood.

Installation of electric boilers

Connecting an electric boiler with a voltage stabilizer and a heating system control panel

The main advantage of electric boilers is the absence of combustion products during their operation. But this type of heating is expensive, since the electricity consumption for a private house is quite high.

The types of boilers are classified according to the type of heating:

  • heating elements - the presence of a container with distilled water or an antifreeze liquid based on ethylene glycol;
  • induction - units operating on the basis of electromagnetic induction;
  • electrode - heating water with a certain concentration of salts with the creation of resistance.

The connection of these units does not require a chimney and permission from special authorities. The scheme involves the installation of temperature sensors on the pipeline, heating radiators, drain valves, shut-off valves, an expansion tank and a circulation pump.

A voltage regulator is required for normal operation. During installation, it is important to completely isolate the water supply, as a short circuit and a violation of fire safety in the house may occur.

Safety measures (installation of a circuit breaker, grounding) must be followed. The cable is mounted in a cable channel, the equipment is covered with a special casing. The boiler must be well fixed to the foundation.

Supply of double-circuit boilers

Wiring diagram for a double-circuit boiler with autonomous operation of each circuit

When connecting a double-circuit boiler, you must pay attention to the device of this unit. The two circuits work independently of each other, providing heat and hot water supply in the house.

Two heat exchangers (main and additional) simultaneously heat water for heating and domestic use. The connection diagram for a double-circuit boiler requires an agreed documentation from the gas service.

Necessary tools for connecting a double-circuit gas boiler to the heating system:

  • level, brackets, dowels and screws for fastening the unit;
  • detachable connection DN15 "American" in half an inch;
  • ball valves, ¾ "American connector;
  • squeegees, nuts, fittings (tee, coupling, elbow);
  • sealing threads, paste, tow, fum tape;
  • coarse water filter with a magnet to protect the heat exchanger from salt buildup;
  • circuit breaker type 2A, cable or socket for connecting to the mains;
  • pipes for the circuit and installation of the chimney;
  • a set of additional tools: keys, screwdrivers, a hacksaw for cutting, a device for threading, a drill, a file.

The most suitable place for connecting the unit is a separate room that complies with the established standards. Wall units can even be mounted in living rooms.

When connecting a wall-mounted boiler, load-bearing walls are used; floor-standing units are best installed on a non-combustible base (concrete, clay or metal). The device must be freely accessible. There is good air circulation in the room.

Wall models are mounted on load-bearing walls

Installation steps:

  • fixing the device with a mounting template, bracket, screws and dowels;
  • wall protection with non-combustible materials (basalt cardboard, minerite, asbestos, roofing steel);
  • marking of the place for the chimney and installation of equipment;
  • when installing the unit, only ball valves are used with the use of "American" detachable connections, which in the future will allow you to remove the boiler without any special difficulties;
  • determining the length of pipes for connecting the boiler to the system, making threads, strapping, collecting all the necessary parts;
  • installation of a coarse water filter;
  • installation of shut-off valves at the boiler outlet;
  • installation of a shut-off valve on a pipe that supplies hot water;
  • connection of the unit to the mains (installation of a 2Am circuit breaker or equipment of an individual socket with cable inlet through a circuit breaker);
  • chimney installation.

The boiler must be located as close as possible to the gas pipeline and connected through pipes for safe operation. After completing all the above procedures, the following points must be observed:

  • obtaining technical specifications and relevant permits, design documents (diagram of the unit, located communications);
  • calling a gas specialist and connecting the boiler to a common line;
  • obtaining permission for further operation of the device.

Connecting boilers to start heating systems has its own characteristics that must be taken into account before the direct implementation of the procedure. In most cases, you need help and advice from specialists.
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