Monthly heating costs sometimes make up a large part of the family budget. Therefore, sooner or later the question arises - how to save on heating the house and apartment: gas and electricity? A number of actions can be taken that will reduce energy consumption by 10-30%.
Saving energy consumption
The principle of the heating system is to compensate for the heat losses of the house. At the same time, the temperature regime in the rooms should remain at a comfortable level of 18-22 ° C. The zealous owner, first of all, does not think about how to save on heating, but seeks to reduce the amount of heat energy spent on "heating the street".
First you need to calculate the thermal insulation of the outer walls, ceiling and floor. The heat transfer resistance should be between 2 and 4.84 m² * C / W, depending on the region. If this indicator is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to carry out insulation. Thus, it is possible to save 10 to 40% of the thermal energy generated by the heating system.
Before saving gas when heating a house, it is recommended to check the internal heat losses. They are often associated with obsolete components such as pipes, radiators and the boiler itself. Timely replacement and preventive maintenance is a prerequisite for imitating the system efficiency at the proper level.
In addition, the following procedures should be followed:
- Installation of new windows with 2-chamber double-glazed windows;
- The boiler output should not exceed the design system by more than 10%. How else to save on heating, if by default the consumption of gas or electricity in the boiler is too high?
- Installation of control elements - programmers, thermostats, temperature sensors in rooms and outdoors.
These are obvious ways to save on heating costs in an apartment. However, for a comprehensive solution to the problem, each system should be considered separately.
Wall insulation is not only the best way to save on heating in an apartment, but it will also reduce humidity. It is important not to forget about the ventilation system.
Savings on electric heating
As the main source of heat in electric heating, you can use a boiler or autonomous elements - convectors, warm electric floor or IR heaters. Regardless of their type, they are similar in one thing - electrical energy is needed for full-fledged work.
Energy savings in heating can be done in several ways. The decisive one is the installation of new models of heating devices. These include boilers and electric underfloor heating. Installation of convectors is currently the most expensive way to maintain the temperature in the house.
Consider the most effective ways to save electricity when heating:
- Organization of a complete system, including pipelines, radiators, etc. Unlike convectors, the water in the pipes will be hot for some time even after the boiler is turned off;
- Installation of two tariff meters. At night, the cost of electricity is much lower. Thus, you can save on heating, but only if there is no one in the house during the day;
- Using a storage tank. She will decide how to save on heating during the day.Water heated at night will circulate through the system during the day. It is important to correctly calculate the required volume of the container and find a place for its installation;
- Perform timely cleaning of heating elements from scale, flush the heating system. So you can save on heating in the apartment when using an electric boiler. It is important to pay attention to the heat exchanger - there should be no lime deposits on it, as they impair the transfer of thermal energy to water.
Applying an integrated approach to solving the problem of saving on heating, you can get good results. Some experts recommend lowering the overall temperature level to 16 or even 15 ° C. This is not always acceptable, as it will lead to a decrease in the comfort of staying in a house or apartment.
The average cost of installing two tariff meters is from 4500 to 8000 rubles, excluding the cost of the device.
Savings on gas heating
The best gas savings for heating is the purchase of a modern boiler. Currently, models with a modulated burner and the ability to connect external temperature sensors are considered the best option.
If an old gas boiler is available, only the burner can be replaced, leaving all the other components. But it must be remembered that saving gas when heating a house in no way should affect the safety of the equipment. Self-upgrading of the boiler can lead to emergency situations. Before saving gas for heating, you need to check the current boiler settings. Often, the increase in consumption is associated with this.
In addition to this obvious solution, you can use the following methods to reduce the cost of gas heating:
- Installation of thermostats on each radiator. This will lead to significant savings in gas when heating a house - up to 20%;
- Installation of collector wiring. The coolant cooling rate will be less for individual heating circuits than for a classic two or one-pipe system. Savings - up to 18%;
- Mixing unit. One of the most effective ways to save gas on underfloor heating.
Heat losses through the boiler drum play an important role in reducing costs. Modern gas models have adequate insulation, which cannot be said about their predecessors. Therefore, in order to save on heating, you should check the thermal insulation on the boiler and, if necessary, install an additional layer. For this, you can use mineral wool, as it is not a combustible material.
Solar collectors can be installed for hot water supply in summer. Thus, it is possible to exclude the operation of the gas boiler in the summer.
However, the best way to solve the problem of how to really save on heating the house and apartment for gas and electricity is to reduce the heat load on the system in the absence of tenants. To do this, you need to install a special programmer that will start the boiler at full power at the appointed time or after receiving a signal via the GSM module.
In the video, you can familiarize yourself with the innovative electric heating circuit: