How to properly and how to insulate a house from a foam block

The foam block is a building material made of foam concrete and gas silicate. They are used for the construction of private and low-rise houses, for the insulation of structures. Insulating a house from foam blocks from the outside has its own characteristics, which you must definitely familiarize yourself with if the homeowners decide to do all the work on their own.

Features of buildings from foam blocks

Foam blocks have a porous structure, which has a positive effect on the operational life of the structure

Foam concrete and gas silicate are used for the construction of small structures with single-layer walls. According to their characteristic features, foam blocks are classified as warm materials, therefore, additional insulation of houses is not provided. The material effectively keeps you warm. But this is far from its only feature:

  • walls made of foam block are not susceptible to attacks by fungus and the development of mold;
  • in comparison with brickwork, foam block has a more acceptable cost;
  • the structure of the building material is homogeneous, due to which such walls do not freeze through, which has a beneficial effect on the operational period.

Despite the excellent heat-insulating properties of the material, the structure is quite fragile. To prevent the structure from beginning to collapse, it is additionally reinforced with a steel frame. Thanks to such a support, it is possible to evenly distribute the load and maintain the integrity of the facade.

If a decision is made to insulate the foam block, it is important to take into account that it is forbidden to use a "wet" and hinged facade - the structure is not able to withstand such loads. The most preferable option in this case is decorative and natural stone.

Insulation installation

Polyfoam for insulation

Do-it-yourself insulation of the foam block is recommended with slab material, for example, mineral wool mats, expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam. If a decision is made to use vapor-permeable mineral wool, in addition, you need to take care of waterproofing. A ventilated gap must be provided, which will remove the formed condensation from the surface of the walls.

  • Polyfoam, expanded polystyrene is a vapor-proof building material, which is characterized by a low heat transfer coefficient and water-repellent properties. Additional advantages - it does not freeze and does not shrink. When insulating a house from the outside, it is important to additionally protect it with a decorative layer from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Mineral wool
  • Mineral wool is a vapor-permeable building material that belongs to the group of environmentally friendly materials, does not ignite and prevents the spread of fire. If you do not follow the installation technology, the material may shrink. Work with mineral wool is required only in personal protective equipment.

A new material, thermal panels, began to gain wide acceptance. The installation process of thermal panels is extremely simple, you can do the work yourself.

Thermal insulation of foam blocks with foam

House insulation with polystyrene foam

Even a beginner is capable of insulating foam blocks with foam, the main thing is to first study all the features of the work.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The wall is being prepared. It is cleaned of dirt and dust, gets rid of irregularities, if any.
  2. The facade of the foam block is primed.This procedure is necessary so that the glue is not absorbed into the thickness of the wall, the primer will hold it back.
  3. A starting metal profile is attached to the wall, the first row of building materials is installed on it.
  4. Prepare the glue. Purchase a special adhesive mixture for expanded polystyrene, strictly following the instructions.
  5. Plates are stacked in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Reinforcing meshes are glued on top to give the structure the necessary strength.

At the end, the insulation and finishing are plastered with a facade putty, if desired, the surface can be sheathed with siding or forcing.

Insulation of the foam block with penoplex

Insulation of a house from a foam block with penoplex

The technology of insulating a foam block structure with penoplex with your own hands is as follows:

  1. The surface of the wall is cleaned of dust and dirt, the influx of mortar is lost.
  2. The facade is treated with a primer, due to which the adhesion of the adhesive to the wall surface will be ensured.
  3. The basement starting profile is fixed with the lower part of the wall, thus a support for materials will be erected, which will protect the insulation from rodents.
  4. Prepare an adhesive mass for penoplex, strictly following the attached instructions for use. During the preparation process, it is important to stir the solution with a drill.
  5. With a grater or spatula, glue is applied to the slabs and they are attached to the facade of the house from bottom to top in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Each plate is additionally fixed in the center and in the corners with a dish-shaped (umbrella) dowel.
  7. A reinforcing mesh is glued to the cladded facade: first, all the corners are glued, and then the walls.

At the end of the work, a layer of plaster is applied along the mesh, after drying, another layer is applied, then the surface of the facade can be painted.

Thermal insulator protection

The best option is masonry

Each insulation needs a certain protection against mechanical, chemical and thermal effects. Mineral wool is afraid of moisture and wind, and polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are afraid of fire and sunlight. It is important to provide shelter for them.

Masonry is considered the most practical, but this is an expensive method. To save money on gluing insulation, you can simultaneously carry out two procedures - fix the insulator and lay the brick. When using blocks, it is important to apply plaster.

The most time consuming option is the construction of a ventilated facade. In this case, panels and lamellas must be used. A vapor barrier membrane is used on top, the logs are stuffed and a thermal insulator is placed in the intervals. As soon as the ventilation gap is ready, counter-rails are vertically attached to it for the subsequent fastening of the facing material.

The advantages of insulation

Advantages when insulating outside

Insulating a house from foam blocks from the outside has a large number of advantages, which is due to the widespread prevalence of such a construction approach. Main advantages:

  • Saving room space.
  • Insulation of the outer side allows you to move the dew point further from the heated room. If you insulate a room from the inside, condensation will accumulate between the wall and the insulation, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of mold and the gradual destruction of the building material.
  • External insulation prevents damage to the blocks. If you insulate the room from the inside, foam blocks with the arrival of cold weather will be exposed to low temperatures, which will negatively affect their operational life.

Installation of thermal insulation outside the house significantly extends the operational life of the blocks.
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