How to properly hang a heating radiator on the bracket

For high-quality operation of the radiator, you need to choose the right brackets. There are many fasteners. They all differ in the type of design, installation method, and functionality. Some are specially made for a specific design.

Battery mounting types

Wall bracket for cast iron radiator

Structures for fixing heating sections are usually divided into two types. Each of them performs its function and is used in individual conditions.

Wall mounts for heating radiators are considered sufficiently reliable, subject to the normal strength of the partition. The list of such clamps includes:

  • Anchor brackets. They are long and short, depending on the size and weight of the heater you want to install.
  • Special elements with the ability to adjust the height of the battery. The design provides for a special plate and a movable mechanism.
  • Anti-noise holders. The design is standard in appearance and has rubberized parts. They absorb noise and vibration from radiators and walls.
  • Corner fasteners. These are small metal structures designed to hold small batteries with a low mass index.
Radiator floor bracket

Floor brackets for heating radiators are used in individual cases. For example, if it is not possible to fix the battery on the wall due to the structural features of the room. Among such details are:

  • Stands with soles. They are designed for heavy radiators, screwed directly to the floor with long dowels.
  • Additional floor brackets that are used in case the wall brackets are not enough to hold the battery.
  • Racks with and without regulator. Their design provides for hooks that are fixed not only to the floor, but also to the wall.
  • Details in the form of an ordinary stand with a wide sole. They are not fixed to the floor. Used for small heaters.
  • Tripod holders. Convenient, stable floor bracket. This is often used if the radiator needs to be installed far from the partition.

Floor structures are also used if the room has panoramic windows or walls are made of plasterboard. Such elements are not able to withstand radiators.

Installation site marking

Determining where to install the battery

Before purchasing a mount for heating batteries, you need to decide on the method that will be used for fixing. After that, they begin to markup, taking into account the requirements from SNiP.

  • When installing a wall-mounted radiator, it should be borne in mind that its center should be located in the center of the window sill. The permissible error is no more than 20 mm.
  • It is recommended to purchase radiators, the dimensions of which will correspond to 75% of the window sill length.
  • The distance from the floor covering to the bottom of the battery must be at least 60 mm. It is important to consider this when marking out before installing the bracket.
  • There must be a gap between the wall and the radiator. The estimated distance is 30-50 mm.
  • The gap from the window sill to the radiator must be left at least 50 mm.
  • The number of fasteners should be selected depending on the number of sections. For example, for 8 pieces, it is enough to place two brackets at the top and one at the bottom. The type of attachment can be anything.
Carrying out markings for the attachment points of the new battery

When installing a floor-standing radiator battery, markings are made on the finishing or rough surface. Two brackets are required to accommodate the battery in six sections. The larger the number of sections, the more fasteners.

After considering all the placement standards, they begin to draw auxiliary lines.

  1. Having chosen the middle of the window, draw a vertical line from the window sill to the floor.
  2. If there is a lower wiring, a horizontal line is made, along which the upper edge of the battery will pass.
  3. If additional lateral routing is present, make another horizontal line, which will become the border of the lower part of the radiator.

Focusing on these lines, brackets are installed. The distance between the bottom and top must be at least 300 mm. The clearance from the wall to the seat is 80 mm. As a result, the battery hung on the holder should occupy no more than 130 mm of distance from the edge of the window sill.

Any wall-mounted radiator battery can be installed on floor holders. In this case, the height from the floor to the middle of the heating equipment should be 140-190 mm.

How to hang a radiator on a bracket

Installing a bracket for a cast iron radiator

The mounting methods for the radiators differ depending on the type of battery selected. Each option has its own step-by-step instructions.

Often cast iron radiators installed under the window. This makes it possible to achieve correct air circulation throughout the room.

  1. First of all, they are determined with the points where the fasteners should be installed. The bracket for the cast-iron radiator should be located exactly in the place where the sections of the cast-iron radiator are connected to each other.
  2. The bracket for cast-iron batteries is fixed 2-3 mm above the center of the section of the heating inlet pipe into the battery. All fasteners are installed in the same way.
  3. The lower holders are installed using the same technology.
  4. In order for the brackets to have a tight adhesion to the wall, it is necessary to pre-drill a hole of the required length with a diameter 1-1.5 mm less than the thread diameter of the fastener.
  5. Dowels are inserted into the prepared holes, into which threaded brackets are subsequently screwed in.
  6. After making sure of the reliability of the installed elements, the cast-iron radiator is hung. After it sits securely in the grooves, you can start to solder the communications for heating.
Bracket for fixing sectional radiators to the floor

Steel batteries mounted on wall and floor brackets. Such work is carried out in stages.

  1. Holes are prepared and self-tapping screws are screwed into them. The gap between the cap and the wall should be 3-5 mm.
  2. Next, the brackets are hung on the wall, after which the screws are screwed in until they stop.
  3. The radiator is being hung on the wall brackets.
  4. The floor clamp is installed and matched to the battery.

After installing the battery, the pipes and additional elements of the radiator - thermostats, regulators - are soldered.

In private houses, it is customary to install steel heating radiators on metal long brackets. They are designed for top and bottom fixing at once. Installed on the wall with self-tapping screws.

Attaching the bracket for the aluminum radiator to the wall

Have aluminum batteries there is a special holder directly on the case. Brackets are often included. To hang the radiator on the wall, you must:

  1. Measure the center of the window and align it with the center of the heater.
  2. Draw borders with a simple pencil on the wall in accordance with the dimensions of the structure.
  3. Step back two sections from the edges of the battery, mark the distance taken and transfer it to the wall from the drawn border of the radiator.
  4. Drill holes in the marked places, and then fix the brackets in them.
  5. After that, the batteries are hung and switched to the general heating system.

Before installation bimetal radiator such brackets must be installed on the wall that will support the weight of the heating structure. It is important to follow the following rules here.

  1. The distance from the radiator to the wall must be at least 50 mm.
  2. The structure is hung with a slight forward slope, respectively, and the mounts are installed in a similar way.
  3. The plugs must be exactly at the same level as the pipes in the system.

The slope is made so that airflow does not occur in bimetallic radiators. In this case, the installation principle remains the same as for other batteries.

How many brackets are required

The number of fasteners is calculated taking into account the number of radiator sections. Batteries are typically six sections, so you need two brackets on each side (bottom and top).

When choosing a mount, the weight of the radiator must be taken into account. After hanging it should not bend or dangle in the prepared hole. If the walls do not allow for a reliable fixation of the heaters, it is better to use the floor mounting option.
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