Options for calculating the power of gas boilers for heating a house

Most private home owners prefer to use modern gas boilers when organizing heating and hot water supply in their home. This approach eliminates dependence on many external factors, including disruptions in the operation of utilities. Before installing equipment of this class, it is important to correctly calculate the power of the gas boiler, which will allow you not to make a mistake when choosing the right sample.

Calculation of boiler power by area

The main criterion when choosing a boiler power is the area of ​​the room

To calculate the heat output of a wall-mounted or floor-mounted gas boiler, a typical formula is used, taking into account that for every 100 m2 of living space in a house, at least 10 kW is needed. The resulting figure is usually adjusted upward by 15-20 percent to eliminate unaccountable factors.

As an example, the calculation of the thermal power required to heat a building with a living area of ​​80 m2 is considered. In accordance with the mentioned ratio, it is found as follows:

P = 10x80 / ​​100x1.2 = 9.6 kW (1.2 is a factor that accounts for a 20 percent stock.)

When choosing a unit suitable for this indicator, they acquire the model in which the declared power is closest to the calculated value. The proposed calculation method is suitable for single-circuit devices installed in modern suburban housing. It does not take into account the load on the hot water supply and is often used as the basis for calculating the gas consumption for the heating season.

Factors affecting the accuracy of this indicator include:

  • the climatic zone in which the building heated by the boiler is located;
  • the height of the ceilings in the premises of each particular building;
  • The efficiency of the used heating equipment.

Another calculation option, along with the building area P, takes into account the specific power factor of this model (K). The latter depends on the climatic region and varies within the following limits:

  • from 0.7 to 0.9 kW for the southern regions of the Russian Federation;
  • 1.0 to 1.2 for the center;
  • from 1.5 to 2.0 in the northern regions of Russia.

In fact, K is the same amendment that was introduced into the previous ratio as a percentage. The calculation formula in this case takes the following form: P = PxK / 10... According to it, for the central regions, the heating source power for a house with a total area of ​​80 m2 should be at least 8.0-9.6 kW.

What power do boilers need for home

There is no universal method for calculating heat output for products of a particular category. Each of the possible options is subject to separate consideration. In most cases, an approximate calculation is used, based on taking into account the area of ​​rooms in a country house or in a country house. At the same time, a stepwise approach to assessing the indicator is used, in which the footage is divided into the following three categories:

  • the total area of ​​the house is up to 60 sq. meters;
  • its value is limited to 100 sq. meters and above;
  • parameter exceeds 200 sq. meters.

In the first case, the value P = 8 kW is considered sufficient, for the second option it is 15 kW, and for the third - 20 kW.

The need to calculate the power of the boiler

The need for a calculation justification for the choice of boiler equipment is explained by the following reasons:

  • the acquisition of a unit with more than necessary capacity will lead to unjustified costs associated with excessive gas consumption;
  • its insufficient value will not allow obtaining the required heat output;
  • with an erroneously determined indicator P (at loads exceeding the calculated ones), violations in the operating mode of the equipment are possible, as well as its failure.

The correct approach to calculating the total boiler power required for space heating is impossible without first acquaintance with individual equipment models.

Popular models

Wall gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-W A1HB003

Samples of gas boilers in high demand are presented by single-circuit models in wall and floor versions. Their advantages include compactness and ease of maintenance, and their disadvantages include limited functionality.

Wall models

Wall-mounted products are represented by the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W A1HB003 sample, the line of which includes three models with declared powers of 24, 30 and 34 kW. They are manufactured on a single modular platform, which greatly simplifies on-site installation and warranty service. The advantages of these products include:

  • low gas consumption, not exceeding 3.5 m3 / hour;
  • automatic power adjustment depending on the ambient temperature;
  • high efficiency reaching 93%;
  • the presence in the kit of a coaxial chimney equipped with frost protection;
  • versatility (products can operate on liquefied gas).

A relative disadvantage of these models is the lack of a remote control panel.

The well-known Eco Four model is relatively inexpensive compared to other models. The boiler has a flat body of small dimensions, which allows it to be mounted in one line with kitchen cabinets. When used in northern regions, it can be used to heat living space up to 150 square meters.

Floor units

Floor-standing devices are not limited by anything in their functionality. They are installed in accordance with safety requirements and need a separate room. Bosch GAZ 2500 F is the first product of this type, developed by German engineers exclusively for the needs of the Russian user.

This unit perfectly copes with the instability of the operating voltage in the mains and the low level of gas pressure in the system. Thanks to a steel heat exchanger made of 3 mm thick sheets, the GAZ 2500 can operate without breakdowns for almost 20 years. The series presented by the manufacturer from Germany includes four models with a thermal power from 22 to 42 kW.

Despite the fact that these products are assembled within Russia, they cannot be called cheap. But they provide built-in automation, as well as the ability to connect an indirect heating boiler. The advantages of these models include:

  • availability of a reliable steel heat exchanger of increased capacity;
  • the ability to adjust power in the range from 60 to 100%;
  • admissibility of setting the operating modes selected using built-in automation;
  • the presence of a control panel;
  • possibility of reorientation to bottled gas.

The disadvantages of German floor-standing units include their high cost.

Inexpensive units

Protherm Bear 40 KLOM

Relatively inexpensive models of single-circuit gas boilers include products under the brand name Protherm Bear 40 KLOM, designed for a power of at least 35 kW. Units with such indicators are optimal for economical homeowners who need heating with warm air of living areas of no more than 250 m2. The functionality of this sample is not too great, but everything necessary for its safe operation is optional.

The manufacturer abandoned the built-in electronics, which turned the model into a completely non-volatile device. To start up the equipment, it is enough to connect the gas supply to it. Taking into account the low cost of this sample, no serious shortcomings in its work were found.

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