How to fold a round oven in a metal case

Special masonry of cylindrical stove heating devices can significantly reduce the consumption of bricks and the weight of the entire installation. The construction of such a modification is not considered costly, but the device itself cannot be classified as highly efficient, economical. It is not recommended to install such a stove in a residential building. It is suitable only for the summer version of the kitchen, dacha.

Round oven device in a metal case

A metal casing is put on the brick base of the furnace

Any stove is placed on a reinforced base. Its brick part consists of the following elements:

  • Volumetric firebox for laying wood. Since such a stove requires a lot of fuel, with a large firebox, you can not throw firewood so often.
  • Vertical chimneys. Usually there are three, sometimes up to five. The design of a stove with 1 screw-shaped chimney is also permissible. Thanks to the increased number of the latter, the heating device will have a greater efficiency.
  • Chimney.

The cylindrical brick body is wrapped in a steel sheet casing. Subsequently, a small iron cylinder is obtained, which does not take up much space. It can be placed in room walls or in the middle of the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

The stove can be assembled by hand from available materials.

The main advantages of a heater in a metal casing:

  • The simplicity of the device - you can assemble it yourself.
  • High level of fire safety. If the walls of the stove are damaged, the metal case will prevent sparks from spreading beyond the boundaries of the structure.
  • High heat capacity. Due to the specificity of the device, the heat from fuel combustion is completely used for heating the premises.
  • Small size. This allows you to place it in any part of the house.
  • Affordable price.
  • The ability to decorate at your own discretion.

The convenience of the stove significantly exceeds its few disadvantages:

  • High heat output from thin furnace walls. All surfaces of the structure must be lined with a heat-resistant material.
  • Significant fuel consumption. Such a stove requires a third more firewood than an ordinary Russian one. For this reason, it is installed for the purpose of occasional use.

If a round brick oven is to be erected in a wooden house, the nearest walls must be protected from possible fire using metal sheets. It is impossible that there are elements of furniture, flammable objects near the heating device.

Building materials and tools

Fireclay brick must be prepared for laying out the firebox

To build a stove, you must first purchase the following list of tools:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • grinder with a diamond wheel;
  • Master OK;
  • bucket;
  • a hammer.

You also need to purchase construction and consumables:

  • brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • waterproofing material (for example, roofing material);
  • metal sheets for arranging the case or other type of cladding;
  • gate valve;
  • grate;
  • 2 doors.

In the case of self-manufacturing of the casing, metal scissors, a welding unit or a rivet gun will also come in handy.


The stove is erected on a foundation - sometimes it is necessary to partially dismantle the floor

First you need to build a solid foundation. If it was not previously provided, the laying is required to start with the dismantling of the floor. The prepared place is neatly marked under the foundation.

The procedure for the construction of the foundation:

  1. Place a sand cushion in the base.It is necessary to use a level so that the horizontal surface is flat. Otherwise, the stove will be crooked.
  2. Prepare a mortar of fine sand, cement in a ratio of 3: 1 and pour the base.
  3. Put reinforcing mesh, cover with prepared solution on top.
  4. Cover the damp surface with a layer of roofing material (for waterproofing purposes) and sprinkle with a layer of sand (2-3 cm).

Next, you need to prepare a clay solution: sifted sand, water, clay. The latter must be wet, otherwise it must first be watered with liquid.

  1. Mix clay with fine sand in the same ratio.
  2. Add water to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 6: 1.

Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Ordering for a round oven

Furnace order:

  • 1 row. lay bricks horizontally on the sand (flat), then pour cement mortar on top, align.
  • 2, 3 row. In both rows, bricks are laid by analogy with the 1st. At this level, plumb lines are launched on the sides so that later the stove does not deviate to the side.
  • 4, 5 row. The 4th row is the base of the ash hole. The walls of the ash-pan are laid out of brick with an edge. A small door should be attached to one of them using soft wire. To ensure tightness, a heat-resistant material is wound on the latter along the borders. An asbestos cord can be used.
  • 6, 7, 8 row. With the help of masonry, part of the ash pan is overlapped, on top of which the grate lies.
  • 9-13 row. A firebox is being built (the brick lies on its edge). A door is attached to the side of the entrance to the ash pan.
  • 14, 15 row. The firebox must be blocked with a brick, leave an opening behind for smoke.
  • 16, 17 row. A neat hole is made for future chimney cleaning, which must be laid with kick bricks.
  • Row 18-26. Lay out the back channels. The required number of the latter (from three to five), as well as the configuration will be determined by individual needs.
  • 27 row. All channels should be blocked with brickwork, but in the last one, a chimney opening should be left.
  • 29, 30 row. A chimney is formed, a valve is attached to maintain traction.
It is necessary to equip a chimney for the stove

Based on the real height of the ceiling in the room, the number of rows of the future stove can be increased or decreased.

A round stove cannot be used without installing a chimney. You can determine its type at will. But at the same time, you should remember about the mandatory rules:

  • Provide thermal insulation of the chimney in case of contact with the walls of the house.
  • Observe basic fire safety requirements.
  • When constructing a pipe, add a small amount of cement to the mortar to maintain resistance to strong winds and frequent rains.
  • Above it is required to install a metal coating.

A round stove in a metal case is a reliable and simple heating system for occasional use in country buildings, where it is impossible to install a conventional boiler heating system. It is not easy to fold it, but it is quite possible, if you follow the order, it will correctly prepare the solution.
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