Ever-rising heating and electricity bills are forcing private property owners to take urgent steps to insulate their homes. To implement this event, many effective technologies have been developed that involve the use of time-tested and modern materials. Insulating a private house is not a task that cannot be done with your own hands, saving a good budget. To get the desired result, you should decide on the material and follow the instructions for its installation and subsequent finishing.
Material selection
There is a wide range of products on the construction market that can be used to effectively insulate a house built from any material. When choosing, one should be guided by the criteria of quality, reliability, without giving priority to the price aspect.
The most popular and in demand are the following heaters:
- Styrofoam. Time-tested insulation with excellent insulating qualities. Plates 100x100 cm in size also consist of compressed balls with a porous structure. The sheets are light, well cut with a hacksaw and a clerical knife. Since the foam does not allow air to pass through, it is advisable for them to insulate concrete and brick walls.
- Expanded polystyrene. It is produced by extrusion of open cell foam. Penoplex is waterproof and resistant to temperature changes, can be used in any conditions. They can insulate wooden houses from logs and beams, foam blocks and other ventilation materials.
- Mineral wool. On sale are mats and rolls made of dolomite, cullet and metallurgical slag. The best performance characteristics are possessed by stone mineral wool made of basalt. The boards have low thermal conductivity, absorb noise well, are environmentally friendly and fireproof.
- Polyurethane. It is a binary composition that foams and quickly solidifies when mixed. In the course of a chemical reaction, the substance fills all voids, forming a porous coating with a spongy structure. PPU is considered the best thermal insulation for outdoor use.
- Heat insulating plasters. As a basis, gypsum and cement mixtures are used. The effect of thermal insulation is achieved due to the content of porous additives in the solution. To achieve the desired result, at least 5 cm of solution must be applied to the walls.
Ecowool is perfect for arranging buildings made of wood and aerated concrete. It is an organic analogue of polyurethane, which is a loose cellulose bound by lignin.
Insulation thickness
House insulation is carried out during or after the completion of their construction. Frame and aerated concrete walls can be finished immediately, and a log house needs at least a year for shrinkage to occur. The insulation layer should be designed for extremely high and low air temperatures. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thermal conductivity of the bearing walls themselves.
For the Moscow region, the following thickness of insulation is considered optimal:
- foam - 10-20 cm;
- basalt wool - 10-15 cm;
- slag wool - 15-20 cm;
- glass wool - 20-25 cm;
- polystyrene - 10-15 cm;
- polyurethane foam - 7-10 cm;
It is advisable to use warm plaster as additional insulation when finishing hard and soft insulation.
Do-it-yourself home insulation technologies
If such an opportunity permits, it is better to insulate a private house from the outside in order to shift the dew point from the supporting structures to the external cladding. Choosing insulation technology, you can focus on methods with or without mortars.
Wet method
It is supposed to use adhesives, cement mortars and plaster. The insulation must be hermetically sealed to prevent its contact with moisture, ultraviolet light, insects and animals. The technology involves the use of slabs of mineral wool, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene.
In order to properly insulate the house from the outside with a wet method, you need to perform the following actions:
- Knock down protruding fragments from the surface, remove plates, lamps and switches. Seal large holes and holes with cement mortar or polyurethane sealant.
- Attach the starting steel bar to the basement of the house. It is needed to set the direction of laying and protect the slabs from the penetration of parasites.
- Rub the back of the sheets with a float to improve adhesion to the adhesive.
- Knead the solution following the manufacturer's instructions on the package.
- Apply adhesive to the slab with a trowel and press it against the wall. You need to start laying from any corner, shifting the edges of the sheets in a checkerboard pattern.
- After finishing the first row, lay all the rest. Each new level must be shifted by half a figure.
- Nail the slabs to the wall after the glue has dried. For this, disc dowels are used, which are inserted in the corners and in the middle of each square.
- Reinforce the surface with a polymer mesh and tile adhesive.
- Apply a layer of plaster to the wall. Based on the conditions of the project, a layer of 2-3 mm of the usual composition or 3-5 cm of insulated plaster is made. The texture can be smooth, like a stone or tree bark.
The final step is priming and painting the surface. A paint that is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation is selected.
Dry method
The method is equally well applicable for insulation outside and inside the building. Any type of material can be used as long as it is safe for health.
You need to follow the step-by-step instructions:
- Remove all decorative items and electrical appliances from the surface.
- Clean the wall from dirt, moss, mildew and mold, wipe off oil deposits.
- Fix a membrane film on the surface to ensure condensate drainage from the insulation.
- Fasten the frame to the base in the form of vertically arranged boards. You can attach them to corners or profile hangers. The wood must be pre-dried and treated with an antiseptic.
- Fill the crate with insulation. Mineral wool needs to be inserted into a vortex, applying force. Solid slabs are stacked end-to-end, the cracks are blown out with polyurethane foam. The polyurethane foam is applied so that after hardening it does not protrude beyond the edges of the sheathing.
- The second layer of membrane film is nailed onto the frame. The overlap areas of the strips are sealed with tape.
- Exterior finish is applied. For this, siding, block house, plastic panels or profile sheets are used. The choice is determined by the priorities of the hosts.
The advantage of the dry method is that the structure can be dismantled and reassembled at any time. Such actions are necessary to check the condition, refresh, dry or replace the insulation. It is possible to change the cladding as the design of the site changes.
Features of the insulation of private houses
When planning the insulation of residential buildings, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which they are built.You need to take into account the structure and appearance.
Brick houses can be finished with all available types of insulation. The masonry practically does not allow air to pass through, which removes any restrictions on the ventilation qualities of the materials used. The possibility of thermal insulation is recommended to be laid at the design stage. You can make two parallel masonry at a distance of 5-10 cm. As the building is being erected, the cavities are filled with ecowool or penoizol. This approach eliminates the need for subsequent insulation.
Wooden houses require a special approach, as wood "breathes". If it is hermetically sealed, moisture will first occur, and then decay of the natural substance. If the facade looks beautiful and presentable, it makes sense to leave it intact, and do all the work from the inside. When the wood is discolored and cracked, it can always be covered with foam or mineral wool. Another option is to arrange a ventilated facade at a distance of 5-10 cm from the load-bearing walls. In this case, you can choose a cladding that authentically imitates a real wall or use a wooden block house, which will have to be changed every 3-4 years.
Frame houses are lightweight and a heavy foundation is not made for them. Insulation is selected with low weight and good vapor permeability. The ideal option is basalt wool, which is inserted into the frame. The material will provide not only excellent thermal insulation, but also natural ventilation of the premises.
Remember to use a membrane sheet and appropriate interior and exterior finishes. The best option would be plasterboard for rooms and vinyl siding from the street side.