How to insulate an external wall in an apartment or house

Insulating the outer walls of an apartment is an effective measure that allows you to create comfortable conditions and a healthy microclimate in your home. It often happens that central heating does not cope with the task assigned to it. You can get out of this situation by installing your own boiler or additional electric heaters. Both methods are not distinguished by originality and practicality, are not always technically possible and require large investments. Insulating an apartment from the outside is much cheaper, requires a one-time investment and is not particularly difficult. The main thing here is to choose the right material and monitor compliance with the repair technology.

Do the walls insulate from the inside

Insulation of the wall from the inside with foam plastic

If you look at this method from a purely practical point of view, it will seem simple and attractive in all respects.

The pros seem so powerful that they are hard to resist:

  • there is no need to look for industrial climbers and adjust your work schedule for them;
  • wall insulation in the apartment from the inside can be done with your own hands, since this process is simple to perform;
  • availability of permanent access to the thermal insulation structure, which makes it possible to carry out routine repairs and replace damaged fragments;
  • freedom in choosing the type and thickness of heat insulators, which is appreciated by the owners, whose facades of the rooms overlook the central streets of the city.

However, the decision to insulate the wall in an apartment from the inside in a panel house is not optimal for many reasons. Property owners can regret taking it over time. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to familiarize yourself with the negative consequences of this method.

Disadvantages of building insulation from the inside

A thick layer of thermal insulation takes up useful space

The internal insulation of apartments has disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • Reducing usable space. The material itself has a certain thickness, and it still needs to be covered with drywall, which requires additional finishing.
  • The need to move furniture. In some cases, when the walls are made to individual sizes, you have to perform their expensive adjustment or order a new set.
  • For the duration of the work, you need to move out of the apartment so as not to breathe polluted and humid air. Sometimes it may be necessary to take out things that are sensitive to dampness.
  • The geometry of the heating system is disturbed. Pipes and radiators do not heat rooms as efficiently, even when the temperature is high.
  • Pollution of air and interior items by by-products of repairs - mortar, glue, dust, fine fibers. Long-term and laborious general cleaning. There is a high probability of irreparable damage to some objects and surfaces.

The main disadvantage of the internal version is that the load-bearing walls are constantly exposed to the environment. Due to the temperature drop, concrete panels crack, brickwork loses its solidity. Condensation accumulating under the insulation leads to the formation of mold, which gradually corrodes it and penetrates into rooms.

Pros of outdoor insulation

Thermal insulation of the end wall with foam plastic

The owners of corner apartments are well aware of what cold winters and extreme hot summers are fraught with. In extreme cold, it is impossible to warm housing, and in the sun it is difficult to cool it even with an air conditioner.

Covering the end wall with a heat insulator provides the following advantages:

  • Useful space is retained. This is true for owners of small-sized housing, where every centimeter of area and volume counts.
  • There is no need to move furniture, take out everything that may suffer during repairs.
  • External insulation performs not only an insulating function. The material closes all cracks and crevices, protecting rooms from moisture during precipitation.
  • All work is carried out outside, inside it is clean and calm. The owners do not think where to move temporarily and how long it will take to put things in order.
  • The walls are protected from adverse weather factors and maintain a stable condition. All this contributes to the extension of their service life and maintenance of operational characteristics.

The main thing in this method is that heat loss will be much reduced, and dampness will not penetrate inside.

Material selection

A thick layer of stone wool has a masonry thermal conductivity characteristic of 1.5 m

A wide selection of wall insulation for an apartment is presented on trading floors. Materials vary in performance, thermal conductivity, installation methods and price ranges. Cold buildings should be insulated with insulators that best match the characteristics of the buildings. Consideration should be given to the wall material, climatic conditions and building architecture. Last but not least, you should focus on the price, so as not to repeat the repair in a few years.

Mineral wool

Minvata is made from natural stone, steel-making slag and glass breakage. Finished products are sold in the form of mats and rolls. The thickness of products is 50-400 mm with a width of up to 100 cm. The material is characterized by flexibility, elasticity, elasticity and low thermal conductivity.

A feature of the product is its hygroscopicity. From saturation with moisture, it loses its insulating properties. During installation, it is imperative to seal the mineral wool tightly with mortar. Another nuance is the release of the smallest volatile fibers during installation. Protective equipment for hands, eyes and breathing is required.

Expanded polystyrene

The cost of foam plastic for wall cladding is lower than similar materials

Polyfoam is a good choice for outdoor insulation. It is produced in the form of slabs with dimensions of 100 × 100 mm, 50 and 100 mm thick. It is a set of balls with a porous structure welded together. Plates are characterized by low specific gravity, low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and fragility. The decision of manufacturers to extrude polystyrene foam has improved its performance. The boards have acquired resilience, flexibility and additional strength. Locks at the edges ensure a seamless connection in the masonry. An important factor is the price of the products, which is lower than that of commercially available counterparts.

Polyurethane foam

Insulation is a liquid substance, which, after being applied to the surface, foams, multiplies in volume and hardens. The finished coating is characterized by low thermal conductivity, strength and durability. The foam has excellent adhesion and adheres to any plane, penetrating into the smallest gaps and filling all voids.

The sprayed substance can be used as a stand-alone finish or in conjunction with a frame covered with decorative cladding. The downside of PPU is the high cost of the process and the need to invite specialists with special equipment.

One of the most effective modern insulation materials is foil-clad penoplex. The material is produced in the form of long strips, rolled into a roll. After gluing to the walls, it is covered with a finishing cladding.The plus is that the insulation can be used to decorate cold walls inside and out. Ecowool has proven itself well, but it requires careful waterproofing.

Heat insulator thickness

The difference between materials in terms of thermal conductivity characteristics relative to brickwork

The calculation of the required thickness of the insulation is carried out by multiplying its thermal conductivity coefficient by a regional indicator.
So for Moscow the following numbers are the best choice:

  • mineral wool - 150 mm;
  • polyurethane foam - 100 mm;
  • foam plastic - 100 mm;
  • expanded polystyrene - 100 mm;
  • penoplex - 100 mm.

When decorating houses, you can combine heat insulators, applying them to the peculiarities of architecture and wall materials.

Options for wall insulation in the apartment

Spraying polyurethane foam on walls in a house with brickwork

For concrete panels, it is better to use polystyrene, which is planted with glue and fastened with disc dowels. Then the surface is covered with reinforcing mesh, plaster and covered with acrylic paint.

It is advisable to insulate a wall in a brick house with polyurethane foam or basalt wool. In the first version, the foam is applied to the surface, after which it is left as it is, or covered with decorative panels.

If the wall is cold, cover it on both sides using thick coverings on the outside and thin on the inside. For exterior decoration, you can use inexpensive foam plastic 10 cm, and in the room, cover the surfaces with decorative cork, which simultaneously serves as a decoration.

If there is mold on the wall, before starting work, you need to get rid of it mechanically. After that, the structures should be treated with an antiseptic and the remaining recesses should be sealed with a solution. To prevent this phenomenon in the future, you need to trim the wall from the outside with a vapor-permeable insulation that will remove moisture from it.

When installing a ventilated facade, cotton wool is placed in a frame, which is closed on both sides with a membrane sheet. Such a cake provides temperature protection for the supporting structure and air circulation, which removes the moisture released from the building.
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