What solution to cover the stove so that it does not crack

To detect small cracks on the wall of the stove, a regular visual inspection is carried out. The resulting breaks affect the life of the stove, poisonous fumes enter the kitchen through the cracks. Cracks are removed using a repair mixture, in the manufacture of which the recommended proportions of clay and sand are observed for the stove putty.

The causes of cracks

Furnace cracks appear due to improperly selected building materials

The violation of the surface monolith happens for various reasons, but the basis is the stove-maker's mistake. Wall breaks do not appear if building materials are selected correctly, taking into account technical characteristics and properties. What matters is the competence of the craftsman who lays down the walls of the firebox, installs the internal elements and makes the chimney.

The following factors influence the appearance of cracks:

  • Prolonged non-use of the stove in winter. The plaster bursts due to the sharp heating of the cooled hearth.
  • Haste to test the newly laid out hearth. Cracks are formed because the material has not dried or gained strength.
  • Incorrectly executed masonry, in which areas with temperature changes appear during heating.
  • Inconsistency of materials with the required thermal tension. Failure to comply with the ratio of such parameters between mortar, brick and metal elements.
  • Overheating the hearth. Fuel is used that generates more heat than the stove can handle, such as charcoal for a wood-burning hearth.

Before covering the stove with clay so that it does not crack, you need to find out the causes of the problem. Sometimes the firebox can crack due to a weak base or the use of materials with poor fire resistance. Sealing the seams in this case will not help; you will have to redo the masonry.

Repairs are done immediately after surface breaks are found. The stove will smoke if you do not cover up the cracks. You can make a do-it-yourself solution to putty the oven or use ready-made refractory mixes from a store.

How to fix the problem

To prevent the stove from cracking, it is covered with clinker or some other tile.

A solution to the problem is to finish the outer surface with ceramic tiles. The material will last a long time if the technological recommendations are followed.

Types of tiles used:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • types of tiles;
  • clinker material;
  • terracotta.

You can cover up the stove so that it does not crack, using a clay solution. The mixture adheres well to the surface, while cracks are rarely formed.

The furnace plane is processed using tools:

  1. Putty knife. Several varieties are used for the convenience of coating.
  2. Hammer for plastering nails.
  3. Trowel. It is used for mixing the mortar and applying the mass to the surface.
  4. Scissors for metal. The tool is needed to cut the metal plaster mesh.
  5. Grater. It is used for grouting mortar.
  6. Ironer. With the help of the device, the plane is leveled to an ideal state.
  7. Chisel. Used for notching in the coverage area for better adhesion.
  8. Brushes. For wetting the surface.
  9. Building level, plumb line. The tool is taken to level the plane in a horizontal or vertical position.

Clay coating of a brick stove in the country or in the house is available, the solution is kneaded without problems. Cracks need to be repaired using technology, wait for the previous layers to dry.

Plastering sequence

Before starting plastering, the old mortar is removed from the stove, and the cracks are made wider

Before covering up the stove or patching up problematic stove areas, you need to study the sequence of work. The first time you can plaster if the folded hearth has stood for at least six months. Natural shrinkage and shrinkage of materials occurs. Before starting work, the stove warms up so that the masonry expands. Kindling will prevent cracks after coating when the hearth gets cold. The plaster is not applied in frosty weather.

Next steps:

  1. Surface preparation is required before coating the brick oven in the house. The old coating is removed, the cracks widen and deepen.
  2. A thin layer of liquid composition is applied to the leveled plane and left to solidify for 1 - 2 days.
  3. A steel mesh or fabric is fixed to the surface as a framework to reinforce the layer. The mesh and cloth are wetted with a liquid clay solution.
  4. The mass with clay is applied in separate crevices or spread over the entire surface of the hearth in two layers. The thickness of one layer is about 4 - 5 mm. The increase in size leads to the appearance of instability of the plaster.
  5. The solution should dry out, after which the surface is rubbed with a float.
  6. The finished surface is treated with liquid lime or painted with a chalk composition.

If there is ceramic tile, it is removed from the oven. The elements can be glued again after the plaster layer has completely hardened.

Kinds of putty for ovens

The solution can be made by yourself or you can buy a dry mix in the store.

The furnace belongs to the category of building structures that regularly change the temperature, so the working mixture must meet the requirements.

Mixtures for smearing ovens are divided into types:

  • simple formulations of two or more natural components;
  • ready-made dry mixes of industrial production.

The materials for the solution are cleaned of accompanying impurities, the sand is passed through a sieve. The clay is rubbed through a fine grate to separate small stones and roots.

Types of solutions:

  1. Lime. Take sand and lime dough in a concentration of (1 - 2): 1.
  2. Clay. Chamotte clay and quarry sand are used in a ratio of 1: (1 - 1.5).
  3. Lime-clay. Lime paste, clay, local sand in cumulation of 0.2: 1: (3-5) is used.
  4. Cement-clay. Take cement, oily clay, quarry sand in a concentration of 1: 4: 12.

The first type is suitable for coating the plane next to the firebox, since it does not withstand strong heating. Clay is suitable for filling gaps and for coating the first layer. Secondary treatment is done with a solution of clay and slaked lime, which has some plasticity and prevents the appearance of breaks.

Cement-clay mortar is the most durable and is suitable for plastering hearths that are very hot, for example, in a bath.

Clay solution

Fireclay is the strongest and most durable material for stove putty

The material is suitable for oven smears, but its properties change depending on the grade of the raw material. The preferred type is chamotte. For the solution, the same volume of components is taken, sometimes a little more sand is mixed (for the initial layer). The plaster is mixed with greasy clays to increase adhesion. Choosing a too fatty grade increases the volume of sand.

The rule for mixing the solution:

  • The clay is soaked in water for 5 days, the absorption is monitored. If the material is highly wetted, liquids are added. It turns out a mixture similar to sour cream.
  • Dry the sand before kneading.
  • Lime is added to the composition if it is necessary to increase the adhesion to the surface. The component accelerates the setting and drying of the layer.
  • Cement M400 is used for the furnaces. With the addition of the material, the solution sets after 20 - 25 minutes, and hardens within 4 - 5 hours. The layer gains full strength in 2.5 - 3 days.
The balls should not crack when dried

The mortar is tested for cracking. Balls are molded from the gruel, dried and examined.The material is suitable if cracks have not appeared on the samples. The test is tougher for mixtures operating under harsh conditions, for example, at high temperatures. Dry specimens are dropped from 1.5 m and the surface is inspected for damage.

A wooden shovel serves as an indicator of the concentration of the mixture. If the mortar sticks to the tool while stirring, the addition of sand is required. Chopped straw, fiberglass or asbestos are added to the plaster. Reinforcement additives increase tensile strength. The stove is finished with a solution, which contains natural components, so that when the temperature rises, no toxic substances are released into the air.

Salt is sometimes added to the solution to increase plasticity. In such a layer, insects do not start, which is important for private buildings. Gypsum in the mass helps to reduce the setting time, but such a mixture is prepared in small portions in order to have time to develop it before it dries.

Ready mixes

Dry commercial solutions are kneaded in small portions

The industry produces powder mixtures that contain the required ingredients. The materials are sold viscous and hard. Sealants with increased heat resistance and asbestos fiber for cracking are available for sale.

The procedure for using dry formulations:

  1. the bucket is filled with water;
  2. the volume of powder calculated according to the instructions is poured;
  3. a nozzle for an electric drill (mixer) is used to obtain a homogeneous composition without lumps;
  4. after the first stirring, the solution is left for 4-6 minutes and stirred a second time.

Powder mixtures set quickly after mixing with water, therefore they are used immediately and mixed in medium portions. The composition includes sand, clay, cement, additional components are introduced. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the layer if the work is carried out according to the technology.

Masonry compounds for plastering fireplaces, hearths and stoves contain plasticizing additives, therefore they work for a long time after drying. Ready-made powders are used to seal small cracks without removing the finish, if the surface is lined with tiles or decorative types of bricks. The solution prevents the reappearance of cracks.

The ready-made mixture for application retains moisture well inside, therefore it does not require preliminary wetting of the wall surface. This position reduces the drying time of the oven and saves working time. The layers are made thinner due to plasticity, so the material is preserved.

The first firebox is allowed on the fourth day after the smear. The cladding is performed one month after the active exploitation of the hearth.

Metal Furnace Processing

High temperature sealant for metal furnace

Cracks in a steel furnace can be welded with an apparatus, but this version is not always appropriate at home. The finished putty is purchased or mixed from certain ingredients.

Ready-made heat-resistant sealants are used in places where the body of the stove is heated to + 350 ° C (outer walls). They treat cracks and loose seams in metal products, seal pipes and penetrations through the roof.

The main component is silicone, but properties change with additives:

  1. More flame retardants include iron oxide, the paste is brownish red.
  2. Neutral compounds are used at the joints between metal and brick or concrete. When dry, moisture and alcohol are released from them, after which the crack filling receives the necessary tightness and strength.
  3. Acidic pastes release acetic acid during hardening, therefore they are not used for metals, because are corrosive.

Heat-resistant materials have good adhesion to the surface, they do not deteriorate from ultraviolet rays. Sealants do not crack after drying, they tolerate expansion and shrinkage of the metal well at temperature extremes. The drying time for each species is prescribed on the package and ranges from several hours to a day.

The paint does not linger on the surface of heat-resistant materials, so they are selected according to the color of the base metal.

Add a comment

  1. Nikolay

    in order to prevent the stove from bursting tediously in the masonry, lay a thin mesh on each row, now it is not a problem to buy such nets in the stores of Glavsbyttorg. And add a burning additive to the clay solution - sawdust about 30% of the clay mass.

  2. art12

    Dustvitelno mesh is necessary in the plaster. I somehow got tired of experimenting with books and just applied a wire mesh of itltintroic thickness to the raw clay-sand plaster, wrapping almost the entire furnace. I have no more cracks.

  3. Sergei

    The masonry of the stove in the photo must crack by definition. The thickness of the seam should be 3 ... 4 mm, not a centimeter as in the photo.

  4. Alexander

    Mix mineral wool with sour cream clay, there will be no cracks.

  5. Oleg

    6 liters of ash 2.3 kg per 10 liters of water slaked lime 1 kg of salt and there will be a good solution.

  6. Nikolay

    Hello comrades in misfortune. I also have a problem with the stove - it is cracked, smokes. I read the article and reviews, a lot became clear. One question for Oleg. This is not the first time I have heard that ash, mixed with sand and cement, forms a heat-resistant solution, which over time sinters and completely fills all cracks and cracks. And now the question itself - what kind of ash, wood, coal or ...? What is the ratio of the components?



