What is the most economical heating in a private house

The constant increase in the cost of utilities makes you think about revising your views on methods of maintaining heat in winter, both in the country and in a country house. The solution to this issue must be approached comprehensively. You need to understand that economical heating is not cheap appliances and available resources. You can get a quality product only on condition of large investments. When choosing an economical electric boiler, gas, solid fuel or combined equipment, it is necessary to take into account their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Reduced heat loss

It is impossible to choose a cheap heating method without investing in insulation and construction work.

It will not work economically to heat a house with high quality using electricity if the building does not have additional protection from the cold. 35% of heat loss occurs through the roof, 25% through the wall and up to 15% through the floor. These are big numbers that cannot be ignored. There are a large number of insulation materials and methods of their application.

You can use one of the following technologies for decorating the house and apartment from the outside:

  • Wet facade. Insulation plates are glued to the wall, which are then nailed, reinforced, puttyed and painted. Foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool is used.
  • Ventilated facade. There is no direct contact with the supporting structures here. At a distance of 3-5 cm from them, a vertical structure is erected, consisting of a frame and basalt wool laid in it. On both sides, the insulation is covered with a membrane film, and from the outside it is sheathed with a hard finishing material.
  • Polyurethane foam fur coat. The liquid is sprayed into a volumetric frame, after it has solidified, it is upholstered with decorative plates or panels. Today, PPU is considered the best insulation in all performance characteristics.
  • Backfill. Small and medium-sized expanded clay is used to create an insulating layer when arranging floors and ceilings. The material is inexpensive, but requires periodic replacement due to shrinkage and moisture absorption.

Even the most economical heating and insulation will not bring the desired effect if you ignore the openings in the walls. It is necessary to install modern iron doors with internal filling and energy-saving double-glazed windows. They have a metal coating that traps heat inside the room and does not allow cold to penetrate it from the outside.

Choosing the cheapest fuel

In order to correctly choose the most economical heating in a private house, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the heating devices available on the market and the characteristics of the energy sources used. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the geographical location of the building, its configuration and the prospect of an increase in fuel prices.

Electric boilers

Combined boilers are installed in rural areas, where it is possible to buy firewood cheaply

The price of electricity is constantly growing, there are no downward trends in it.

Nevertheless, economical electric boilers have the following advantages:

  • compactness;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • autonomy;
  • the ability to customize work parameters;
  • high performance;
  • ease of installation;
  • no need to obtain permission to install.

Electric heating of a house is an economical way only if the house is located in a rural area, where reduced tariffs are applied, or if its owner has benefits and subsidies.

Gas connection

If there is a gas pipeline in the area, it is advantageous to put a gas-firewood boiler

Gas remains the most inexpensive source of energy, but it also tends to rise steadily. It is recommended to connect to it if the gas pipe passes near the country house.

Such a decision is supported by the following factors:

  • a wide range of equipment;
  • high performance;
  • noiselessness;
  • safety provided by automation;
  • availability of offline mode.

The disadvantages should also be taken into account. To install the boiler, it is necessary to obtain a permit; only specialists can carry out the installation. In addition, large initial investments are required.

Liquid fuel boiler equipment

Waste oil is a cheap fuel for oil boilers

This type of equipment is rarely installed in the private sector. More often it can be seen at industrial facilities.

For heating the house, diesel fuel, fuel oil and oil processing are used if there is no alternative.

The devices have the following advantages:

  • good heat dissipation;
  • ease of installation;
  • versatility in raw materials for application.

There are difficulties in the operation of liquid fuel furnaces. They consist of the need for constant refueling and ensuring the safe storage of the fuel supply.

Wood or charcoal oven

Coal-fired boilers are cheaper in regions where this type of fuel is mined

The rise in prices for electricity and gas has forced many property owners to turn their attention to traditional energy sources - firewood and coal. However, the rise in prices for raw materials, its production and transportation did not bypass these resources.

Equipment advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of self-production of fuel;
  • good heat dissipation.

To be able to heat a building with high quality throughout the entire cold period, you need to create a fairly large supply. It is also necessary to constantly throw coal and firewood into the boiler, including at night. And this is not the best pastime for the building owners.

Wood pellet boiler

Long burning pyrolysis boiler with 92% efficiency

The best solution to save on heating is to install a long burning stove. It is a device where air enters the combustion chamber from above. As a result, the fuel smolders in the firebox, and does not burn.

System advantages:

  • long burning, which in the best models lasts up to 2 days;
  • high efficiency, reaching 92%;
  • fast payback;
  • compactness;
  • multifunctionality;
  • profitability.

Hydrolysis boilers working on pallets and briquettes have practically no disadvantages. It is difficult to make them with your own hands and a careful selection of the installation site is required, since the case is very hot.

The most economical way to heat a house is a universal stove that runs on all types of fuel, including waste, which can be collected in unlimited quantities at any landfill. The furnace is made of a steel pipe with walls at least 6 mm thick. The furnace is equipped with cast iron grates that can withstand the temperature of coal combustion. The boiler is capable of burning plastic, firewood, cloth and even liquid fuel, which impregnates rags or foam rubber.

Improving the efficiency of the heating system

Using the program, you can adjust the temperature in each room

Using cheap fuel, insulating the building and installing an economical boiler are the first steps towards increasing the efficiency of heating a building and reducing costs for its maintenance.

You can use the following options for additional improvement of the home heating system:

  • Planning the layout of the premises. Living rooms should be designed in the middle and on the sunny side, and auxiliary ones near the walls. As a result, heat will be concentrated in the right places.
  • Installing the programmer.This device measures, lowers and raises the temperature in accordance with the set parameters. While the owners are absent, the building cools down, and heats up by their arrival.
  • Piping and installation of the underfloor heating system. The beam scheme is more expensive to install, but it works more efficiently. The spiral design is cheaper, but it also heats worse. Underfloor heating allows, at low cost, to evenly distribute heat over the entire area of ​​the room. Depending on the choice of the main heating system, water or electric floors are installed. The latter are subdivided into cable, matte and film.
  • Combined use of different types of heaters. Heating with electricity is an economical way for small rooms, provided that convector-type heaters are used, which are used as auxiliary heaters in severe frost. The main source is an economical pyrolysis oven or gas boiler.
  • Use of heat accumulators. They are a storage tank installed in the attic or in one of the auxiliary rooms. The heating medium is heated from the chimney or directly from the boiler. Gradually accumulating heat, the battery transfers it to the radiators. Energy storage keeps the temperature in the batteries at a uniform level. At the same time, fuel consumption is reduced by 20-25%. If the building is heated by an electric boiler, it makes sense to install a two-peak meter and heat the heat accumulator to the limit at night, when the current costs 2 times less.

When considering options for electric heating, it is worth thinking about how you can get energy for free or much cheaper than from utility suppliers.

Renewable heat sources

A DIY windmill can provide energy to a small house

Renewable energy sources that cost nothing by themselves have long been used on an industrial scale. This trend is especially widespread in developed countries.

For heating a private house, you can use the following options:

  • Windmill. With the correct design, the blades rotate even in light winds. The rotation is transmitted to the motor, which generates electricity. The stabilizer brings it to the required parameters and feeds it into the house network. Excess energy accumulates in high-capacity batteries. The disadvantage of such a solution is the high cost and complete dependence on the weather.
  • Solar panels. There are ready-made panels on sale. They only need to be installed, connected and configured. The luminary will do the rest. The batteries run silently and generate up to 10 kWh. The downside is that it is advisable to use such devices only in areas where clear weather prevails.
  • Water turbines. They can be used if there is a river or a deep stream with a strong current near the house. This technology is complex, expensive, and not yet perfected. Its advantages are that the equipment does not depend on the weather, time of day and external supplies.
  • Heat boiler for geothermal energy. It is a system of pipes buried in the ground in a vertical or horizontal orientation. The external circuit is connected to a heat boiler, which heats the medium and supplies it to the internal circuit. Installation of the system is a laborious and costly business, but productivity allows you to achieve a payback in 10 years.

Devices for using the energy of nature can be made and installed independently, but it is better to use the services of specialists with skills in this field.

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  1. realist

    I have a house of 120m2, heating costs 900-1700 rubles per month!
    if there is no gas and you don't see it, then you shouldn't build a big house!
    and heating should be of 2 types
    solid fuel boiler + electro!
    For 2 years, he stoked electricity with 4500 rubles per month!

  2. Alexander

    , And why the heck to heat such a house if 100 percent of the heat goes away?

  3. pessimist

    That is, the difference is about 2-2.5 times between electricity and gas. If we take into account the cost of connecting gas 500-1000 thousand rubles, then electricity is simply more profitable.

  4. Alexander

    And now count: gas connection 250-500 thousand rubles, boiler, meter, batteries, piping, annual maintenance of gas facilities + gas. Firewood + electricity costs several times cheaper and more romantic (I have a wood-burning fireplace 30 tons). rubles + chimney 20 thousand rubles + convectors 8 thousand rubles), for the winter (5 months) I pay 10 thousand rubles (5 thousand firewood, 5 thousand electricity) The fireplace cools down in the morning, the convectors turn on , and leaving for work or on a business trip I turn on anti-freezing, convectors keep the warmth in the house + 7. True, the house is less than 40 m2 on the first floor, and the second is closed 30 m2.

  5. Andrew

    Heating with wood (stove) - in my case, a house 10x11 + an attic, install at least three stoves + a fireplace, this is already about 750k rubles. The cost of 1 m2 of firewood (substandard round timber) starts from 1000 rubles / m3, we calculate the amount, take into account the storage space and the heating process itself (bring, heat, clean the ash, seasonal chimney maintenance), in short, to agitate me, who has lived most of my conscious life in the village for stove heating, to put it mildly, I do not advise, for a one-time New Year's visit to the dacha - yes, for God's sake, exotic romance, I pass, central heating is when I went to bed +18 in the evening, and in the morning you don't have to jump into boots to jump to the toilet!

  6. Alexei

    A full connection to gas equipment, with a pipeline to the house in a two-room apartment, in 2014 cost 84,000 rubles a penny! A double-circuit boiler, four batteries, a towel dryer and plastic pipes around the house.

  7. Yuri

    First you need to build a warm house, and then choose heating. For example, I built a house of straw blocks with a wall thickness of up to 1 meter, which corresponds to a 5 meter brick wall. Total for 100 sq. meters I needed only 5 kW of infrared heaters. This is between November and March. The house was built 350 km north of Moscow.

  8. rrr

    Certainly more profitable. With climatic, there is 1 kW. electricity is converted to 3 kW. heat from a conventional heater.

  9. Andrew

    Hello! Can you please in more detail, gas is very expensive, what kind of straw blocks are these, where can you buy them? Thank you

  10. Sergey

    Have any of you heard of heat pumps?

  11. Nikolay

    Only gas I don't see any other alternative.

  12. Gennady

    Biogas plant for a private house. Everything is shit, biowaste from the site is rotting, it gives gas for free. The internet is full of information, nothing complicated, dangerous !!! Warm up, rejoice! And at home, build all the buildings like a construction trailer. Ie, without connection to the ground. No foundation. At least for the entire site! You don't have to pay tax! It is considered a temporary hut.

  13. Alexander 1

    To support your Biogas plant, you need to hire a couple of assholes, but a dozen is better, and feed them rusty herring with milk all day long. Then it will be warm in the house!

  14. Alexander

    A biogas plant does not just produce gas from shit. Everything organic goes there: dry leaves, branches, grass, etc.



