Measures for arranging the heating system in a private house are classified as procedures for which a certain level of training is required from the performer. Do-it-yourself heating installation is a competent approach to choosing the right boiler model and the correct calculation of its power. In addition, during its implementation, it will be necessary to bring engineering communications to ensure a continuous operation of the heating unit.
Mandatory conditions for installation
Before proceeding with the installation of heating in a private house, it is important to understand the features of the upcoming operations and the conditions under which they can be carried out. Requirements considered mandatory when installing a heating system:
- the presence in a country house of a separate room designed specifically for placing boiler equipment and control equipment with automation;
- the possibility of arranging an effective ventilation system, without which the safe operation of heating units is impossible;
- the admissibility of organizing a separate outlet from the water supply line, used exclusively for the purposes of hot water supply and heating.
It is strictly forbidden to use living spaces (kitchens and other utility rooms) for placing heating equipment.
The correct approach to compliance with safety requirements provides for the mandatory grounding of the boiler body. In a private house, you will need to make a remote protective circuit.
Types of coolant circulation
In accordance with the principle of moving the coolant, which is used to heat private houses, all systems are divided into two types - with natural and forced circulation. In apartment buildings, the first of these options is widely used, when the water carrier moves by gravity. This becomes possible due to the different density of heated and cooled layers of liquid, when warm parts are displaced by cold ones.
When designing heating for a summer residence or a suburban building, where the system is isolated from other consumers, it is almost impossible to do without forced circulation.
Natural circulation
In a system with a liquid heat carrier moving by gravity, heated water has a lower density and, being in a closed volume, is gradually squeezed out by cold layers. For its movement, even vertical sections of the heating wiring are not an obstacle.
The coolant heated in the boiler flows by gravity into the installed radiators, gives off heat through exchange with the ambient air, and then returns to the boiler. Over time, this cycle repeats itself, thereby supporting the natural circulation process. To ensure it, the system provides for small technical conditions:
- Horizontal sections, like sewers, are made with a slight slope towards the movement of the coolant - no more than 3 cm per running meter.
- The boiler is located as low as possible relative to the horizon, which increases the pressure difference - the principle of communicating vessels is triggered;
- The supply riser and hot water collection pipes are made with a larger diameter.
- The heat pipe route itself is laid as straight sections as possible, the number of turns in which is minimal.
The installation of heating systems is organized using pipes made of materials with a minimum flow resistance - polypropylene or, in extreme cases, steel. Natural circulation has incomparably more disadvantages, which is the reverse side of the simplicity of the device.
Typical disadvantages:
- this method is effective only in buildings of limited size - no more than 100 sq. meters with a total pipe length of about 30 meters;
- low speed of warming up the premises;
- the complexity of calculating the required power and the need to use an open container instead of an expansion tank;
- constant evaporation of liquid, the reserves of which have to be replenished all the time.
These disadvantages are the reason that natural circulation systems in private houses are practically not installed.
Forced circulation systems
An indispensable element of such schemes is a pump that supplies pressure to the liquid. It is built into the return pipe of the wiring, through which the cooled coolant returns, or it is installed directly in the boiler. To extend its service life, a cleaning filter is installed in the pipe. The benefits of forced circulation include:
- there is no need to organize a special bias;
- speed of fluid flow through polypropylene pipes;
- uniform heating of the surrounding space;
- aesthetics of a system made of pipes of the same diameter.
There is no limitation on the length of the piping. With its increase, it is enough to install a more powerful pump.
There are practically no drawbacks to this method of organizing circulation, except for the significant costs for arrangement.
Types of systems
Before you start installing a heating system in a house, you will need to learn how to distinguish between a one-pipe and two-pipe way of arranging it. In the first case, wiring from one pipe is used, which forms a closed loop with a coolant circulating through it. A sequential scheme is implemented, according to which the water carrier, passing through the boiler, heats up, after which it gives off heat to the radiators. At the final stage of its movement, it, already cooled, enters the solid fuel boiler again.
The two-circuit system is more complicated, since it consists of two separate branches, each of which performs its own function. The first of them is designed to transfer heat from the boiler to the radiators, and the second is to remove the cooled coolant back to the boiler unit.
The choice of the wiring option is determined by the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner of the house, since the arrangement of a 2-pipe system is associated with high costs.
Self-assembly methods
When choosing a heating system for a private house, preference is given to the option of forced circulation of a coolant that can evenly heat large spaces. For the same purpose, the wiring is chosen more complex (double-circuit), which guarantees good heat transfer and the absence of problems with the movement of liquid through the pipe system.
A similar approach to the independent arrangement of the heating system is observed in a country cottage, where the areas allocated for housing are even larger. If such a building has 2 or 3 floors, you should calculate in advance the power of the boiler, which would be enough for all household needs.
For unheated small apartments in city buildings, the best option is a two-circuit system with natural circulation of the coolant.Only this approach to the organization of heating in multi-apartment housing allows you to connect to the existing water supply lines.
Nuances of water heating
Installation of heating and all related equipment is carried out using a variety of methods, including combined inclusions. In addition to the classification already considered, many other wiring schemes for private households are known:
- one-pipe horizontal (vertical) connection;
- "Leningrad";
- two-pipe scheme with bottom piping;
- two-pipe scheme with top wiring;
- beam system using collectors.
Which of these methods is most suitable for a private house, it is up to the user to decide. To do this, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of installing heating boilers.
I don’t understand the current specialists in heat supply, if they did not study well at school, or if they support some manufacturers. What is space heating, why am I writing a room, but because it can be both residential and domestic. Let's start with what forced heating is: it can be one-pipe or two-pipe, for both parameters it does not greatly depend on what level the boiler stands in relation to the batteries. But this method has a very big drawback, it is the use of a circulation pump, firstly, this is an additional consumption of electricity, and secondly, in regions where there are lingering cold weather, such a system is not acceptable. If there is a power outage in that area for any reason, this system will defrost. The best heating system is with natural circulation. With such a system, if there is no voltage in the network, then the system will not suffer and heat will flow. The only drawback is the riser and the upper horizontal, which should have a slope from the boiler riser to the last radiator and is preferably made of metal pipes, and the rest are plastic. Boilers for such a system are only suitable for floor-standing, not wall-mounted. Maintain boldly up to 250 sq.m. heated premises. And if you also add a bypass with an installed circulation pump to this system, then this will surpass any other heating system.