Which heater is better oil or convector

The issue of heating in the house is one of the most important. Situations can be different: early autumn cold snap, interruptions in the boiler room, accidents. An additional source of heat in the house will not be superfluous. Therefore, you need to know which is better - a convector or an oil heater, when you need to choose a device for heating a house, apartment or summer cottage.

Heaters working principles

Oil cooler and electric convector differ in operating principle

The convector differs from the oil heater in the principle of operation. The radiator is a metal reservoir into which mineral oil is poured. When heated, it transfers heat to the heating element. The ribbed surface of the heater gives off heat more fully.

The convection apparatus is made in the form of a flat metal box with slots. Through them, air circulates and heats the room. Heat transfer takes place by means of a spiral inside the housing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Internal structure of the oil cooler

The advantages of the oil device.

  • The unit does not differ in complexity, therefore it is in demand, its cost is affordable.
  • The ribbed design of the casing increases heat transfer.
  • The device can be installed in the room, the wheelbase makes it easy to move in the desired direction.
  • Heat radiation is direct. There is no draft or dust movement from the device.
  • Even after the equipment is turned off, heat continues to radiate from it for a long time.

Disadvantages of the heater:

  • The appliance does not heat up immediately. Long warm-up times are typical for older models that do not have a fan heater.
  • Uneven heating of the air. It can be hot near the appliance, while it is still cold at the other end of the room.
  • Lack of correct operation of the thermostat. The device cannot always correctly determine the room temperature due to its uneven heating.
  • The large dimensions of the device do not always allow it to be installed in the right place.
  • There is a possibility of getting a burn from the surface of the unit. Safety is important, especially if there are children in the house.
  • Small cracks that gradually appear on the case are considered a big flaw in the technique. This leads to oil evaporation and incorrect operation of the device.
  • Potential overheating can lead to a fire, especially if there are items close to the device that could ignite.
The principle of operation and the internal structure of the convector

The convector has the following advantages:

  • Heating occurs much faster by moving air masses.
  • The body, unlike oil, does not heat up above 60 degrees. Therefore, such devices can even be placed in a nursery.
  • Automation is working correctly. Heating can be programmed to a specific temperature.
  • The device does not have open heating elements, does not emit unpleasant odors when heated.
  • Convection-type devices are produced, which have a special housing, protected from water. These heaters can be installed in swimming pools or saunas.
  • The convector is compact, it can be placed on the floor, there are wall-mounted models, as well as skirting boards in the form of thin long panels.
  • The device easily fits into the interior; it can be decorated with a color print at the request of the customer.

Disadvantages of the device:

  1. At the beginning of work, the movement of cold air causes a draft. Not everyone likes it.
  2. The movement of air is accompanied by the movement of dust. Therefore, it is necessary to do wet cleaning especially carefully.
  3. Poor air heating is observed in a room with high ceilings and a large area.

A wall-mounted appliance is ineffective if the wall is poorly insulated. But this problem will be observed when installing any heating device. First of all, you need to solve the issue of thermal insulation.

Devices and principle of operation of heaters

Forced movement of warm air heats the room faster

The principle of operation of an oil cooler has been known for a long time and is widely used. The heating element located inside the device heats the liquid, and from it the heat is transferred to the environment. The oil is used because it has a high heat capacity, heats up quickly and keeps heat for a long time.

After reaching the set temperature, the device no longer consumes energy, but only gives off heat. The thermostat is connected as the coolant cools down.

Which heater is better, oil or convector, can be seen from the device of the latter. The device is a thin rectangular case in which heating elements are placed. Convection allows you to evenly heat the air. Rational use of electricity through the use of a thermostat.

Comparison of the main characteristics

Indoor air heating period

The oil heats up near the oil cooler for a long time, so the air in the room heats up slowly. But he also does not cool down immediately. After turning on the heater in the network, the heating element is first heated, then the oil in which it is located, then the body, from which the heat is already transferred to the room. The highest value of the temperature to which the device can heat up is +150 degrees. Some models can be equipped with a fan, which speeds up the heating of the room.

At a convector heater, the heating element immediately begins to heat the body of the device, its efficiency is 95%. But the heating rate is small, even less than that of oil, so the air heats up evenly, but slowly.

Electricity consumption

The timer controls the switch-on time, so the electricity consumption is less

Comparing oil and convector heaters, you need to remember that in the first case there is such a feature as thermal inertia. The device slowly gives off heat and cools down in the same way. As a result, the radiator is less economical, consumes more electricity by 25%.

The convector will be more profitable. Although it heats up more slowly, its lifespan is longer.

Both the convector and the oil heater can be made in wall and floor versions. But the convector is much lighter, so it is more convenient to install and move it.


When comparing reliability, convector devices undoubtedly win. They do not heat up more than 60 degrees. This heater can be left unattended.

The oil appliance can heat up to 85 degrees. Some models have protective covers, units of a cheaper price range are produced without protection. Violation of the operating rules may cause an explosion of the device; it must not be left unattended.

Environmental friendliness

There are practically no differences in this quality between the devices. They are not harmful to health, varnish and paint from the surface does not evaporate when heated. The movement of air from the convector causes micro-dust particles to rise.


Surface temperature does not exceed 65 degrees due to air circulation

Choosing between an oil radiator and a convector, you need to take into account that the second option will last 20-25 years, it can be repaired in case of breakdown. A device with oil content begins to fail after 10 years of service, as small cracks appear on its surface. It is no longer possible to repair it, you need to purchase a new one.


The cost of devices depends on their characteristics, power and functional features.It is not recommended to purchase too cheap devices, most likely, they will not last long. Expensive brands of well-known companies are more expensive, but their reliability is also higher. On average, with the same performance, oil heaters are cheaper.

The choice of a particular device depends on the preferences of the consumer. But still a convector heater is more economical, compact, safe and durable.

Some indicators - heating temperature, environmental friendliness - are higher for oil appliances. But in general, the convector looks more modern, fits easily into any interior, is lighter in weight and easier to install.

A mobile electric heater will help maintain the temperature in your home when you need it. Knowing the features of the types of these devices, you can choose the most suitable model.

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