Design features and principle of operation of gas burners for a boiler

Most owners of private houses, when choosing a heating method, prefer gas fuel. The decision in favor of blue fuel is explained by the fact that this type of energy carrier is one of the most accessible and cheapest. The reliability of the equipment functioning directly depends on such important elements as gas burners for heating boilers.

Design and principle of operation

Gas burner design for heating boiler

Full combustion of the gas and obtaining maximum heat output is possible only if it is mixed with oxygen. The high-quality mixture, when burned, forms a colorless torch with a blue tint, in the center of which the maximum temperature develops. It can be obtained only with a good burner, consisting of the following mandatory elements:

  • nozzle with ejector;
  • firebox;
  • torch control sensor;
  • automatic temperature control unit.

The principle of operation of modern gas burners is that the fuel from the cylinder enters the nozzle and then into the ejector. Due to the high flow rate, a vacuum is formed in this place, which leads to an influx of air and its mixing with the gas. Further, the resulting mixture is discharged through the pipe system into the firebox, where it is ignited by means of an electric spark.

Varieties of burners

Single stage gas burner

Boilers and burners are classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • application area;
  • fuel type - liquefied and natural gas;
  • developed working pressure and nozzle dimensions;
  • type of fuel supply adjustment.

According to the field of application, the burners are intended for installation in industrial and domestic boilers. The equipment of the first type uses injection burners forced by a built-in fan. Its declared power is in the range from 120 to 250 kW. For household models of heating units, the specified indicator does not exceed 120 kW. In these samples, burners of the atmospheric type are mounted - without forced draft.

Two stage burner

The difference between the burners is manifested in the developed operating pressure, as well as in their nozzle sizes. In modern household structures, universal models are used that can work with various types of gas. On this basis, diffusion-kinetic and injection samples of burners with partial or complete mixing of components are also distinguished. According to the method of torch adjustment, these devices are divided into the following types:

  • single-stage single-mode;
  • two-stage with two modes of operation;
  • with modulated regulation.

Single-stage devices automatically turn on when additional heating of the heat carrier is required, after reaching the desired temperature, they turn off. Two-stage burners are capable of operating in 2 modes: at full capacity or only at a small fraction of it (40%). After the coolant reaches a fixed temperature, the gas valve is closed, after which the burner continues to operate at reduced power.

Modulated devices operate over a wide power range, varying from 10 to 100 percent.

Advantages and disadvantages

A forced draft burner produces a gas mixture that ignites quickly

The advantages of the nodes include:

  • long service life;
  • silent ignition of the working mixture;
  • complete disposal of combustion products;
  • safety of use;
  • automation of the boiler ignition control process.

The disadvantages of these mechanisms are considered with reference to their specific implementation. Specialized models of blower fan burners are noisy, which forces the boiler to be installed in a separate room. Atmospheric analogs do not allow obtaining a high-quality mixture, which affects the efficiency of ignition.

Selection rules

The gas burner must be selected according to the size of the nozzles - for natural or bottled gas

When choosing a suitable type of gas burner, the main attention is paid to its technical characteristics:

  • nozzle dimensions;
  • fuel supply method;
  • a method for mixing gas with oxygen and regulating the composition of the mixture;
  • compatibility with other boiler models;
  • the presence of automation that controls the operation of the burner.

Among the models that deserve attention, the products of the KChM brand stand out, which are widely used in modernized boiler units. They have three automatic controlled nozzles and are usually installed in boilers of the Kontur type.

When selecting a reliable and easy-to-maintain gas burner for heating boilers with automatic controls, attention is also paid to the device for its ignition. The latter should take place without pops and similar extraneous sounds. The design of the combustion chamber significantly affects the level of noise during ignition. In the process of assessing the reliability of the selected model, attention is paid to the degree of safety of using the device.

Service features

Scale builds up in the gas burner and must be removed regularly

Gas burners, like other components operating at high temperatures, require regular care and maintenance. In accordance with current regulations, during the operation of gas equipment, any interference with its operation, including for preventive purposes, is prohibited. This can be done only after stopping the current process and the complete extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber.

To prepare the system for maintenance:

  1. The gas main is cut off, after which the boiler is disconnected from the power supply.
  2. The unit is dismantled from its workplace.
  3. The nozzle is cleaned of carbon deposits accumulated on the incendiary electrodes.
  4. The working chamber is being cleaned.

If necessary, replace the filter installed on the gas valve.


Homemade boiler burner - still without a housing

The procedure for manufacturing a burner is considered on the example of a solid fuel boiler unit. For self-assembly, a typical valve from an oxygen cylinder with the designation VK-74 is best suited. Working operations for its manufacture are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The outlet branch pipe is being finalized by equipping it with a fitting for the connecting hose of the pellet boiler.
  2. The nozzle removed from the old blowtorch is mounted on the counterpart, connected to the gas cylinder.
  3. A steel tube with a length of about 100 mm (with walls 2 mm thick) is welded to the cap with a branch pipe.
  4. A gap of 1.5 cm is left between the nozzle and the cap for oxygen access.
  5. For ease of installation, 3 wire guides are first attached to the cap, setting the size of the gap.

The result is a homemade burner, to which a suitable housing is selected, allowing it to be securely fixed. At the final stage, the resulting structure is installed in the boiler combustion chamber.
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