One of the disadvantages of classic heating is the appearance of the radiators. They will not always look harmonious in the room, and take up useful space. Therefore, in some cases, they prefer to install other heat supply devices. It is possible to make rational and practical floor heating in an apartment and a house using certain schemes, pipes and convectors.
Advantages and disadvantages of underfloor heating
This water floor heating in an apartment differs from the standard one in the design and installation methods of radiators. Their heating surface is located below the level of the finished floor. For convection of air flows, the upper plane of the heat supply device has a grate.
All hot water lines are also hidden under the floor. In fact, the user only sees the upper grille. Air is heated through it. There are also differences in design.
The underfloor heating convector has an oblong shape. The pipes, through which the coolant flows, are connected to the casing by means of heat exchange plates. Most often they are made from copper.
Correctly mounted water floor heating with your own hands should have the following advantages:
- Minimal space required... Unlike batteries, the entire volume of the room remains free;
- Creation of a thermal air curtain. To reduce heat losses, water floor heating in the house is installed near window structures and external walls. Radiators heat the air at the lowest temperatures;
- Good appearance... In fact, water floor heating in a private house will look harmonious in any interior.
The disadvantages include uneven heat distribution. Such systems are not recommended to be installed in rooms with a large area. In order to achieve the optimum effect, a radiator built into the floor must have a fan to increase air convection. This affects the overall background noise. Thermoregulators and programmers must be installed to automatically control the operation of the system.
Analyzing reviews of floor sinking, one can conclude that it is a source of dust concentration. Therefore, for this type of heat supply, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often.
Types of floor convectors
At the first design stage, you should choose the right heating radiator built into the floor. They differ not only in standard power characteristics, but also in design. The material of manufacture is also important.
First, the required power is calculated. Heat losses in a house or apartment are taken as a basis. Then the optimal model of the floor heating convector is selected.
It must have the required performance characteristics - withstand the rated pressure and temperature of hot water.
For installation, you will need to do preparatory work with a rough coating. Do-it-yourself efficient floor heating is done only after the sub-surface is insulated.
The choice of wiring diagram largely depends on the design of floor radiators. They are of the following types:
- Floore. Are located directly on the surface.The advantage is the simple connection of the water-heated floor to the heating system. Pipes can be placed on top of a wall. Disadvantage - unsatisfactory appearance;
- Embedded... They are mounted directly into the floor on the sub-surface. Only the grid remains in the visible area. The installation of heating into the floor is complicated, since this leads not only to a decrease in the height in the room, but also to the obligatory adaptation of the materials used to high temperatures.
Water-based floor heating schemes in an apartment with wall models are not considered. They are no different from standard ones and have the same properties.
To increase the degree of convection, a fan can be included in the package. This will improve the even heat distribution throughout the room. However, the cost of such models differs upwards.
Currently, there are a number of manufacturers whose products are suitable for do-it-yourself water floor heating. First of all, it is worth highlighting the convectors of the German company Kampmann. Depending on the required parameters, the models of heating convectors built into the floor can have two or three pipes. In the latter case, the rated power of the device is increased.
Models of heating radiators built into the floor from the Polish company Verano, Czech Minib and German Kermi have no less good performance properties. To organize budget heating in the floor with your own hands, you can consider the products of the Ukrainian company Teplobrend and Carrera.
An additional function of water floor heating in a private house can be cooling in the summer. This requires a connection to the chiller system.
Floor heating circuits
Having chosen the optimal model of a heating radiator built into the floor, you can start drawing up a diagram of its installation. At this stage, it is important to take into account its operational and technical features.
Heating schemes for laying heating in the floor are practically no different from the standard ones. The difference lies in the choice of installation method for pipes and radiators. They must be hidden under the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to select in advance the material for the floor - insulation, substrate and decorative surface.
When choosing a scheme, the following factors are taken into account:
- Heat supply convectors heightthat will be built into the floor;
- Pipe material... Polymeric materials cannot be installed in a concrete screed. Their thermal expansion can tell on the integrity of the line. Special sleeves are required for installation;
- Revision hatches... After connecting the water underfloor heating to the heating system, free access is provided to the joints of the pipelines. This is necessary for carrying out repair and maintenance work;
- Installation of air valves, Mayevsky taps and thermostats... The most difficult thing is to provide access to these heating elements. The scheme of water heating of floors in a private house should take this factor into account.
Most often, the choice stops at a closed two-pipe heat supply. It will provide a normal temperature distribution and is the most optimal in terms of the complexity of installation and the choice of accessories.
To connect the copper pipes of heating radiators built into the floor with polymer pipes, you will need special adapters. Contact of copper with other metals can lead to oxidation of the joint.
Installation of floor heating convectors
Correct installation of duct convectors is preceded by preparatory work with the floor. It is necessary to make a niche where heating devices will be installed. This is best done during the repair phase.
The dimensions of the niche should be 5-10 cm larger than the dimensions of the heating device. This is necessary for the normal connection of the heat supply radiator after it is installed in the floor. Additionally, a layer of thermal insulation is mounted.To protect the decorative surface, it is recommended to form a niche by pouring concrete.
At this stage, pipes should be installed in order to further connect to the radiator. They are installed in the floor, taking into account possible thermal expansion. For extended sections of the line, it is necessary to install compensation heat loops.
Further stages of installation are as follows.
- Installation of heat-reflecting material. This will help improve convection and reduce heat loss.
- Installation of the heat supply convector pallet in the floor. If there is none, the substrate is made of heat-resistant material. The radiator must not hang.
- Connection of branch pipes to the heating system. It is important to select the right adapter couplings to ensure a reliable and durable connection.
- Installation of a decorative grille.
After the final laying of the heating on the floor, a test run of the system is done. It must first be crimped. The temperature of the coolant should be increased gradually. The same goes for pressure. At this stage, do-it-yourself control of the absence of leaks in the water heating of the floor, set the operating modes of the thermostats.
One of the most common mistakes in installing convectors without a pallet is filling the niche with construction foam. Its pressure can lead to deformation of the structure.
Features of the operation of underfloor heating
Before each heating season, it is necessary to check the integrity of the system components. Almost all reviews of floor heating indicate a large amount of dust and dirt in the niches. They should be removed periodically.
During operation, the parameters of the thermostat may change. Since it will be hidden behind a decorative grille, it is necessary to check its condition. Otherwise, the likelihood of incorrect system operation will increase. In addition, the integrity of the connection of the water underfloor heating to the heating system is monitored. In such schemes, it is difficult to control the appearance of leaks.
In models with a fan, the power line is laid in advance. To improve comfort, it is recommended to make a remote switch. Clogging of the fan rotor is also common. It must be cleaned before each heating season.
The video material shows an example of installing a duct convector in an apartment:
Thanks for the detailed and understandable article! I used to be afraid to use underfloor heating, but now I can imagine at least a little what it is.
We are glad that we were able to help you!