Solid fuel heating boilers Siberia

Heating boilers Siberia from the Russian plant NMC are considered one of the most reliable and popular devices in comparison with analogues. Solid fuel devices of this brand have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance before installation. The Siberia boiler requires special care, therefore, the rules for operating this device must also be taken into account.

Features of boilers Siberia

Siberia-Hephaestus boiler

The NMK plant has been operating since 1995 and is based on the territory of Novosibirsk. Heating boiler Siberia is presented in two versions: Hephaestus and KVO. All gas appliances of the series are standard classical units and have a simple design. It includes the boiler itself and the water jacket supplied with it. Due to the minimum number of parts and compact dimensions, devices can be placed in any part of the house.

On closer inspection, it is worth paying attention to the grate, crossbeams and cover. All Siberian boilers are created using a universal technology and consist of almost the same elements. The grille is designed to increase the area of ​​the thermal volume and achieve maximum effect. Beams are placed in the path of movement of flue gases in order to direct heat into the heating system. The lids are complemented with holes for charcoal and have a standard shape.


Solid fuel boiler design

Before choosing a suitable boiler model, you need to study its technical characteristics in detail. Each model has its own designation. For example, KVO 12 TPE: the number indicates the power, the letters - a device with an electric heating element, operating on solid fuel. The thermal performance of the devices is measured in kilowatts and varies within 12-20 kW, the efficiency is 70%, the standard pressure cannot be more than 0.1 MPa. Both series of devices can be used to heat rooms from 120 to 200 m2. The maximum temperature value should be at least 95 degrees, the nominal temperature should fluctuate within 60-80 degrees.

The diameter of the chimney of the Siberia boiler should be 150-200 mm, the power of the unit is 2 kW. Compliance with all technical requirements during installation and operation ensures the stable operation of the boiler. Drinking water with a value of GOST 2874 is used as a thermal carrier, the hardness of which cannot exceed 0.7 mg. The water treatment option should be chosen by the project company. In addition to water, it is allowed to use household heat carriers approved for residential premises.

For safety reasons, it is forbidden to use antifreeze containing ethylene glycol and other liquid components not intended for heating systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

NMC plant produces boilers from high quality raw materials

Each heating boiler Siberia, regardless of the model, has its pros and cons. In the list of advantages, consumers include raw materials of a high quality level, from which the devices are made. The main advantage of the units is also considered their reliability and durability, a large assortment and selection of options, affordable prices and the ability to purchase the desired model in each region of the country.

The brand's products are able to function properly in all weather conditions, including extreme heat and frost. Each boiler is accompanied by the necessary documents: certificates of conformity, instructions for use.A standard solid fuel boiler of the Siberia brand has practically no drawbacks, with the exception of minor difficulties in the installation process, which depend on the characteristics of the room.

Types of boilers Siberia

Steel heating boiler Siberia KVO 10 kW

The NMC enterprise produces solid fuel units KVO and Gefest. Each series includes a set of models that have their own characteristics, differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Siberia KVO

Steel appliances of the KVO series are created for owners of country houses and summer cottages who are looking for budget household units. The list of devices of the series includes five types, marked with numbers 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25 by the number of kW of power. All of them are made of heat-resistant steel, some are supplemented with cast iron elements. Each boiler is supplemented with special details:

  • grate-type water tube grate;
  • transverse beams with a thermal carrier;
  • lid integrated with the hob;
  • additional heating element for 3 kW, installed separately.

The pipes for flue gases, supply and return lines in models of this series can be located on the right or left wall for more convenient installation. The principle of operation of such boilers does not differ from standard combustion devices; they run on wood or coal, heating the coolant inside the heat exchanger.

Siberia Hephaestus

Solid fuel boiler Siberia Gefest KVO 15 TE

Devices of the Hephaestus series have been produced since 2014, they are among the novelties in the field of heating equipment. Consumers can purchase a unit of one of three types with a capacity of 15, 20 or 30 kW. The firebox of each boiler is surrounded by a water jacket, the grate is complemented by a deep ash pan that can accommodate a large amount of waste. Boilers of this type have their own characteristics:

  • the ability to supply a heating element with a capacity of 4 kW as an additional source for heating;
  • the presence of supply and return type branch pipes for more convenient piping and installation work;
  • the ability to supply a regulator for mechanical traction;
  • water tanks in the grate in order to increase the efficiency of work.

Double-circuit and single-circuit boilers of the series function similarly to standard water heaters. This is a good value for money option for those on a budget when building an indoor heating system.

Hephaestus boilers are not suitable for serious loads and are lightweight.

Do-it-yourself device installation

The floor and walls near the boiler must be protected with non-combustible materials.

It is necessary to install the boiler and other elements of the heating system taking into account the observance of safety rules. The device is mounted at certain distances from combustible elements, keeping a distance of at least 500 mm from the walls of the boiler. There must be at least 1200 mm space from the top of the floor boiler and the ceiling, and at least 1250 mm from the wall in front of its door. If a wood-burning or warm floor is made of combustible materials, a fire-retardant coating is made for it from sheet steel, laid on a layer of asbestos cardboard, which is impregnated with a clay solution.

The valves or safety devices are located in the part of the outlet manifold without intermediate elements. In this case, the supply pipes must not be less than 32 mm. The heating system is mounted so that the air is completely removed when it is filled, and the coolant is eliminated through the drainage during the emptying of the device. The heating element unit must be connected using a cable with 30 A circuit breakers, the cross-section of the copper wire in which must be at least 4 mm2.

Operating principle

Due to their simple design, Siberia units can save well and reduce fuel costs. They work on the principle of using a closed firebox, which restricts the flow of air into the chamber. Due to the creation of the effect of "oxygen starvation" during operation, the fuel burns 3-5 times longer than in the standard mode.Only a couple of loads of fuel will be enough for one day if firewood is used. With the help of coal, the boiler can work for more than two days.

Siberia boilers have a high efficiency, reaching 90% - this is an ideal indicator for solid fuel appliances.

Operation and maintenance

During the use of the system, the level of the heat carrier in the open tank cannot drop below its height. By adding the heat carrier, it is kept at the optimum level. Water from the heating system cannot be used for domestic purposes, it is fraught with stopping circulation and a decrease in the liquid level. Before switching on, it is imperative to open the dampers on the chimney, check if the valve on the return line is open, and also take into account the presence of draft.

During firing up, the appliance is heated with dry wood, loading them into the furnace up to half the height. Hot coals must completely cover the grate, the coal is loaded gradually, when the wood is ideally lit. Coal fuel must be put into the firebox through the door in small portions, without leaving the hole open for a long time. After the coal has ignited, the ash pan door is left in a position that ensures complete combustion of the fuel. During the initial ignition, a dark liquid may come out from under the ash drawer.

The grate should be cleaned at least once a day. A large accumulation of water inside the firebox must not be allowed; cleaning is carried out at least 1-2 times a day.
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