Heating boilers Vilant - features and assortment of the German brand

The comfort of a person's stay in a room, whether it be an apartment in a high-rise building, a private house, a workshop or an office, largely depends on the temperature of the surrounding air. At the same time, in the cold season, it is impossible to do without an effective space heating system. And if in urban conditions and in production this problem is solved in a centralized manner, then in private houses the presence of an autonomous heating system is mandatory. As a rule, it is based on a solid fuel, electric or gas boiler. Those who are going to equip a home with such a heating system should pay attention to the products of the German company "Vailant", whose boilers are famous for their operational reliability and efficiency.


Vaillant is a leading manufacturer of floor-standing and wall-mounted heating boilers

Vaillant is known as a leading manufacturer of floor and wall heating boilers operating on different types of fuel (liquefied and natural gas, liquid fuel), as well as instantaneous and storage water heaters. In addition, among the products manufactured by the company's enterprises, there are various types of electrical appliances and control devices.

The company was registered in 1874 by the entrepreneur and talented engineer Johan Weillant. Initially, he created a handicraft workshop engaged in the installation of plumbing in the city of Remscheid, where the head office of the now world famous company is still located. After J. Vaillant developed and patented a device in which water flowing through a tube was heated by the flame of a gas burner, the scope of the enterprise changed dramatically.

1894 - closed circuit Gas-Badeofen water heater 1905 - Geyzer water heater

The world's first floor-standing gas water heater Gas-Badeofen, which later served as a prototype for modern closed-circuit gas boilers, was manufactured in 1894. It was followed by:

  • the first wall-mounted flow-through gas water heater Geyzer (1905);
  • floor-standing gas heating boiler (1924), which laid the foundation for the creation of a system for simultaneous heating of several rooms through a central distributor, which became the prototype of the current central heating;
  • a system for removing combustion products through the wall (1959), which made it possible to install gas boilers in apartments;

    1961 - Vaillant Cirko boiler, 1967 - Combi-Geyser VCW 20 boiler
  • flow-through electric heater Elektro-Geyser (1960);
  • the first wall-mounted single-function gas boiler Vaillant Cirko (1961);
  • the first two-function gas wall-mounted boiler Combi-Geyser VCW 20 (1967), with the help of which it became possible to simultaneously heat the premises and provide them with hot water;
  • environmentally friendly thermoblock (1991);
  • the first wall-hung heating boiler with a high calorific value (1995);
  • solar thermal systems for water heating (1997);
  • CalorMATIC individual and intuitive room temperature control system (2011).

Over the past 125 years, the once handicraft workshop has become the largest European concern Vaillant Group with branches located in many countries of the world.

Classification of gas boilers

Gas boiler Vaillant atmoVIT exclusiv VK INT 424/8-E

The range of gas boilers of the Vailant trademark is very diverse. In order to choose the right heating device that meets all customer requirements, they are classified according to purpose and installation method.

By appointment, gas boilers are divided into two groups - single and double-circuit.At the same time, single-circuit boilers (VU models) are intended only for heating, and double-circuit boilers (VUW models), in addition to heating, also provide hot water supply. According to the method of installation, the equipment is divided into floor-standing and wall-mounted.

The Vilant floor-standing boiler is used to heat large houses. As a rule, it is necessary to equip a separate room for it. In this category, the company offers consumers three versions, the power of which is in the range:

  • ..56 kW - atmoVIT;
  • .47 kW - atmoVIT exclusiv;
  • .157 kW - atmoCRAFT.
Basic double-circuit boiler atmoTEC pro VUW

The basic parts of these models are made of cast iron, which significantly increases their reliability and extends their service life. The air supply to them and the removal of combustion products is ensured through the use of an open combustion chamber with natural draft (atmoTEC system), as evidenced by the abbreviation atmo. The atmoVIT exclisiv and atmoCRAFT boilers are equipped with two-stage burners, which helps to reduce their natural wear: one stage works constantly, and the other is connected in cases where more water needs to be heated.

Among the wall-mounted boilers, there are models in which air supply and combustion products are removed by natural draft or forced (closed combustion chamber) using a fan (turboTEC system). The nomenclature of wall models includes both single-circuit and double-circuit. In this case, the power of wall-hung boilers is:

  • 24 kW - basic double-circuit boiler atmoTEC pro VUW, and its modifications such as atmoTEC plus VUW - 20, 24 and 28 kW;
  • 24 and 28 kW - single-circuit boilers atmoTEC plus VU;
  • 24 kW - basic double-circuit boiler turboTEC pro VUW, and for its modifications such as turboTEC plus VUW - from 20 to 36 kW;
  • from 12 to 36 kW - single-circuit boilers turboTEC plus VU.

They use a wall-mounted boiler mainly as an addition to central heating, which allows owners to start earlier and later end the heating season. It can also be used to heat and / or dry an apartment in damp and cool weather.

Vaillant ecoCRAFT exclusiv VKK 806/3-E

Of interest is also the line of condensing (ecoTEC system) boilers of increased power, among which there are also models of floor-standing and wall-mounted types. Their energy efficient technology reduces gas consumption by 15% compared to traditional turbo boilers. The Vaillant condensing model range includes:

Floor standing boilers with capacity:

  • from 82 to 288 kW - ecoCRAFT exclusivVKK;
  • from 23 to 65 kW - ecoVIT exclusivVKK;
  • 25 and 30 kW - ecoCOMPACT VSC INT.
Vaillant ecoTEC plus VU OE 466 / 4-5 H 46.4 kW

Wall-hung boilers with capacity:

  • 80, 100 and 120 kW - ecoTEC plus VU OE;
  • 48 and 65 kW - ecoTEC plus VU OE;
  • 23, 28 and 35 kW - ecoTEC pro VUW;
  • 16, 24, 30, 34, 38 kW - ecoTEC plus VU;
  • 24, 30 and 35 kW - ecoTEC plus VUW;
  • 24 and 28 kW - ecoTEC pure VUW.

Condensing boilers are units in which heat from the condensation of water vapor from the same gases is added to the heat obtained as a result of cooling the flue gases. Such boilers made it possible to obtain from 12 to 15% of additional power from the same amount of gas. In addition, they are more stable in operation with insufficient gas pressure. This is achieved through the use of a fan gas burner and a primary heat exchanger made of acid-resistant alloy steel (stainless steel). However, such a heater is 30 ... 50% more expensive than a traditional one.

Features of the

High quality protection system ensures boiler shutdown in the absence of draft

Vaillant gas boilers differ from their counterparts primarily in high reliability, which is ensured by high-quality protection systems, including:

  • continuous frost protection;
  • protection of the reversing directional valve and pump against seizure during prolonged shutdown;
  • stabilization of the burner when the gas pressure changes;
  • shutdown of the boiler in the absence of draft.

All devices are equipped with an electronic ignition device, as well as fault finding systems (LED indication) or self-diagnosis (indication on the LCD display).

Electric boilers

Electric boiler Vaillant eloBLOCK VE 9

In addition to gas boilers, Vailant also manufactures eloBlock VE 6-28 mounted electric boilers designed for heating office and commercial premises. They are able to provide consumers with hot water.Electric boilers are an affordable alternative to gas, their small power range (from 6 to 28 kW) does not in any way limit the area of ​​the heated rooms - models with a power of 28 kW can be cascaded. Their main technical characteristics:

  • working pressure of water, bar - 3.0;
  • Efficiency,% - 99;
  • power supply voltage for boilers with a capacity of 6 ... 9 kW - ~ 220 or 380 V;
  • power supply voltage for boilers from 9 to 28 kW - ~ 380 V.

Vaillant electric boilers differ from traditional gas boilers in compact size, easy, intuitive operation and the ability to work with multi-tariff electricity meters.

Typical malfunctions

A common cause of malfunctions in gas boilers is the clogging of heat exchangers with scale.

Despite the high reliability inherent in all Vaillant products, there are several disadvantages. More often than others, users note:

  • Plate heat exchangers quickly become clogged with scale, and therefore it is necessary to install special filters to soften the water.
  • Increased noise level during the operation of the built-in fan.
  • Water ingress into the pump, which is caused by insufficient reliability of its seals.
  • unstable operation of electronics caused by voltage fluctuations in the centralized power grid. Such disadvantages are eliminated by installing a voltage stabilizer.

Avoiding troubles during operation will allow competently performed installation work.

After installing and connecting the boiler to the existing communications, the following work must be performed:

  • check the correct installation of the check valve in the heating system;
  • remove air from the heating system;
  • before the first start-up of the boiler, carefully check all the settings of the heating circuit;
  • carry out a test run, during which check the functioning of all systems in heating and water heating modes;
  • check the operation of all automation, control and protection systems.

It is better to entrust the performance of the listed work to a qualified specialist who has permission to perform such work.


In the event of a boiler malfunction, the system displays the corresponding information on the display

All Vaillant boilers are equipped with an integrated fault testing system. If any error occurs, the system displays the corresponding information on the display screen. Errors blocking the operation of the boiler can occur due to unstable power supply or broken contacts in the connections of the wires going from the sensors to the electronic module. Such faults can be eliminated by checking the signal lines for:

  • wire breaks or oxidation of lamellas and contact groups;
  • shorting wires to the body or to each other;
  • damage to the insulation of wires;
  • loose contact in the connectors.

Having eliminated the identified malfunctions and provided the supply of stabilized power, the error can be reset by pressing the "Reset" button.

More serious errors, for example, F20 (overheating), F26 (problems with the gas valve), F28 (unsuccessful ignition), F68 (unstable flame), etc. can be caused by various reasons, the search and elimination of which is best left to professionals.

Selection recommendations

Vilant gas and electric boilers are expensive household appliances.

Vilant gas and electric boilers belong to the category of complex and therefore expensive household appliances. In order to competently make a decision to purchase one or their variety, the potential owner must clearly and clearly define:

  • The place where the boiler will be installed. Wall-mounted models are compact and do not require a special room for their installation. In addition, they are more convenient to operate. But if the owner needs to heat a country house, the heated area of ​​which is more than 300 sq. m., then using a floor-standing gas boiler will be the best solution.
  • What should be the exhaust system for flue gases generated during the operation of the boiler. If a floor-standing gas boiler will be installed in a new house, it is advisable to equip a special chimney - this will allow you to purchase a cheaper unit with a natural removal of combustion products. If this is not possible, it is better to install a turbocharged gas boiler, in which flue gases are forced off. It would also be nice to consider the possibility of using an electric boiler of appropriate capacity.
  • What technical and economic indicators should a boiler designed for heating a specific room have? At the same time, the stability of the gas and electricity supply in the place where the heated room is located is of great importance. If the gas pressure in the supply network is unstable, the right decision would be to purchase a condensing device that can operate with significant fluctuations. In case of power outages, the automation of both gas and electric boilers is turned off and the subsequent start-up of the units will have to be done manually. In order for the boiler to continue to operate when the power supply is disconnected, it is necessary to provide a backup power source of appropriate power.

The main technical and economic characteristics of the most popular Vilant wall-mounted boilers are shown in the table:

Boiler typeModelpower, kWtHeated area sq. M., No moreCost, thousand rubles
GasatmoTEC plus VUW200 / 52015063,7
GasturboTEC plus VUW 242/52420072,9
GasecoTEC plus VUW246 / 52419297,5
Electricelo Block VE999057,3

All Vilant boilers are easy and convenient to operate. The user just needs to set the desired temperature, the unit will do the rest by itself.

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