Heating batteries do not always have an aesthetic appearance. This is especially true for old massive items that are no longer amenable to restoration. To hide the radiators, special decorative grilles are used. They come in a variety of designs, styles, colors and budgets.
The principle of heating the room

Decor is the main function of the battery grids. But radiators are used to heat the home, so there should be no obstacles in the way. Even the thinnest screens reduce heat transfer, so products with a low percentage of absorbed heat should be selected in advance.
The air must flow to the radiator from below, pass along it, heat up and go up. This system will heat the room. Therefore, when choosing a battery grid, you need to make sure that there is a small gap at the bottom, and there is no cover at the top. An option is possible when the top cover has a large perforation area.
Many modern decorative radiator grilles reduce heat dissipation by more than 20%. Screens in the form of boxes made of solid wood lose a particularly large percentage of heat. Models with a minimum number of holes and a small perforation area will be ineffective in operation.
The screen additionally protects the radiator from dirt. Dust particles settle on the hot battery and decompose when exposed to high temperatures. As a result, the surrounding atmosphere becomes polluted with decomposition products, which is harmful to the health of people, especially allergy sufferers and asthmatics. When installing the grille, the deposition of dust on the radiators is significantly reduced. Periodically clean the screen with a cloth or vacuum cleaner.
Purposes and materials of gratings
In addition to the decorative function, the grilles perform a protective task. They allow you to hide and round off sharp and hard edges. This is especially true if there are small children in the house who can be injured. Screens for the heating radiator also prevent you from getting burned on hot pipes.
Screens are made from the following materials:
- Metal. One of the most popular screen materials for radiators. They are made of thin steel, which is then painted. The duration of operation depends on the quality of the paint. They are considered the most optimal, since they practically do not give heat loss. The metal heats up quickly and emits heat itself, so it won't be cold in the room. The advantages include a long operating time, which reaches several decades, as well as a low cost. The disadvantage is not the most aesthetic appearance. There are forged models, but they need a background.
- Wood. Wood is a premium material. It is environmentally friendly, looks stylish and allows you to create lattices of different shapes. Even inexpensive wood models look beautiful. But the efficiency of the battery behind the wooden screen is significantly reduced. It takes a long time to heat wood.
Application of a wooden screen for a radiator - Plastic. For a bathroom and a bathroom, the use of plastic screens is optimal. The material is distinguished by its hygiene, durability and ease of maintenance. To keep the plastic grid clean, it is enough to rinse it.For battery screens, heat-resistant plastic is used that can withstand heating up to 60-80 ° C.
- Glass. Such material is rarely used due to imperfection in terms of heating function. They look stylish and beautiful and are suitable for any home interior. They are made of tempered glass, which is then matted or painted. Differs in quality and reliability, as it is made of durable types of material.
- PVC. Screens from this material can be made both on a metal basis and on a PVC frame or with rattan inserts. Differs in a wide design variety. There are models for wood, marble, stone cut, metal. The thermal conductivity of PVC is lower than that of metal and wood, so more fuel will be needed to heat a home. The material is characterized by heat resistance, durability, absence of emission of harmful and toxic substances when heated. Have an affordable cost.
Glass screen for heating radiator - MDF. Wooden models are of high cost, so many replace them with MDF counterparts. This material is also environmentally friendly and stylish, and the average price is 1000-1500 rubles per unit. The product may not be entirely made of MDF - for example, there may be inserts of metal or wood. The grille withstands temperature fluctuations, high humidity and other negative external factors without visible deformations. Of the negative qualities, one can single out the large weight and laboriousness of removing the system.
You can find radiator grilles made of exotic materials - these include bamboo and rattan. They perform only a decorative role and do not fit into every interior, therefore they are rarely used. There are also combined models on sale. A classic example is a wooden frame on which a decorative mesh made of a different material (bamboo, MDF and HDF panels) is stretched.
Advantages and disadvantages of different materials
Wooden models have the following positive qualities:
- Durability. With proper use, the tree practically does not lose its properties.
- Reliability.
- Environmental friendliness. Wood is a natural material that does not emit harmful substances.
- High degree of heat transfer.
The main cons:
- Bulky wooden grates do not withstand temperature fluctuations well. Some models may crack after a few seasons.
- Duration of wood heating.
Glass screens are rarely used. But they have the following advantages:
- The price is lower than that of a tree.
- Ease of installation. Any master can install a radiator grill.
- Stylish appearance. You can apply pictures and photographs to the screen by thermal printing for any interior.
- Safety, ease of maintenance, high temperature resistance.
The disadvantages of glass models include fragility. Cheap items can be made of thin glass, which can lead to accidental breakage. High-quality expensive screens are made of durable material that is almost impossible to damage.
The advantages of plastic models are as follows:
- Attractive cost. You can find a radiator shield for every budget.
- A wide range of. There are shapes and colors to suit any interior.
- Ease of maintenance. Plastic products can be washed an unlimited number of times.
- They quickly lose their attractive appearance.
- When heated, harmful substances can be released. They can negatively affect people's health. Such models are forbidden to be installed in medical institutions, kindergartens and schools.
Pros of metal models:
- Practicality.The screens are unpretentious and can be installed in any conditions.
- Resistant to temperature surges.
- Strength. Metal practically does not lend itself to mechanical stress and vibration.
- Metal grates are not affected by changes in pressure and humidity.
- Ease of installation. They are also easy to dismantle.
- Low cost. It is associated with the simplicity of the manufacturing technology.
- Duration of operation. It is associated with the unpretentiousness of the material and the lack of response to external influences.
- Wide range of models. They are presented in all price ranges.
The disadvantages of metal include the complexity of self-production. In this case, it is better to buy a ready-made model or order according to individual sizes and characteristics.
The rest of the materials are practically not used.
Varieties of screens
The classification of grilles for heating radiators is also made by design. Each type is used for its own type of battery and is designed for different installation methods.
Flat screens are used if the radiator is mounted in a niche. Then the flat panel is fixed on the bars, which are attached along the perimeter of the niche. Glass grates are attached to special pins in the same way. These types of screens are called "facades".
Hinged grilles are of two types - with a cover in the upper part and without it. The first ones are placed on batteries of the "accordion" type, which protrude beyond the window sill. The shape of the top cover is made in such a way that the grille can be fixed on the radiator. Products without a cover are attached to the upper radiator manifold with hooks that are fixed on the front panel.
Boxes are used infrequently due to the high percentage of heat loss. Air circulation in such models is difficult. Necessary if you want to cover the sides of the battery. According to the method of fixation, boxes are distinguished, which can stand without support on special legs, and require mounting on the wall.
Fixation features
The main requirement for radiator grilles is the ability to quickly access heating devices and pipes. This is due to the need to periodically clean the heating elements from dust and dirt. We recommend cleaning twice a year. There are also emergencies in which the master must have easy access to the failed section. It is important to think over such a fixation system in advance so that you can easily remove the screen if necessary.
Hinged and side-mounted screens meet this requirement. They are removed in a few seconds and set up just as quickly. Problems arise with flat and covering radiators, as well as boxes. It is recommended to mount such models to the wall on two strips - one on the box, and the other on the wall. The top edge should be chamfered towards the lattice. When installing the grille, this part acts as a lock, which is easy to remove if necessary.
There is also another installation option. You can put metal elements (for example, plates) on one bar, and magnets on the other. Then there will be no problems with removing and installing the grilles.
Flat screens can also be fixed with hooks or loops. It is simple to make them, but it can be difficult to install with falling into the loop. Sometimes they also put a decorative version of grilles with sliding doors.
Self-fabrication of the lattice
Stores offer a huge assortment of screens made of different materials, with different shapes, designs and colors. But if you wish, you can independently make a decorative lattice with your own hands. The work is simple, all the necessary materials can be bought at any hardware store. No professional equipment required.
To create a battery screen, you need the following tool:
- Lattice material.Usually MDF or chipboard is used, since they are the easiest to work with.
- Hacksaw.
- Construction glue.
- Sheet steel mesh for the front and sides.
- Reflector sheet metal.
- Nails, screws, clamps.
- Roulette, pencil.
The first step is measurement. Measure the height and width of the radiator. For each value obtained, add 1
0 cm. A little less can be added to the height - 5 cm. Next, the depth of the battery is measured, and 2.5 cm is added to its value. The size of the future cover is measured in a similar way. Its final dimensions should exceed the dimensions of the sidewalls by 2-3 cm.
Cutting parts. The front part is created from MDF or chipboard sheets. Rectangular parts with a width of about 11 cm are cut out of them. In the touch zones, angles of 45 ° should be made for easy connection.
A metal reflector is installed on the back. The dimensions should be approximately the same as the decorative cover. It reduces heat loss and directs infrared waves towards the center of the room.
Next, a sheet steel mesh is placed. It acts as a frame on which all previously cut elements are then assembled.
After the grill is assembled, you can install it on the battery.
If it is not possible to make a screen yourself, you can place an order according to individual sizes.