DIY materials for facing fireplaces

The fireplace has an attractive power. He is able to become the center of the house, the concentration of comfort. It can be afforded not only by the owners of country houses. For apartments, false fireplaces are made, replacing a living hearth. The facing of the fireplace is a recognizable part of it. A number of different types of materials are used for decorative finishing. It is necessary to figure out what the choice of materials depends on, how to properly mount the decoration with your own hands.

Fireplace cladding with marble

Marble easily withstands sudden temperature changes over a wide range

A decorative portal made of one marble will cost a round sum. Therefore, most people build a brick fireplace, and the facing part is made of marble. The material is attached to brick, foam concrete, aerated concrete. For any of these reasons, it looks rich.

Working with marble has its own characteristics. It is important to pay attention to the quality, texture of the material, if the fireplace performs not only decorative functions, but is also used to heat the room:

  • Working with structured marble begins with matching the texture of the pieces of material to each other. Lay out according to the matching pattern, then mark out for cutting.
  • When buying material, pay attention to the integrity of the plates. Pressed from marble chips are cheaper, but short-lived. For a decorative fireplace, this does not matter - the temperature in it is low. For hot use of the furnace, it is correct to use a solid stone without pronounced cracks. The quality of the material for rarely heated fireplaces in cooled rooms is relevant. The temperature difference and the effect of condensation have a detrimental effect on the pressed marble chips.
  • The color of the material is also important. The user has his own preferences - light or dark material. However, dark tiles are easier to clean of dirt, and grease stains are less noticeable.

Working with marble is difficult. For a light stone, the formation of streaks is critical. For these purposes, adhesives have been developed using white cement. Seams are filled with specially developed mastic.

Caring for marble flooring consists of the following procedures:

  • weekly wiping the surface with a napkin soaked in warm water;
  • cleaning old stains with special cleaning powders for marble;
  • waxing;
  • periodic treatment of the metal grid with anti-corrosion compounds.

Cleaning of marble with abrasive powders is prohibited. Compliance with the rules of caring for the material will extend its life for decades.

Fireplace plaster

This is a simple, cheap way to decorate a portal. The use of different types will form a smooth or textured surface. With due imagination, the plaster is given the texture of a stone or a relief surface is laid out. Using the right formulations will keep the coating firmly on the surface for decades. The decoration can be easily colored and changed according to the peculiarities of the current design of the hall. Unlike a stone, it does not weigh much, easily forming on any portal frame.

Types of plaster

Fireplace plaster must be selected heat-resistant

For reliable finishing of stoves and fireplaces, various types of plasters have been developed. For a false fireplace, it is not heat-resistant enough, a working fireplace requires a different attitude towards itself.Heat-resistant plaster includes reinforcing threads of refractory material. They reliably protect the surface from cracking when heated. The durable and elastic material takes all the load when the volume of the veneer changes.

Manufacturers point to the versatility of the mixtures - suitability for masonry and decoration. Experienced craftsmen do not agree with these. For masonry, a compound with increased strength is required, for facing - heat-resistant, plastic.

During installation, 4 main types of plaster are used:

  • Mineral decorative. This type is cement-based and economical - the most budget suitable coating option. Easily withstands temperature changes and changes in humidity. Suitable for non-residential premises with rare use of the stove. The service life tends to infinity.
  • A mixture of acrylic and mineral elements. This type can withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees and is suitable for heating surfaces.
  • Silicate-based plaster with liquid glass. High vapor permeability and heat resistance make it the leader in furnace finishes. The limitation is the high price.
  • Coating with the presence of silicone resins. Has a water-repellent, antistatic effect. Not afraid of moisture, wet cleaning.

The correct selection of material and proper application extend the life of the coating. Do not neglect plastering technology.

Features of plaster

The newest mixtures for facing the fireplace are materials with additives, plasticizers, heat-resistant inclusions. Features of finishing plaster for stoves and fireplaces:

  • heat resistance;
  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • elasticity in solid state.

Heat resistance guarantees fire safety, because in the heating zone the temperature rises above 100 degrees. For this, asbestos or fiberglass is used.

Strength and durability are key components for a long service life.

Mesh and plaster are applied to a well-dried base

Elasticity is provided in two ways: by applying to a reinforcing embedded mesh or wire, by introducing reinforcing fibers into the mixture. The latter counteract thermal deformation by stretching with the material and binding the elements.

The plaster is applied to the dried mortar and the structure that has undergone shrinkage. A freshly laid stove should stand for 1 month. Sutures are cleaned 1 cm deep before surgery for extra adhesion.

Good adhesion of the plaster to the base can be achieved by using a heat-resistant mortar with deep penetration into the material. This is a logical solution when using dry mixes.

The self-made clay mortar is applied in a similar manner. Part of it is made according to the consistency of liquid sour cream - the entire surface is sprayed with it. A basic solution is applied to a slightly dried surface.

Tile and porcelain stoneware installation technology

Terracotta tiles - natural, durable, environmentally friendly material

Bathroom tiles cannot be used for decoration - they will not withstand high temperatures. Therefore, we use special types of ceramics:

  • Terracotta tiles. In terms of properties and appearance, it resembles a refractory brick for a fireplace. Made from fired clay. Withstands temperatures of hundreds of degrees, having a shrinkage coefficient of a simple brick. No pigments are used, but the natural range changes from beige to dark red.
  • Majolica. This material is made of baked clay, but it is additionally painted with glaze on top. Its price is high, but the work looks interesting. Laying requires qualification, fitting according to the drawing, working with a sketch. The slightest flaws are noticeable. Most often used in complex jewelry.
  • Clinker tiles. Withstands heating of hundreds of degrees and the effects of condensation. Made from refractory clay. Natural colors in brown tones. Frost resistant.
  • Fireclay brick tiles. It accumulates heat and cools for a long time, withstands critical temperatures. Industrial furnaces are laid out with similar material at thermal power plants.
  • Porcelain stoneware and tiles belong to a separate group.

To install these types of tiles, standard glue will not work; you will need a heat-resistant compound. You can pick it up yourself, experiment with clay samples, the moisture content of the solution. It is easier to stop at using a ready-made composition.

The number of tiles is purchased with a margin of 10-15% - the number of standard and corner elements is increased. You can mount the decoration yourself. Step-by-step description of the stages of work:

  1. Surface preparation is a guarantee of many years of coating service. The old cladding is removed, the surface is cleaned and leveled, the seams are deepened by 1 cm. Irregularities are eliminated with heat-resistant mastic or clay talker. Weak masonry must be reinforced with a metal mesh with a cell of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. The tile should be kept indoors for 2 days. The fireplace is heated for 3-6 hours to give the bricks a natural deformation.
  3. The surface is cleaned of dust, primed and left for a couple of hours.
  4. The tiles for the fireplace are laid on the floor, the configuration of the cuts is determined.
  5. An adhesive solution is prepared according to the instructions, mixed thoroughly.
  6. It is lined, starting with the corner elements, then moving to the bottom row.
  7. The mortar is laid with a special trowel, preparing the area immediately for fixing 3-4 tiles. The vertical and horizontal stacking is controlled by the level. The distance between the tiles is crosses.
  8. Grouting is performed with special compounds or made with your own hands. Dyes are added for coloring.

Uncoated tiles are covered with heat-resistant varnish - it will fill the pores of the material, making it easier to maintain in the future. The work will look more colorful.

Plasterboard fireplace

Drywall for fireplaces must be fireproof

This material is used for facing electric fireplaces. Any form of decoration is possible - broken line, curved. The ease of handling the material contributes to its dissemination. Low cost, ease of installation give scope for the imagination of the installer. Minus - low thermal resistance of the material, the need for additional decorative finishing.

Installation steps:

  1. creating a portal frame from a metal profile;
  2. sheathing of the frame with a glass-magnesium sheet that can withstand heating up to 1200 degrees;
  3. filling the metal frame with basalt wool, which protects the drywall from high temperatures;
  4. lining with refractory plasterboard that can withstand temperatures up to 130 degrees for 40 minutes;
  5. during installation, holes are left for air circulation;
  6. a finishing coat of plaster, tiles or tiles is applied.

On a plasterboard base, several materials can be easily combined. Any materials are used to decorate a false fireplace. It does not give much heat.

Stone cladding

Facing with natural stone looks organically in a large room

Facing the fireplace with artificial and natural stone looks organic. The stone has many advantages:

  • heat resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • chic appearance;
  • durability;
  • individuality of natural stone;
  • ease of installation, processing of artificial stone.

The technique of cladding a stone for a fireplace is similar to laying tiles. It is allowed to leave gaps, creating "artificial disorder" in the installation. The stones are mounted on heat-resistant glue. The heavy ones are fixed on the anchor. The stove is preheated, the stones are selected according to their shades - the lower rows are made darker. Laying starts from the bottom row.

If desired, porous stones are coated with heat-resistant varnish. This makes it easier to care for them, while the fireplace glistens in the twilight.

Artificial gypsum stone

Gypsum stone weighs less, therefore it is easier to work with it

Such material is made on the basis of cement with the addition of expanded clay, chips, gypsum. The fill reflects the shape of natural stones. The cost of products is lower than natural products, the weight is much less, and it is easier to process. Dye additives allow the production of stones in dozens of shades. Decorating a fireplace with this element is simple, does not require special skills. Unlike natural stone, it is easy to cut at the place of installation.

Working with natural stone

Stone cladding perfectly resists temperature changes. The decorative finish will depend on the type of stone:

  • polished or "torn" granite;
  • marble;
  • shell rock;
  • sandstone;
  • sand shale.

Installation of natural stone is carried out using a metal mesh. Porous materials are easily formed for installation, but soot remains in the pores. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the surface with a heat-resistant varnish.

Heavy rocks - marble, granite, basalt require careful installation due to their weight. Sometimes, during installation, it is required to create a load-bearing frame from anchors.

Combined options

Combined finish with wood and clinker tiles

The facing of the fireplace insert is more interesting in the combined version. The combination of stone and wood trim on the fireplace gives the living room an original decorative look. Finishing with modern materials can be interspersed with marble or natural stones, combining wooden elements and stone, thermal tiles and drywall.

Wood trim seems undesirable from the fire safety side, but non-combustible material treatment makes the wood resistant to heat. It is advisable to use it for framing a fireplace portal, for making a mantelpiece. It is advisable to use heat-resistant species - alder or ash.

When combined finishing, the technique of separating the lower and upper zones of the fireplace is used. Heavy materials were laid from below, wood and plaster were placed on top. Such a finish separates the areas of use: a stove, a place for firewood, a mantelpiece, a chimney finish.

Finishing options are selected individually for each case. They are influenced by the location of the fireplace, the decor of the room, the intensity of the use of heating, the state of the house. The main thing is not to rush and coordinate actions with the instructions.
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