Varieties and criteria for choosing mezhventsovy heaters

A house made of a log house does not need additional thermal insulation. But the joints of the logs need to be insulated so that heat does not pass out through the cracks. Mezhventsovy insulation is used as such a material. To choose it correctly, you need to understand the features and basic principles of thermal insulation of seams.

The need to insulate joints

Mezhventsovy insulation protects the wooden structure from blowing, increases the service life of the logs

The joints of the logs are the weakest and most unstable parts in the structure of the house. Here the thickness of the wall is the smallest and there is a gap through which the wind penetrates into the structure and creates a draft. To protect this area, a special mezhventsovy insulation is used. It reduces heat loss and prevents moisture from penetrating inside.

Also, the insulation for the log house between the logs performs other functions:

  • Protection of the house from blowing.
  • Compensation for changes in wood volume. Under the influence of temperature and humidity, wood can change in volume.
  • Extends the service life of the building.
  • Waterproofing.

The timber can be insulated during construction work or after finishing the house.

The principles of choosing insulation

Insulation should be dense and thin

Serious requirements are imposed on the heat insulator:

  • The insulation must be resistant to moisture - to prevent the formation of mold and harmful fungi, rotting and the appearance of insects. The best materials for these properties are flax and jute. They contain a natural resin that performs waterproofing tasks.
  • Risk of fire. Wood is more susceptible to burning than other materials. If you choose the wrong insulation, you can complicate the situation. Natural materials burn better, especially flax. Synthetics are less susceptible to burning. Fire retardants are used to improve the refractory properties.
  • Lifetime. It is recommended to take insulation with the same declared service life as the material itself at home. This is due to the fact that the installation is usually carried out at the stage of repair, so it is difficult to replace the thermal insulation while using the house.
  • Influence of birds and rodents. The material should not be of interest to them. Birds are one of the main problems for the owners of wooden buildings, as they can organize their home there. Most often, they take flax and moss from insulation to build a nest. For this reason, when using them, you need to periodically check the integrity.
  • Good density with low thickness. The optimal values ​​are 40 g / cm 2 with a thickness of 5 mm, 600 g / cm 2. at 6-10 mm layer.
  • The form. It is better to take tape insulation during construction. It is convenient to roll it out and fix it with a stapler. Oakum is used to seal the gaps between the crowns.
  • Thermal resistance. Natural materials retain heat better than artificial materials.
  • Safety for human health. The material must not release toxic substances or allergic dust. Many modern insulators meet this requirement.
  • Elasticity. When the wood expands or contracts, the insulation must compensate for this distance.
  • Width. Determined by the climatic conditions of the region. Also, the material should not be visible from under the log.

There are materials that have been used since ancient times and are still popular today.These include mezhventsovy insulation jute, moss, flax, felt. To understand what is best for insulation, you need to understand their properties.

Varieties of materials


Moss must be dried before use

There are hundreds of varieties of moss, but only two are used for construction - sphagnum and cuckoo flax. The first is white and the second is red. Sphagnum has good thermal insulation properties. It also contains antiseptic materials, thanks to which it is used in medicine.

Moss can be harvested by hand or purchased from specialized organizations. They supply the insulator in the form of finished briquettes.

If the moss was picked by hand, it needs to dry out. The process takes 1-2 weeks. But it cannot be completely dried - when laying, the moss should let out juice for additional protection of the log house from rotting and insects.

Stays on the crowns in large piles. From above they are pressed down by another log. If you don't add enough, the moss will dry out and holes will appear.


  • Nice smell. Even people with asthma find it easier to be in a room insulated with moss.
  • Hygroscopicity. The insulation between the timber absorbs moisture, so that the log remains dry.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages of moss include the difficulty of laying and the interest from the birds.



This insulation is produced in the form of a ribbon from natural flax. Next, he undergoes working off on a needle machine. As a result, the material has improved properties.

The composition of industrial flax contains cellulose, water, wax and lingin. Thanks to the use of lingine, the structure is combined into a single wear-resistant composition. Flax is the most durable natural heat insulator.



The synthetic material avatherm has Finnish roots. It is based on polyesters. The main characteristics include:

  • Duration of operation. The declared service life reaches 200 years.
  • Not interesting to birds. They use only natural materials to create a nest.
  • Fire resistance.

It is produced in the form of tapes with different lengths and widths, which can be selected for any conditions. There are also options for laminated veneer lumber.



Jute insulation is a good solution for houses made of logs and beams. It has good strength, high density and hygroscopicity. Resistance to water is due to the presence in the composition of lignin - a resin that connects fibers.

Also, the positive qualities include windproofness, low thermal conductivity and the absence of dust during the installation process. Jute insulation is sold in the form of rolls with different lengths and widths.

When choosing a thickness, they rely on working off the beams. The less they are worked out, the thicker the jute tape should be.

Linen and jute heaters are sold not only in their pure form. There are mixtures with different ratios of raw materials.

Thermojut and thermolen

New types of mezhventsovy heaters have their own characteristics. A biocomponent is added to the feedstock, which melts and connects the fibers. As a result, the material has improved density, high elasticity, and low thermal conductivity. It is not interesting for birds and animals, as well as insects.



Oakum is a waste from different types of plants. The composition includes cellulose, lignin, pectin, wax. It absorbs moisture well and dries quickly. Differs in safety for human health. Sold in the form of bundles of various lengths and shapes. It is inexpensive.

Disadvantages include difficult, even styling, interest in birds and the need to re-styling one year after shrinkage.

Synthetic insulation

Synthetic insulation materials are made from polyester fibers that are bonded to each other using hot air. High quality materials do not use harmful synthetic resins, so it is important to choose a professional insulation.The brands of synthetic insulation include Ecoterma, Avatherm and others.

The positive aspects include:

  • Long service life. It can be up to 200 years old.
  • Low thermal conductivity. The heat will remain in the house for a long time.
  • Elasticity. It can recover more than 90% of its volume after compression.
  • Fire safety.
  • Lack of interest from birds.
  • Frost resistance.

Experts note one drawback of synthetic materials - resistance to moisture. Due to the poor transmission of water from the tree, a greenhouse effect can be created. To get rid of this disadvantage, it is necessary to create a good ventilation system in the house. Also, wood must be carefully processed with special agents before construction work.

Laying mezhventsovy insulation

Installation of inter-row thermal insulation is carried out in several stages. First, the wood is prepared, the necessary tools and the material itself are selected. The tree must be well dried and worked out. The tools should not be very sharp, otherwise they can damage the logs.

Next, the insulation is laid. When working, the following rules are used:

  • Laying must be uniform. The thickness is determined in advance.
  • Insulation is placed around the entire perimeter of the house. Otherwise, there is a risk of distortion of the building during shrinkage.
  • The material is placed in the middle so that it protrudes slightly beyond the limits (no more than 4-5 cm). Additionally, it is fixed with a construction stapler.
  • If a tape of insufficient width is used, a second overlap is placed on top.

The last stage is entrenching. All gaps must be carefully sealed with a tourniquet. This process should be repeated one year after the erection of the building, as shrinkage occurs during this time.
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