Features of installing ovens with your own hands

To install a brick or metal stove in your home, you need to familiarize yourself with the known varieties of these products. Self-assembly of ovens is possible only on condition of careful study of their design. You will also need to master the basics of assembling electrical and masonry brick structures.

Advantages and disadvantages

A brick oven gives off heat longer than a metal one

Advantages of modern brick stoves, built in the house or in the bath:

  • This design, in contrast to metal, has a high heat capacity.
  • Surfaces are heated to not too high temperatures - safe to use.
  • Brickwork looks beautiful in a wooden bath against a background of wood trim.

After the brick oven is well heated, the whole family can wash in the bath for about 5-6 hours. With a metal structure, this is not possible, since it cools down in just a couple of hours.

To assemble a metal structure, you will need an expensive welding machine, which you still need to know how to work on.

The disadvantage of brick products, when compared with iron products, is the high labor intensity of manufacture and significant labor costs for a masonry specialist. In addition, unlike steel structures, before installing the stove in the country with your own hands, you will have to make a foundation under it. This further increases the material and time costs for its manufacture and high-quality installation.

Criterias of choice

Fireclay brick - the best material for building a furnace

The efficiency of heating living spaces and ease of use depend on how well the stove design is chosen. A responsible approach to this procedure is required, taking into account the following points:

  • It is preferable to choose fireclay brick as a material.
  • The dimensions and thermal power of the future structure must correspond to the heated area, which ensures the required heat transfer rate.
  • It is important to choose the right shape of the furnace structure, taking into account the fact that its sides give 3-4 times more heat than the front and rear walls.
  • If it is necessary to heat two rooms at once, choose a narrow and long structure built into the wall between adjacent rooms.

Another important condition is the competent choice of the place for installing the fireplace stove within the premises. Taking this factor into account will allow you to operate the oven with maximum efficiency, using it for cooking, for example. You should not choose a bulky stove with a large power reserve, since some of the heat in this case is wasted.

Room preparation

The place for the heating structure is selected at the stage of designing the frame structure, which guarantees the correct installation of the stove within the building. From a properly selected area, heat is evenly distributed throughout the house. A competent approach to solving this issue will also allow you to determine the place and capacity of the foundation to be equipped for the furnace.

In construction practice, the installation of furnaces is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • A common foundation is being prepared for the stove and for the house.
  • The base for the furnace structure is made separately from the foundation of the structure, and a distance of at least 150 mm is left between them.

The second option is chosen if the dimensions of the furnace and its mass are not very large, the shrinkage for it and for the walls will not be very different. The presence of a common foundation in this situation leads to deformations and destruction of the structure.

Features of installing a metal furnace

Walls and floors must be protected with fireproof material

Step-by-step instructions for installing a stove in a country bath can be presented as follows:

  1. The type of base is selected, which in the case of a lightweight metal structure may be completely absent.
  2. According to the instructions, the optimal place for placement is found, which guarantees uniform heating of the entire room.
  3. The structure itself is installed on the selected area, after which the chimney is connected to it.

If, according to the project, there will be several rooms in the bath building, the stove installed on the wooden floor in the bath is located at the crosshairs of the walls separating them.

When the stove is placed near the entrance to the bath, the radiation emanating from it creates a reliable protection in the form of a thermal curtain. When installing the stove, it is important to ensure that the firebox door is correctly positioned to prevent scalding. Part of the flooring in front of it must be covered with heat-resistant sheet material.

Brick finishing

Protective finishing of a metal furnace with bricks

For the protective finish of a metal furnace, high quality refractory brick with voids in its structure is required. It is allowed to use a finishing material with a relief pattern or just a smooth front surface. Its total amount is calculated taking into account the size of the iron furnace itself, as well as the part of the area around it to be protected.

The need to prepare a base for a stove on wooden floors, equipped from one or 2 rows of solid masonry, is taken into account. If the chimney to be brought out is supposed to be laid out of bricks, it should also be taken into account in the calculations. It is important to decide on the method of laying brick blanks, which are most often placed on the edge, which allows you to save on consumables. For greater thermal efficiency, a method of laying in a full brick is proposed.

Chimney installation and requirements for its height

When installing the chimney, you will need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The vacuum inside the flue pipe must be at least 5 Pa. For this, its height is chosen at least 5 meters.
  • The upper cut of the pipe is located above the level of the wind back. Its diameter should not be less than the outlet pipe of the furnace itself.

To connect to the chimney, stainless steel transitional blanks with a thickness of at least 0.8 mm are used. When constructing a capital chimney based on a strong foundation, it is allowed to use a special stainless steel nozzle. In this case, the temperature of the exhaust gases cannot exceed a certain value indicated by the furnace manufacturers.

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