Sprayed thermal insulation is a substance that surpasses roll, plate and putty counterparts in many technical characteristics. This technology is deservedly considered the most advanced and promising. Combining many positive characteristics, the material has almost no drawbacks. Few disadvantages can be easily eliminated by using some simple techniques. Manufacturers offer consumers spray insulation materials that differ in technical characteristics, composition, applications and equipment used for application.
What is sprayed insulation
Sprayed insulation is a binary type substance, consisting of two liquid components. After bringing to the required consistency, the products are mixed and applied to the treated surfaces through a spray gun. Under the influence of oxygen from the air, an exothermic reaction is triggered, accompanied by the formation of a large amount of foam. Hardening lasts several minutes, resulting in the formation of a porous dense mass with a cellular structure. The top layer is dense, like a white vegetable peel. Over time, under the influence of ultraviolet light, it darkens, acquiring a yellow or brown tint.
Depending on the ingredients used, the following types of polyurethane foam insulation are distinguished:
- Elastic. After crystallization, the open cell insulator resembles a penoplex. Differs in good vapor permeability, flexibility and elasticity. Designed for finishing buildings made of wood and other breathable materials.
- Hard. The substance is characterized by high density and low weight. It is used in everyday life for sealing cracks and insulating structures made of concrete and steel.
- Integral. Differs in high density, strength and resistance to mechanical stress. It is mainly used in industry at engineering facilities.
Sprayed polyurethane insulation is popular in private and commercial construction due to its wide range of applications.
Where is the material used
New generation foam insulation is used for external and internal application. Materials with open and closed cells are used depending on the features of the objects.
Spraying is carried out on such structures:
- Roofs of residential, utility, office buildings and engineering structures. Since the main heat losses occur through the roof, a layer 10-15 cm thick is applied for their high-quality insulation. When working in attic rooms, additional finishing is not required. Polynor spray-on insulation forms a strong outer crust after curing. At the same time, there are no odors and discharge.
- Technological containers. The use of polyurethane foam in cylinders for insulating various tanks helps to maintain a given temperature in them with minimal energy consumption. Household and industrial boilers are filled with polyurethane, foam is applied to the walls of pools, storages and other containers for storing and transporting various liquids that require stable conditions. In addition to tanks, foam is used to insulate pipes connected to them with d 20 cm or more.
- Walls. For a harsh climate, the polinor insulation is an excellent solution to the problem of combating freezing of load-bearing structures.The material is in no way inferior in its characteristics to Penoplex roll insulation, surpassing it in application speed and durability. The thickness of the layer varies between 5-10 cm, depending on the type of structure and the characteristics of the climate. Spraying is carried out inside the lattice frame, which is then sheathed with decorative cladding.
- Floors. A thick layer of PP is an excellent protection against cold and dampness coming from the ground or unheated basements. The material is applied to a concrete slab or sub-floor in a wooden house. The lathing is pre-made, which is the basis for laying the finishing or intermediate coating. Ventilation of the premises is achieved by arranging air vents. The recommended application layer is 7-10 cm.
- Attic. Insulation of these residential buildings with polyurethane foam allows you to create comfortable living conditions at any time of the year. To create a reliable barrier against cold and heat, at least 15 cm of foam should be sprayed. After that, the inner surfaces of the attic are sheathed with plasterboard, plywood or solid board.
Depending on the area of treatment, industrial equipment or disposable sprayers are selected.
Material advantages
Construction specialists prefer polyurethane foam in favor of analogues such as insulating shells, matte and solid insulators.
Pros of PPU:
- Ecological cleanliness. The foam does not contain substances harmful to humans and the environment. It can be safely used indoors and outdoors.
- Low coefficient of thermal conductivity. This figure is significantly lower than that of such popular insulators as basalt wool and polystyrene.
- Lack of hygroscopicity. The coating does not absorb water, it always remains light and dry.
- Excellent soundproofing. The material cuts off street noises, prevents loud sounds from leaving the room.
- Biological inertness. The foam does not start fungus and mold, it is avoided by rodents, birds and insects.
- Resistance to active chemical reagents. The substance does not react to the effects of motor fuel, acids, alkalis, parasitic agents, oil and acrylic paints.
- Long service life. Depending on the type and brand of the manufacturer, the service life is 30-50 years. This foam does not require any maintenance.
- Corrosion protection. Due to its tight fit to the surface of the PU foam, it prevents the formation of condensation on it and the ingress of moisture from the outside.
- Lack of joints and voids. Foam fills all the smallest cracks and holes, covers the surfaces with a monolithic layer, in which there are no cold bridges.
- Fire safety. The material is not flammable, but on contact with an open flame emits toxic fumes.
- Resistant to extreme low and high temperatures. The range of application is from - 80 ºС to + 120 ºС.
- The ability to process surfaces of any complexity and hard-to-reach elements of engineering structures.
- Maintainability. If part of the cover is damaged, it is sufficient to fill the cavity with a similar material purchased from a hardware store.
- Profitability. There is no need to install vapor barrier and windproof films, pretreatment of frames and bases.
- The speed of application. The finishing speed is an order of magnitude higher than that of roll and tile counterparts.
An important factor in favor of choosing a PPU is its cost. On average, the consumption of polynor per m2 is 55-65 rubles, depending on the selected manufacturer and the equipment used.
Varieties of sprayed insulation
The technology of insulating objects with foam is naturally considered the most effective and promising. To achieve a high-quality result, you should familiarize yourself with the types of sprayed insulation and the procedure for their application.Means are divided into ready-to-use and requiring preliminary preparation.
Sprayed thermal insulation in cylinders is freely available and is familiar to almost every home craftsman. Aerosol cans sold in hardware stores have a capacity of 500-1500 ml. Inside there is a liquid composition saturated with compressed air. The different models have their own socket or are designed to fit into a special gun. Spraying is carried out after shaking and turning the product upside down by pulling the trigger. One can of 1000 ml is enough for the formation of 20 liters of foam or covering 1 m2 of surface with a layer of 2 cm thick. This type of insulation can be used to treat small surfaces up to 10 m2. But even in this situation, 25 cans will be required to create a layer of 5 cm, which is the minimum allowable for the arrangement of buildings.
Industrial mixtures are made from several liquid components immediately before use. The raw material consists of a basic composition and a hardener. For carrying out, sealed containers, a high-pressure hose, a spray gun and a pneumatic installation are used. The optimum temperature for work is + 20-25 ° C. Deviations result in the solution foaming too little or too much. Both options lead to performance deviations from the norm. If the weather conditions are not appropriate, the solution is heated or cooled.
The material is fed from the bottom up, the thickness of each layer should be within 3-4 cm. To achieve the desired effect, the surfaces must be processed 2-3 times after the previous layers have completely hardened.
It is necessary to use industrial equipment in the means of protection of the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. The substance is distinguished by the highest degree of adhesion, it is extremely difficult to remove it from the body, clothing and surfaces. Therefore, places that do not need insulation must be securely closed.
Most popular brands
- Ecotermix;
- Titanium;
- TechnoNIKOL;
- Technology;
- Teplis;
- Polinor;
- Phorum;
- Penosil;
- Penoplex Fastfix;
- Home master;
- Sipur;
- Tri color.
When choosing a material, you need to carefully study the instructions for use, in the last place focusing on the price of the product.