Regulations for energy consumption for heating are planned taking into account the climate, type of residential building. The material of the enclosing structures, the number of storeys of the house and the degree of wear and tear of the heating main are taken into account. Therefore, the heating standard for 1 sq. m will differ in different cities and regions. The norms are introduced by the authorized body of the local council based on the calculation of the supplying organization and are constant for three years.
- The value of the heating standard and calculations per 1 sq. m
- Comfortable room temperature
- Calculation of payment for heat taking into account standards
- Calculating your heating bills
- With a general house metering device
- There is no general household appliance, no individual meters
- There is a metering device and counters
The value of the heating standard and calculations per 1 sq. m
Heat consumption regulations are calculated in accordance with the conditions for the high-quality provision of services, which are spelled out in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The norms are changed in the prescribed legal order.
Cases for reform:
- reorganization of technical equipment and constructions of an apartment building, climate change, in which the consumption of resources in a residential building changes by 5% or more;
- modification of the existing rules regarding the composition of heat consumption standards, methods and conditions for calculating indicators of costs and costs.
The company that supplies heat to the district submits settlement documents to the local authorities with a compelling justification for the new norms. Authorized services analyze the materials and make additional inquiries, if necessary.
The city council holds a meeting where it discusses, accepts, or rejects an organization's performance improvement. On the basis of the decree, a recalculation is made, changed tariffs for consumers are introduced.
The decision of the authorities is published within 10 days in local information media, the date is indicated when the new standard for the consumption of thermal energy begins to operate.
Comfortable room temperature
The standards for temperature parameters are contained in the document GOST 30.494 - 2011 and include indicators depending on the type of room:
- in rooms, the temperature is considered comfortable at the level of +20 - + 22 ° С;
- in the kitchen - +19 - + 21 ° С;
- in the bathroom - +24 - + 26 ° С;
- in the toilet - +19 - + 21 ° С;
- in the hallway - +18 - + 20 ° С.
If the temperature does not reach these values, the heating rate for 1 m2 of the house is not met, you can complain and demand a recalculation of the consumed energy.
The standards take into account the purpose of the premises. The bedroom should be ventilated, after which it should have a standard temperature. In children, the temperature of the upper limit is considered normal, and as the child grows up, it moves to the lower bar. In the bathroom, the increased rate is due to dampness, due to which dampness is felt.
Calculation of payment for heat taking into account standards
Multi-apartment buildings are considered as indivisible objects that consume energy to heat the premises in their composition. The rules of standards for heating 1 sq.m provides for the calculation of heat energy for the whole house throughout the year, on the basis of which an average value is obtained.
An apartment building includes non-residential and residential premises and common areas (basements, attics, stairwells) and the payment is distributed to the apartment owners. The size is determined in proportion to the area of the premises of individual owners.
To account for the amount of heat that home users were able to consume, citywide heating standards are applied per 1 square meter. In 2019, the government established new standards for accounting for heat consumption for heating utility rooms, and the line “general house needs” appeared in the receipt.
Calculating your heating bills
To save money, consumers install separate meters in apartments, which allow measuring the amount of energy consumed without an averaged calculation according to the norms. The devices are installed by specialists and sealed before use.
The number in the payment document depends on the method of calculation:
- according to the indications of the apartment meter with the addition of the share of heat energy consumption for heating common areas of use;
- based on the calculated share for a separate apartment according to the figures of the general house heat meter;
- calculated using local regulations, if there is no general and individual device.
By law, the fee is calculated only for the period of actual heating or is spread over the whole year. The option is chosen by the district or city authorities. In the second version, an additional correction factor is applied. In houses with shared meters, where tenants pay all year, recalculation is made for the summer months.
With a general house metering device
The collective meter readings are submitted to the management office and they are indicated on the next receipt. Information about the general squaring of the house can be found in the housing and communal services in the acceptance documents. The area of the apartment is registered in the technical passport, and you can find out about the tariffs in the heating network.
Consumption is calculated according to the formula: P = V x S / S1 x Twhere:
- V - the amount of energy used by the control device.
- S - squaring your own apartment.
- S1 - the area of non-residential and residential premises of the building.
- T - legal tariff for heat energy.
The total amount of heat used in the house is divided by the square meters of the dwelling. It turns out the share for a separate apartment, this value is multiplied by the tariff of the heating network.
There is no general household appliance, no individual meters
In this case, the current standard for heat consumption per 1 sq. m. The regulated indicator determines the amount of heat for heating a square of housing per month. The climate in the regions of the Russian Federation is different, therefore local authorities set different quotas in the constituent entities of the Federation. The type of housing and the state of communications in the building matter.
Costs are calculated using the formula: P = S x N x Twhere:
- S - the area of an apartment or non-residential premises.
- N - consumption rate.
- T - heat tariff.
The area of housing is multiplied by the current rate, the estimated amount of heat required for heating is determined. These calculations sometimes do not correspond to the actual energy consumption. The government obliges residents to install shared meters in apartment buildings.
There is a metering device and counters
The fees paid by individual owners are cumulative. A part of each is calculated in accordance with the readings of the instruments.The share of consumption among premises equipped with meters is calculated. The resulting value is multiplied by the allocated amount of payment for Gcal for apartments with individual account and the payment for heat is displayed in a monthly period.
The payment amount can be less or more than the one that has already been paid. The calculation of an additional fee in the next period or recalculation for a lower installment depends on this.