The Tepleko plant is a manufacturer of quartz heaters. The brand became the only Russian enterprise producing heating devices with low energy consumption. In less than 10 years, the company became known in the country and received awards from prestigious competitions. In St. Petersburg, at 13 Zheleznovodskaya Street, heaters are presented at affordable prices. Another 59 brand stores are waiting for their customers in various regions of Russia. The sales geography covers the territory from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk. In Moscow and other cities, the products are offered at retail and at special wholesale prices. The store map can be found on the Tepleko official website.
The principle of operation of the heater

Electric heaters are popular with consumers due to their versatility and high efficiency. The main disadvantage of devices is considered to be a significant consumption of electricity, leading to monthly expenses of money. The design features of Tepleko's products allow us to solve the problem. Units consume no more than 2.5-3.5 kW per day when heating a room with an area of 5-8 sq. m.
The Tepleko heater increases the room temperature by converting electrical energy into heat. Its basic part is a slab of quartz sand. The monolithic panel is able to accumulate heat and give it away, heating the room according to the principle of convection air movement. It resembles a heated brick, but with a larger heat dissipation area.
The panel's temperature is increased by a built-in nickel-chromium alloy heating element. The release of heat occurs when the current passes through the metal spiral. Its indicator in working condition is 120 ° C. The quartz slab accumulates thermal energy and releases it even after disconnection from the electrical network. Products of other brands that produce monolithic quartz radiators function according to this principle.
Tepleko's competitors are MKTEN devices, Teploeconom ceramic panels and Ecoteplo heaters.
Heater device
Tepleko radiators are made of quartz sand with the addition of marble chips. The raw material is melted and molded. The frame of the products is made of an aluminum profile. At the casting stage, a heating element is placed in the monolithic structure. A relief pattern is applied to the outside of the finished panel. The electric radiator is painted with white heat-resistant paint or in any color at the request of the buyer.
The company also offers health products. In addition to the heating function, the eco battery enriches the air with ions. A useful property is provided by the addition of shungite chips to quartz sand. The panel is black. The performance characteristics of the device are similar to those of the classic models.
Main structural elements:
- monolithic quartz slab;
- heating element;
- aluminum frame;
- power cord;
- collapsible socket;
- mechanical power button.
To increase the functionality of Tepleko batteries, the manufacturer offers additional accessories:
- Thermostat - the device will automatically control the temperature in the room.
- Protective screen - will give the panel an attractive look, save it from external influences. A useful accessory to prevent accidental contact with a heated radiator.
- Stand on wheels - for mobile movement of the device.
- Socket with Wi-fi function - the device allows you to control the heating through a mobile application.
The main recommended battery mounting method is wall-mounted. In this case, the ergonomic rectangular device does not take up free space. This is the best option for a constant heating device.
For temporary switching on, a mobile version of the unit is suitable. It can be installed in any convenient place, moved to different rooms. The stand makes it possible not to fix the radiator using floor placement.
Advantages and disadvantages
An energy-saving device makes it possible to equip a house with a heating system in a short time without exorbitant costs. Owners of electric radiators do not need to buy coal and firewood.
The advantages of quartz heaters include:
- Energy efficiency. Economical energy consumption is the main advantage of the product. The device has maximum efficiency, evenly distributes heat in the room. Installing a thermostat gives you a real chance to optimize costs.
- Tepleko's products rarely require repairs. Their heating element is protected by a monolithic construction. The power cord or outlet may require replacement.
- Environmental friendliness - the production uses pure quartz sand from the Tashlinsky deposit.
- Affordable cost - the manufacturer offers electric heaters at a price of 2400 rubles.
- Reliability and durability - when used in favorable conditions, the devices will last about 20 years.
- Quartz panels do not dry out the air, do not burn oxygen.
The strict laconic design of the products allows them to fit into any interior. The installation of special screens with a shaped grid gives the batteries a special style.
When choosing a heater, it is worth learning about its negative qualities in order to avoid disappointment with the purchase:
- Tepleko appliances must not be installed in rooms with high humidity;
- hot panel surface can cause burns;
- takes a long time to warm up the room.
On the first day of operation, it is especially important not to touch the device. Possible current leakage case. Further, the nichrome spiral is covered with a film that does not transmit current. The set of the electric radiator does not include a thermostat and a metal shield. These required items will have to be purchased separately.
Scope of use
Quartz heaters are designed for heating residential, administrative and commercial premises. The universal device is installed at any facility equipped with electrical networks. Scope of application of monolithic batteries:
- country houses;
- apartments;
- private houses;
- warehouses;
- garages;
- shops and pavilions;
- industrial premises.
The units are used as constant heating and in the off-season to raise the temperature to a comfortable level. Quartz batteries can be combined with other systems. In private homes, they complement hot water heating from a stove or boiler. In facilities where there is no centralized heating, devices can maintain a positive temperature without the presence of people. Heaters are fireproof, they are installed in museums, trade and exhibition halls.
Quartz Heater Specifications
The device has compact dimensions: 600x350x25 mm. It is class 1 and is grounded through the plug. The quartz heater operates on a standard voltage of 220 V. Before buying, it is worth studying the main characteristics of the unit:
- power - 0.4 kW;
- rated current - 1.8 A;
- quartz panel surface temperature - 95 ° C;
- weight - 12 kg;
- calculated heating area - 18 cubic meters. m.
A monolithic heater has a characteristic feature - inertness of temperature rise.After switching on, it takes about 30 minutes to heat up, then it starts to fully heat the room. The panel also cools down slowly - up to 5 hours. During this time, it continues to heat the room, but with a decreasing intensity.
Information about the power and other parameters of the radiators is necessary for the thermal calculation of the heating system. The consumer calculates the number of heaters that will be required for the total area of the room. Based on the data on the dimensions, he chooses the location.
Installation and operation
You can install quartz radiators yourself according to the manufacturer's instructions. Wall mount brackets are sold with the product. Installation technology:
- At the location of the battery, markings are made for fasteners. Recommended installation parameters: 20 cm from the floor, 5 cm from the windowsill, 4.5 cm from the wall.
- Drill holes and fix the brackets with self-tapping screws or dowels.
- Disassemble the plug and connect to the power cable.
- Hang the quartz heater on the brackets.
- Insert the plug into the socket.
Installation tips:
- When installing the heater on a wooden wall, a heat-reflecting coating is required. It will reduce the effect of heat on the wood.
- The first activation should be short - 25-30 minutes. This will dry the quartz panel and reduce the chance of cracking. In a day, the unit is ready for full operation.
- The unit weighs 12 kg, so work with it carefully so as not to drop it.
- It is advisable to close the wall at the installation site with foil-coated foam foam that reflects thermal radiation.
- The hinged screen is installed after fixing the panel. The accessory is fastened with screws.
During operation, the owners must keep the heater clean. Before seasonal switching on, it is advisable to inspect the panel and cord for damage.
Quartz heaters Tepleko, operating in economical mode, have become an alternative to traditional heating. They are economical, affordable and versatile.