Overview of thermostats for heating systems, especially installation in pumps, boilers and radiators

The operation of the heating system will be effective only if there are control elements. With their help, it is possible to regulate the flow of the coolant, thereby controlling the temperature in individual circuits and the entire line as a whole. Best of all, thermostats for heating systems cope with this task: boiler, pump, battery, radiator.

Functional purpose of thermostats

Electronic thermostat
Electronic thermostat

In most cases, during the operation of heat supply, an uneven distribution of heat is observed in radiators and tubes. This is due to its cooling down during its movement along transport routes. For stabilization and timely adjustment, room thermostats for heating are installed.

Their task is to limit the flow of hot water to a specific heating element - a separate circuit, radiator or battery. Structurally, they consist of an obturator (valve stem) and a control component. An installed thermostat for a battery or a separate heating circuit improves the following system parameters:

  • Controlling the degree of heating of the radiator... By regulating the inflow of hot water, the temperature on the surface of the heater changes;
  • Optimization of costs for heating the coolant... A contact thermostat for heating reduces the cost of heating hot water, reducing the temperature difference between the heating medium between the supply and return pipes;
  • Heating automation... Almost all models of thermostatic devices operate in an autonomous mode. It is important to initially correctly set the initial parameters of functioning.

What is the difference between a thermostat for a heating boiler and a similar model for a radiator or circulation pump? First of all - the speed of the control element and the temperature mode of operation. Therefore, it is recommended to select the optimal model for each heating component. And for this, their types and design features should be considered.

Any thermostat for heating a house has individual operating parameters - installation feature, degree of temperature control, etc. They must correspond to the characteristics of the heating element on which the device will be installed.

Types of thermostats

Mechanical thermostat
Mechanical thermostat

The place of installation and the characteristics of the thermostat are determined even during the planning of the heating system. The heat supply parameters are calculated in advance and on the basis of these data the system components are selected.

The thermostat for a heating radiator in this case is no exception. But in addition to technical qualities, operational ones should be taken into account. These include the following factors:

  • The degree of automation of the device... It determines how often manual tuning is needed for normal operation;
  • Installation features... Some models of room thermostats for heating can be mounted in a strictly defined position;
  • Accuracy of the control element... What changes in hot water temperature will trigger the device;
  • Additional modes... Almost every electric thermostat for heating can be configured for daily or weekly operation according to strictly defined system parameters.

Consider the most common types of thermostats for heating a house, depending on the design features and performance.

Some boiler models have built-in thermostats. This must be taken into account when designing the control mechanisms of the heating system.

Mechanical thermostat for heating

Mechanical thermostat design
Mechanical thermostat design

The easiest way to control the heating of a radiator or a section of the system is to purchase a mechanical thermostat for heating boilers, which can also be installed in the radiator piping. Its design is not particularly complex. It includes a locking mechanism and a mechanical control unit.

Under the influence of temperature, the working element expands, which is filled with the working fluid. Its body begins to press on the stem, which, when lowered, limits the flow of hot water in the pipe. A decrease in the working diameter of the line leads to a decrease in the heating of the radiator.

Such thermostats in the heating system can be installed only after becoming familiar with their features:

  • Place of installation. It can be installed on both the inlet and outlet. It all depends on the task at hand. If it is necessary to regulate the degree of heating of the radiator, installation is performed in front of it. To limit the flow of coolant from the battery, it is mounted after it;
  • Location. For correct operation, the thermostat on the heating battery must be installed on the side so that hot air does not affect the control element;
  • The thermostat parameters are pre-calculated for a specific heating system.

The defining characteristic of mechanical thermostats for heating boilers is their capacity.

The control element is set before starting the heating system. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the pressure in the pipes and set the required thermostat response value for the heating boiler.

Two and three way valves

Two-way valve for heating
Two-way valve for heating

These are versatile devices that can perform several functions. Their difference from the above-considered thermostats for a heating radiator lies in the absence of a control component that operates from a change in the temperature of the water.

A simple mechanical thermostat for heating boilers only works in the local zone. Those. actually does not take into account the indoor and outdoor temperature. Automated valves do not have this drawback. This is due to the peculiarities of their design, which consists of the following components:

  • Mechanical gate valve - crane;
  • Servo mechanism installed on the control valve stem.

The servo mechanism can be connected to any external control element - programmer or temperature sensor. Depending on external data, the valve stem is adjusted, which limits the flow of coolant in this section of the line.

In addition to the function of the thermostat on the heating radiator, the valves can be used in the following heating elements:

  • Water heat-insulated floor... Are part of the mixing unit;
  • Collector heating system... Regulate the supply of coolant to a specific section of the line.

If you need a thermostat for a heating pump, two and three-way valves will be the best option. In addition to the function of adjusting the volume of hot water, in some cases they can stabilize the hydrodynamic distribution in the system.

Some valve models have a built-in temperature sensor and at the same time have the ability to connect to an external thermometer.

Electronic thermostat for heating

Electronic thermostat programmer
Electronic thermostat programmer

To automate the operation of heat supply, it is recommended to install an electronic contact thermostat for heating. Often they are not mounted on a battery or radiator, but have a remote design. It can be installed anywhere in the room.

The simplest models of room heating thermostats have one remote temperature sensor and a control element. It is installed in a certain part of the system and, according to its readings, the parameters of the boiler or the control valve are changed. However, for effective operation, it is recommended to use more complex models of overhead thermostats for heating with programmer functions - daily or weekly.

To choose a thermostat for a heating battery, you should first familiarize yourself with their types:

  • With bimetallic spiral... When exposed to hot air, it expands and closes the contact. As a result, the adjusting mechanism is triggered and a signal is given to open (close) the valve. The mercury sensor performs the same function;
  • With timer... This is an optional component that can be configured to change the heating parameters depending on the time of day. This thermostat is suitable for heating a small house;
  • Programmable... In these models, the mechanical part is connected to the electronic control unit.

The last type of electric thermostat for heating is convenient for organizing autonomous heat supply. It can be connected to several components - a boiler, servomechanisms on radiators and a circulation pump.

After installing the thermostat for the heating pump, it is mandatory to calibrate it. The actual data from the manometer thermometer is checked against the readings of the device.

Features of the use of thermostats

Installation diagram of a thermostat in a radiator
Installation diagram of a thermostat in a radiator

However, it is not enough to choose a thermostat for a heating boiler or battery - you need to install it correctly. Depending on the type of device, there are different wiring diagrams. It is best to read the instructions for use from the manufacturer of the competitive model.

There are several standard installation methods that may vary slightly. Let's consider each of them depending on the specific heating element.

Radiator thermostats

To install the thermostat on a heating radiator, you must first drain all the water in this heating section. Then the device is installed between the battery and the inlet pipe. It is important to check the correct position of the thermostat - the direction of movement of the coolant is indicated on its body.

After the installation of thermostats in the heating system, a check is carried out to check their functionality. To do this, it is necessary to fill the system and heat the coolant to an optimal level. Then the device is installed in different thermal conditions. In this case, the degree of heating of the radiator is checked using an overhead or built-in thermometer.

Heating boiler thermostats

Connecting the thermostat to the heating boiler
Connecting the thermostat to the heating boiler

For boilers, it is recommended to use electric thermostats for heating. They are connected to the control unit of the equipment. Depending on the temperature readings in the room or outside, the thermostat gives a command to change the degree of heating of the coolant.

The main difficulty lies in the correct selection of terminals for connecting these devices into a single control circuit. This data can be taken from the connection instructions. For mechanical thermostats installed in heating boilers, the installation process is no different from the radiator circuit.

Circulation pump thermostats

Almost all thermostats for heating circulation pumps are electronic. They are connected to the control unit and change the speed of rotation of the impeller depending on the readings of external sensors.

An important factor when choosing is the cost of the thermostat.Therefore, it is recommended to first conduct a preliminary analysis of the offers on the market.

ModelA typeprice, rub.
FANTINI COSMI Therm C 16Mechanical560
Zoom WT 100RFWireless electronic3380
Computherm Q7 RFRadio controlled3250
RT-01B ANIA (TRT01B)Electronic for boilers7030

What else do you need to consider when choosing a thermostat? First of all - its functional features. For the automation of the heating system, we recommend purchasing a model with GPS control. In this way, you can remotely receive readings from the heat supply of the house and control its parameters.

Familiarization with the video will help you understand the principle of operation of room thermostats in heating:

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