Description and characteristics of the insulation Park

PAROC insulating materials are durable, resilient and flexible, easy to install in a structure. Insulation Park does not shrink during operation, thermal insulation properties are retained in cold winters due to porosity. The material is manufactured according to proven technology and undergoes environmental testing.

Technical characteristics of insulation Park

Mineral wool Park is used for indoor and outdoor use

The boards are placed in a suitable frame without special fasteners. Geometric parameters are maintained precisely, the elastic edge adheres to the elements of the sheathing and prevents the appearance of cold bridges.

Material characteristics:

  • density varies in the range of 27 - 32 kg / m3 and is evenly distributed throughout the entire thickness;
  • the service life of thermal insulation without changing the indicators - 50 years;
  • the level of protection against losses does not decrease at air humidity up to 95%, thanks to the impregnation with water-repellent compounds.

With the use of Parok mineral wool, the fire index of the structure increases, since the material does not burn and prevents the spread of flame.

Types of products

Linen insulation for houses from a bar

The company produces materials based on stone fibers and basalt rocks with the use of improving additives, as well as synthetic ones.

Products are manufactured in the form:

  • mineral wool, basalt, glass wool slabs and mats;
  • expanded polystyrene extruded and foam products;
  • linen insulation;
  • slabs of increased rigidity (PPZh);
  • foam mats.

The insulation does not shrink after working for 3-4 decades, temporary loads do not leave traces of deformation on the slabs.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool foil roll insulation for roofs or floors

The products are distinguished by high sound and heat insulation. Improvement in technology has led to the expansion of the scope of Parok mineral wool. The material is used to protect against heat loss in fire hazardous buildings.

Depending on the density, the following types are distinguished:

  • normal;
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard.

It goes on sale in the form of mats, rolls, slabs, sandwich panels and pipes. Fibers in the thickness are arranged in layers horizontally or vertically, collected in a corrugated or spatial structure.

Basalt wool has a high thermal resistance, the indicators of which are similar to those of wood thicker than 40 cm.

Basalt slabs characteristics:

  • resists the action of chemicals and mechanical shock;
  • tolerates temperature changes without destruction;
  • withstands up to 200 cycles of thawing and re-freezing;
  • quickly restores properties after drying.

Parok basalt insulation is produced from magmatic sediments with the addition of carbonate components to coordinate the acidity index. Bitumen, urea resins and bentonite clays are used as a binder for the fibers.

Glass wool is used to insulate walls, floors, attic

Parok glass fiber insulation is a type of mineral wool. The raw materials are soda, dolomite, sand, limestone, borax. The material is resistant to chemical irritants, it is used in laboratories, workshops of hazardous production.

Glass wool properties:

  • loose density is 130 kg / m3;
  • thermal conductivity of the material - 0.032 - 0.052 W / m · K;
  • melting point - + 450 ° С.

The length of the glass wool fiber is 4–15 µm, which is 3–4 times longer than similar elements of stone wool. This determines the vibration resistance, elasticity and strength of the material.

Stone wool can withstand high temperatures without melting (about +850 degrees). Stone insulation The threshold does not burn, but when heated to a critical temperature, it disintegrates into dust. Thermal conductivity in the range of 0.035 - 0.039 W / mK.

Open pores in the structure provide a porosity of 0.25 - 0.35 mg / m2 · h · Pa. The density is in the range of 30 - 220 kg / m3, therefore the physical and mechanical properties of different types are different.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture, but is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, combustible

Differs in a homogeneous structure, containing gas-filled cells of 0.1–0.2 mm in the base. Granules of polystyrene and styrene copolymers dissolve in the polymer mass, natural gas is supplied and the particles increase in volume. Heat-resistant types of expanded polystyrene are filled with carbon dioxide. The material is used for insulation of private buildings and industrial facilities.

Properties of expanded polystyrene:

  • low water absorption - accumulates 0.4% of the mass after being kept in water for 10 days;
  • density of any kind is 0.05 mg / m · h · Pa;
  • fungi and microorganisms do not develop on the surface.

The durability of the extruded polystyrene foam in the structure is 60 - 70 years.


Polyfoam Park is used for indoor and outdoor thermal insulation of a room

The material is made of foamed plastics. The main volume is occupied by gas, low density contributes to poor thermal conductivity. Foam plastics are not toxic materials and are used to insulate various categories of buildings.

Foam thermal insulation Park is available in several types:

  • polyurethane;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • phenol-formaldehyde;
  • urea-formaldehyde.

Polyfoam is destroyed by the action of dichloroethane, benzene, acetone or vapors of these substances.

Linen insulation

Linen is used to protect indoor and outdoor structures. Withstands high temperatures, therefore it is used in saunas, baths. The fibers of the natural insulator are bound by bicomponent polyester components, the mass does not contain formaldehyde and resins.

The material conducts steam and absorbs moisture, but quickly releases it into the environment. No additional waterproofing layer is required during installation.

PPZh plates

Stone wool slabs do not absorb moisture and do not burn

Plates additionally perform the function of sound insulation, in addition to insulation. For binding the fibers in the mass, synthetic water-soluble resins are used in accordance with technical and sanitary standards.

Varieties of PPZh slabs:

  • Parok mineral wool on a synthetic binder;
  • slabs with and without hydrophobizing components;
  • laminated with finishing material or without.

The material is used for thermal insulation and in the construction of three-layer panels in residential and industrial buildings with a surface temperature in the range of +60 - + 400 ° C.

Foamed polyethylene mats

Foamed polyethylene mats are used in underfloor heating systems

Polyethylene foam is foamed with carbon dioxide during the production process. An elastic elastic mass with a closed-cell structure is obtained. Supplied on sale in the form of sheets, rolls, bundles and shells.

Depending on the method of release, there are:

  • cross-linked (PPE) foams;
  • uncrosslinked (NPE) foams.

Cross-linked polyethylene heaters are distinguished by multi-stage heating during production, the output parameters depend on the ratio of functional additives and polyethylene.

Scope of application

For the insulation of residential buildings, durable slabs of stone wool or expanded polystyrene are used

Heat-insulating plates protect wooden, concrete, brick surfaces from heat loss.Low-rise buildings are the priority for using Parok Extra insulation.

The material is used to insulate:

  • ventilated facades, door and window frames - basalt, stone wool or expanded polystyrene, layer 20 - 30 mm;
  • foundations, basements, floors, ceilings - slabs of increased rigidity and basalt mats;
  • steel structures, chimneys, door leaves - non-combustible plates PPZh;
  • walls of residential buildings - Paroc mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, stone wool.

When installing, workers do not require special protective equipment (with the exception of glass wool), since the insulation does not emit harmful substances and fibers when cutting.

Advantages and disadvantages

The material is easily processed with a simple cutting tool and mounted in the desired position. The insulation adheres tightly to the surface and does not swell when exposed to heat, frost and other unfavorable factors.

In the surrounding space, under normal conditions, no harmful gases or dust are detected. After installation, the Park Extra insulation does not shrink. For transportation, the material is compressed 2 times, and at the construction site it straightens in a short time.

The disadvantages include the ability to release hazardous substances at temperatures above + 200 ° C.

Park product range

Manufacturing workshops in Sweden, Finland, Lithuania and Poland produce a wide range of insulation materials. The company produces thermal insulation for various surfaces:

  • roofs - Paroc UNM 37, Park Extra;
  • facades - dense non-shrinking FAS slabs;
  • universal insulators - for the roof of vertical structures, arched surfaces, zero cycle buildings, pipelines.

Insulation of the Park brand complies with international technical standards and sanitary requirements.

Park Extra

Parok Extra boards are laid in a layer up to 15 cm thick

Insulation is presented on the market with basalt slabs measuring 120 x 60 cm. It is intended for cold insulation of interfloor ceilings, coatings, floors and the front part.

Differs in low density and light weight (density 30 kg / m3). The thermal conductivity index of 0.036 W / mk guarantees high-quality heat storage with a layer of 7 - 15 cm.

Other heat insulators

Paroc WAB-10T It is used for thermal insulation of facades in a ventilated way. The high density of the material (150 / m3) is combined with strength and low thermal conductivity (0.038 W / m · K). Plates are placed on the facade under plaster or siding.

Paroc ROB-60 has a dense texture - 170 kg / m3, which provides strength to the insulating layer. Mats are used to insulate floors, as they can withstand 6 tons per 1 m2.

Paroc ROB-80T it has a density of 230 kg / m3, it has no analogues. Strength is provided by an auxiliary glass fiber layer. The material is used for flat roofs. The thermal conductivity coefficient is equal to 0.037 W / m · K, refers to completely non-combustible types.
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