The main types of boilers for heating Bosch

Modern Bosch heating boilers are in special demand due to their reliability and high quality. The manufacturer offers various modifications of boilers, ranging from standard gas boilers to practical solid fuel ones. Equipment of this type has its own characteristics and technical characteristics that must be taken into account during installation and maintenance. It is worthwhile to study the available model range in advance and choose the best option for yourself.

Overview and types of boilers Bosch

Bosch gas double-circuit boilers perform the function of heating and heating water

The Bosch brand has existed on the market for over a hundred years and during this time has managed to gain popularity in 150 countries around the world. Heating units of this brand are known for their efficiency, compact size and lack of complications during operation. Each category of appliance has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The Bosch gas boiler is divided into two types: with an open and a closed combustion chamber. Modifications of the first type require a natural flow of air that comes from the room. It is important that high-quality ventilation and a chimney with a working draft are installed in the room where the device is located. You also need to remember about fire safety rules. Units with a closed chamber are supplemented with a burner, air is supplied to them with the help of a fan. They do not require draft, because the combustion products are destroyed by the fan. Closed gas boilers have good performance and are environmentally friendly.


The Bosch electric boiler is considered the ideal choice for apartments. Models of this type are safe, do not require large costs and time for maintenance. Their work is carried out by an electric heating element made of copper and a heat exchanger made of steel. They are able to warm up the room with high quality, while they do not need additional equipment. Such options are double-circuit, their power starts from 9 kW.

Solid fuel

These boilers are used as backup options and operate on coal, peat or wood. Their functionality is based on a circular system with an autonomous mode. Many modifications of this type from Bosch are equipped with an automatic fuel supply, the supply of which is designed for a week.

Electric water heaters

Water heaters are installed complete with a single-circuit boiler

Electric water heaters are designed to heat water in a domestic environment and can be installed in a bathroom or kitchen. Innovative models from the manufacturer are distinguished by ease of operation, advanced functionality and a high level of reliability. They can be installed horizontally or vertically, depending on the type of construction.

Single-circuit and double-circuit

Bosch single-circuit and double-circuit gas or electric boiler is suitable for a private house. Equipment of the first type consists of one heat exchanger with built-in piping, supplemented by an expansion tank and a circular pump. These are reliable units, but remember that they do not heat water without additional equipment.

Double-circuit devices are capable of simultaneously heating rooms and heating water.In terms of size, they practically do not differ from single-circuit counterparts, the differences between them are only in functionality and internal details. These boilers are equipped with two heat exchangers. The Bosch double-circuit boiler is heated by water from the heating circuit, which circulates through the heat exchanger. These units can be bithermic and work according to the standard principle, with the second heat exchanger located inside the first.

According to experts, models with two heat exchangers are not reliable. It is recommended to choose standard options for the home with simple functionality.

Boiler design and technical characteristics

The main feature of Bosch boilers is a high level of quality, each product undergoes a series of tests and control in a special laboratory. This guarantees the safety of all devices coming off the assembly line. The structure of brand devices depends on the specific model, but each device as a whole works on the same principle. The unit contains a heat generator, which consists of an outer lining and a housing, inside which there are combustion chambers and channels for heat exchange.

On top or in front of each boiler there is a receiving door with a combustion chamber, into which materials are loaded. When burned, the fuel releases energy, which is transferred to water through heat exchange. The rest of the fuel goes into the ash pan, after which the flue gases are removed to the chimney by means of chimney ducts. Gas and solid fuel appliances work in different ways, the principle of their operation completely depends on the type of fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The long-burning Bosch pyrolysis boiler has the highest efficiency

Wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers for long burning, including the standard type, have their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of all devices from the Bosch brand is the high level of quality. The list of other benefits includes:

  • the ability to use several types of fuel;
  • affordable prices;
  • increased efficiency up to 76-85%;
  • developed network of service centers;
  • reduced cost of heat;
  • long service life from 12 to 20 years;
  • independence from gas mains and electrical networks.

Of the minuses of the brand's devices, a short period of time for burning the bookmark is noted. For this reason, the firebox needs to be refilled every two to four hours. In addition, boilers are sensitive to fuel quality. If you constantly use low-quality raw materials, they will fail very quickly.

Installation of Bosch boilers

Dimensions of the smallest Bosch boiler for a small room

It is better to trust the installation of the device to specialists with appropriate qualifications and experience. To place the unit, you need to allocate a separate non-residential area for it, in which there should be ventilation. The equipment is installed so that a distance of at least 0.6 m and 1 m in front is maintained from the side and rear of it. For the device, a concrete foundation or a non-combustible platform is prepared, the base of which should protrude beyond the boiler. All components must be connected to a specific model according to the instructions.

Wall mounted

Wall-hung boilers are more popular because they are compact and easy to use. They are easy to install due to their low weight, their fasteners hold the device well, regardless of the design, even with additional elements. It is also better to entrust the installation of such units to specialists.

Popular models of boilers Bosch

Manufacturers and buyers have included several units in the list of the most popular models of Bosch boilers.

Bosch Gaz 6000 W works on the basis of a modulating burner and a copper heat exchanger. The boiler is supplemented with a display, electronic control and a self-diagnosis system.

A more powerful option is Bosch Gaz 4000 W with power up to 24 kW and gas filter.

Another well-known model is Bosch Solid 2000 B, suitable for heating rooms with an area of ​​60 to 450 sq. m. It is used as an independent and backup unit in heating systems with mechanical or gravity circulation.
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