Features and advantages of gas floor boilers

The organization of heating in a private house is one of the most important types of construction work. The installation of a gas floor boiler to provide heating to the building is very popular among consumers.

General characteristics of a gas floor boiler

Floor standing gas boilers are easier to maintain due to the lack of built-in automation

Gas boilers are available in several modifications. They can be floor-mounted and wall-mounted. Wall-mounted are characterized by compact dimensions and good performance. But most often in private houses, they prefer the installation of floor equipment. This is due to its positive properties:

  • Great power. The designs of these devices can deliver more power than wall-mounted models.
  • You can find non-volatile models that will work with a coolant that moves without using a pump.
  • Long service life of the equipment. With correctly selected parameters and correct installation, the boiler can work for more than 50 years.
  • Economical and easy to clean. Floor-standing boilers, unlike wall-mounted ones, are manufactured without built-in automation. They also have no additional equipment. This reduces the functions, but significantly simplifies maintenance and repair, and increases the service life.

The installation of gas boilers also has its drawbacks. For safety reasons, the device must be in a separate room. A number of requirements are imposed on the premises, which must be strictly observed. If the boiler room does not meet them, it will be impossible to obtain permission to start gas equipment.

Types of floor-standing gas boilers

Single-circuit heating boilers with a water heater

The floor-standing gas boiler can be single-circuit or double-circuit.


With a single-circuit device, the boiler will only heat the coolant and function as a heating device.

The equipment is equipped with one heat exchanger. Thanks to this, its design is simplified, dimensions are reduced. However, if water heating is required, additional equipment will need to be purchased. Most often, in such a situation, an indirect heating boiler is installed. Heating gas single-circuit floor-standing boilers are selected for buildings that do not require hot water supply. They are also used for large areas where all the power goes to heating the building.


Double-circuit gas floor boiler for heating and water heating

A floor-standing gas double-circuit boiler is a more complex design. It is designed to heat the coolant and to provide the house with hot water. In double-circuit devices, two heat exchangers are built-in.

Manufacturers produce models with bithermic heat exchangers, which are divided into segments. In one of them, the coolant moves in a different way, heating water. Such devices will be the most compact, but they are less reliable in operation.

It is optimal to purchase a unit with two completely separate heat exchangers. They form less scale. The circuits will be separated, so there is no need to shut off the heating when dispensing hot water.

Double-circuit boilers are best suited for small buildings. If such a device is used for large areas, separation of the contours will be required. This is necessary for safety requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages

Single-circuit boilers can have small built-in boilers for hot water storage

Depending on the design features, a floor-standing boiler has its positive and negative sides.

With built-in boiler

Single-circuit boilers with a boiler have a number of advantages:

  • Large internal section of the heat exchanger. This reduces the formation of limescale.
  • The simplicity of the design provides a high level of reliability.
  • Heat consumption will be the most rational.
  • The water inside the boiler always has the same temperature, since it is not affected by pressure surges in the gas main.
  • The set "boiler and gas boiler" will fully provide the entire building with hot water and heat.

The downside is that the correct operation of the boiler depends on the quality of the water, which most often does not correspond to the norm.

With cast iron heat exchanger

Cast iron heat exchangers are more expensive but have more advantages

Cast iron boilers have the following advantages:

  • Durable, non-corrosive.
  • An even distribution of heat is ensured due to the material.
  • Cast iron has excellent technical properties.
  • The material is resistant to environmental influences.
  • The cast iron heat exchanger is able to withstand high temperatures.
  • The material has a long service life.

The disadvantages of cast iron heat exchangers include:

  • heavy weight, which makes transportation difficult;
  • cast iron is afraid of temperature changes - if water gets on the hot material, it can burst;
  • it is very difficult to carry a boiler with a cast-iron heat exchanger, since the material is fragile and can crack if it falls accidentally.

Cast iron heat exchangers are installed only on floor-standing boilers.


The main advantage of non-volatile boilers is that there is no need to connect to electricity. Due to the minimum number of units, the device is very compact and easy to assemble. Double-circuit floor-standing non-volatile boilers are able to provide a house with hot water and full heating in an area with unstable power supply.

Devices of this type will work well only if there is sufficient pressure in the gas line. This point is a minus.

Selection requirements

Floor-standing gas boilers have more power than mounted ones, they require a separate room for installation

When choosing a gas boiler for a home, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that are associated with the technical characteristics of the building, as well as the installed heating system. Pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Power. Determines the maximum area that the device can heat. If it is not enough, the service life of the boiler will be reduced due to premature wear of the parts. If a double-circuit gas boiler is purchased, 25% is added to the power required for heating all rooms.
  2. Fuel consumption. In this situation, preference should be given to units that have electric ignition, which reduces fuel consumption.
  3. Heat exchanger material. Devices in which a cast iron element is installed have a longer service life.
  4. Possibility of power consumption regulation.
  5. Performance. It is relevant for double-circuit floor gas boilers and depends on the number of people living in the house.
  6. Maximum hot water heating temperature. Most often it ranges from 80 to 90 degrees.

The dimensions of the gas boiler are selected taking into account the place of its installation. When choosing equipment, it is also recommended to pay attention to additional functions and capabilities. They are aimed at increasing the level of security.

  • Overheating and freezing protection.This is the most relevant function for purchasing a heater for country houses, in which no one lives in the winter.
  • Gas control system. It involves the installation of sensors that will turn off equipment in the absence of gas supply.

If you plan to organize hot water supply, it is worth choosing models with two circuits.

Burner types

Atmospheric burners take oxygen from the room

Burners for floor-standing boilers are subdivided into one-, two-stage and modulating ones. One-stage system assumes that the device can deliver only one power level, with a two-stage system, it is selected from two levels. Modulation adjusts the available power. The efficiency of the equipment depends on the type of burners.

Inflatable burners are equipped with turbines for heating. They take air from the room and from the street. They do not require a separate room.

Atmospheric burners are some of the most reliable at an affordable price. Their disadvantage is air burning and a low level of efficiency.

Dependency on automation

In gas heating equipment, automation plays the role of additional security. Thanks to special functions, the operation of the devices becomes more reliable, a constant optimum temperature is maintained.

Automation performs the following tasks:

  • turns off the system when the gas supply is cut off;
  • regulates the power level of the burner;
  • displays indicators.

Additional functions prevent damage to the device.

Manufacturers rating

Boilers of the German manufacturer Buderus can be selected according to the power parameters for any room

There is a wide selection of floor-standing gas boilers on the market of equipment for organizing heating. When buying, it is important to pay attention to manufacturers who are in consumer demand. Many companies use modern innovative developments that allow them to produce devices with excellent operating characteristics. The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Lemax. A domestic manufacturer that offers a wide range of floor-standing gas-fired boilers. The main models are Patriot and Leader. Lemax produces both single and double-circuit devices.
  • Don. A Russian manufacturer that produces powerful devices designed for heating areas from 300 square meters. Thanks to the use of high-quality materials and built-in automation, the boilers of this manufacturer are very popular.
  • Buderus. German manufacturer offering premium condensing and convection-type devices. The boilers are presented in a wide power range.

The purchase of gas equipment to provide space heating and hot water supply is an excellent option for private country houses.

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