Rifar base 500 is a sectional radiator model from a Russian manufacturer. The main advantage is its high power, so the battery is ideal for large rooms. Some models have curvature, so installation is possible along walls of any radius, window sill height and window width.
Radiator Description
Each section of the base 500 radiator is a single pipe made of steel, cast using a special technology under high pressure with an aluminum alloy. This increases the service life of the device and its durability. The steel core has low heat dissipation, while the aluminum core has high heat dissipation.
The sections are connected to each other by a silicone gasket, thanks to which a durable monolithic product with protection against leaks is obtained. The inside of the radiator is covered with a special protective layer, outside - with powder paint, which protects against corrosion and damage. The distance between the radiator axes is 500 mm.
The coolant in bimetallic radiators is specially prepared water, therefore it is prohibited to use non-freezing liquids, antifreezes. The permissible pH value is 7-8.5. If another agent is used, the performance of the radiator will be questionable.
The manufacturer Rifar puts the only restriction on the operation of radiators: they cannot be used in rooms with a humidity of more than 75%.
The number of sections can be calculated in two ways. In the first case, the footage of the selected room must be multiplied by 100. The resulting figure must be divided by the heat transfer rate, which corresponds to 1 section of the selected model. In the second case, the area of the room must be divided in half. But this is relevant only with a center-to-center distance of 500 mm.
The main selection condition is that the length of the window opening should be equal to the length of the radiator or be two-thirds of its part.
Performance characteristics:
- The surface of the coolant reaches temperatures up to 135 ° C.
- The nominal working pressure is 20 atmospheres (2 MPa), although during testing these indicators reached 30 atmospheres.
- The power of one section varies from 0.104 kW to 0.204 kW.
- The service life is 25 years.
- The manufacturer's warranty is 10 years.
According to the type of connection, the Rifar base 500 radiator is divided into 2 types:
- With side connection "Ventil". At the bottom of the contour is the node through which the connection is made. The removal of the heat agent takes place through the lower channel, and the supply takes place from the top. Additionally, the models of the bimetallic radiator Rifar base 500 allow you to regulate the surface heating to change the heat transfer and temperature, it is enough just to put the thermostatic head on the thermostatic valve. The only problem that can arise with this type of radiator connection is uneven heating of the sections, but this is an easy-to-fix error.It is enough to install the flow extension according to the "top-bottom" scheme to ensure intensive circulation of the coolant.
- With bottom connection - bvl (left) and bvr (right). Such a system has stable operation and does not require the installation of additional elements. To squeeze air out of the device, you need to connect a thermostatic head and a Mayevsky valve (needle air valve). All that remains is to turn the tap counterclockwise and wait for the air bubble to come out.
The radiator is supplied with a ½ "or ¾" universal mounting kit, a universal and standard floor bracket, an adjustable and standard angle bracket, an anchor bracket.
Advantages of Rifar radiators
Versatility is one of the clear advantages of the Rifar b 500 radiator. They install it in apartment buildings, where centralized heating is used, and in private houses. However, in the latter case, you should not use an autonomous system. It is much better to connect the radiator to a centralized heating system.
Temperature regulation is another plus, however, to connect, you will need to purchase a separate thermal head, thermal valve, radius thermostat, thermal valve. For mounting - 4 adapters, an air vent valve, a plug.
Considering the small internal volume of 1 radiator section Rifar bimetal 500 0.136 kW, low inertia is easily achieved. The small volume allows you to quickly heat up the room and quickly cool it down. This is appropriate if a higher temperature is needed during the day and a lower temperature at night.
The polyurethane bushing is a part that connects the sections to each other, thanks to it, tightness is achieved. In addition, laser welding of heating equipment contributes to the tightness.
The monolithic nature of the radiator makes it possible to do without special adapters during installation.
Beautiful design is also one of the advantages, the manufacturer allows the device to be painted in any desired color.
Connection features
Connecting bimetallic radiators Rifar b 500 is quite simple. However, it is worth considering a couple of nuances:
- Before installation, the temperature of the radiator and the room must be the same.
- Zeroing, earthing, or dielectric connections is a prerequisite to extend the life of the device and to prevent premature corrosion.
The most detailed instructions for installing a bimetallic radiator are always included in the kit.
- Polypropylene pipes reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass are a good combination. As a result, the stripping process and the use of the shaver disappears, and the time for installing the radiator is reduced. Installation of metal-plastic pipes with a collet clamp or steel (iron) pipes is allowed, but not encouraged.
- Before installation, the working area is cleaned: the pipeline is dismantled from the riser, the installation sites are marked and the holes for the brackets are drilled.
- The distance from the floor to the bottom of the radiator should vary from 60 to 120 mm. Readings above or below the established limits will lead to a decrease in the level of heat transfer. Also, 20 mm should remain behind from the radiator wall to the wall, and at least 50 mm between the window sill and the upper part of the radiator. This distance contributes to ease of installation and improves convection.
- The radiator should be mounted strictly horizontally in the center under the window. If there are additional radiators in the room, their level must strictly correspond.
- Holes are drilled on the wall, the brackets are fixed with dowel-nails with cement mortar. To securely fasten the radiator, the hooks must pass freely between the manifolds.
- Before installation, the radiator itself is equipped with all the necessary additions: fittings and adapters at the joints with pipes, a Mayevsky tap to remove excess air.
- The water riser is closed, and pipes are connected with or without a bend.
With a traditional or side connection scheme, a pipe is connected to the branch pipe located on top of the radiator, which supplies the coolant. And a discharge pipe is mounted to the lower branch pipe.
The lower connection diagram is used with a system built into the floor covering or hidden. On opposite sides of the radiator, the pipes for supplying and removing the coolant are connected to the nozzles at the bottom.
The diagonal arrangement is ideal for radiators with a large number of sections. The supply pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe, and the coolant outlet pipe is connected to the lower branch pipe on the other side.
After the performed manipulations, the system is filled with a coolant, for which the stabilizing valve is closed by about two-thirds so that there is no water hammer.