Features and applications of Radena radiators

The many proposals on the construction market do not simplify the purchase of heating equipment. To select effective radiators, you need to evaluate their characteristics and hear feedback. Radena is renowned for its attractive designs and high quality products. The Italian brand produces reliable radiators designed for the features of Russian heating systems.

Radena Radiator Specifications

Raden's radiators are made by injection molding, treated with an anti-corrosion compound

The brand's products are manufactured using high pressure casting technology. This method allows you to create strong and durable radiators. After testing each section for tightness, it undergoes anti-corrosion treatment and is covered with epoxy powder paint in several layers. The result is a smooth surface, the color does not change over time. Individual cells are assembled into batteries with a different number of sections. Steel nipples and paranitic gaskets are used for the connection.

The effective number of sections depends on the area of ​​the heated room. The manufacturer offers from 4 to 12 elements. Batteries of 35 sections are produced by special order.

Raden's heating radiators are supplied with shut-off valves that regulate the supply of heat. The design helps control heating costs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raden radiators are primarily attracted by their aesthetic design. Still not knowing about their technical characteristics, buyers stop at the products, attracted by the smooth surface and thin lines. The sections have vertical ribbing, which enhances convection flows. Among the main advantages of the products:

  • Cast radiators are reliable. They have one weld seam.
  • The inner and outer surfaces of the products have undergone corrosion treatment and two-stage painting.
  • Materials that are safe for human health are used in the production.
  • Aluminum and bimetallic batteries provide high heat dissipation.
  • The equipment is resistant to pressure and water hammer.
  • The durable coating allows the batteries to be used in heating systems with a pH value of 6.5-9.
  • Painting is carried out in an even layer, it does not fade in the sun.
Raden radiators can be installed in the central heating system instead of cast iron, where water hammer is possible

At the factory, products are packed in plastic wrap and cardboard boxes. Goods are transported to stores without damage.


  • Aluminum models are sensitive to the state of the coolant. They are not recommended for multi-storey buildings with centralized heating.
  • The cost of the products of the Italian brand is not available to all buyers.

The heating devices have received many positive reviews. They are recommended by experts and homeowners.

Radena products are radiators that can be installed in residential, commercial, industrial or office premises. They comply with European and Russian safety standards. Sectional batteries are designed for installation in one-pipe and two-pipe closed heating systems.

Radiator types Raden

Aluminum radiators are more often installed in residential buildings.

The company's heating battery models are divided into two types:

  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

Aluminum products are mainly used in residential buildings, and bimetallic structures are versatile.


The best way to use aluminum radiators is to heat a private house and low-rise buildings. The batteries are distinguished by maximum heat dissipation, light weight and reliable operation. The design features are:

  • thick walls of the vertical channel;
  • cross section of the collector in the form of an ellipse;
  • smooth finning profile.

The batteries are designed for a coolant temperature of 110 ° C, a pressure of up to 16 atmospheres. They are sold with an even number of sections.


Working pressure of bimetal radiators - 25 atmospheres

The products are characterized by increased strength and resistance to high pressure - an operating indicator of 25 atmospheres. The outer part of the structure is made of aluminum, and the inner part is made of alloy steel. This combination makes the product resistant to corrosion and stress, increases heat transfer, and improves its appearance. The basic version of the painting is white, but you can order the supply of the desired shade.

The products are designed according to European standards and are recommended for installation in multi-storey buildings.

Radena bimetallic radiators require additional equipment upon purchase. To operate them, you will need a plug, a plug and a plug with an air release valve.

The right choice of radiators

The number of sections required to heat the area of ​​the room

When choosing devices for a heating system, several significant factors are taken into account:

  • Maximum working pressure - the value is indicated in the product passport.
  • Heating system type - autonomous or centralized. Please note that a centralized system is prone to pressure surges.
  • Heat transfer of one section - the characteristic allows you to calculate the number of sections required to heat the room.
  • The indicator of the acidity of the coolant - the composition of the coolant affects the battery life. Hard water with a high salt content accelerates corrosive processes.
  • The appearance of radiators - devices should organically fit into the interior of the room.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the markings on the packaging. There are many fakes of the Italian brand on the market. The original products have a barcode of the country of the manufacturer, a label on the passage of the Quality Control Department, information about the type of radiator.

Radena radiator range

There is a small selection of models in the company's catalog, but the products presented are the most popular options for heating batteries. Their installation heights are 350 and 500 mm.

Bimetallic models

CS 150

Radiator Raden bimetal CS 150 has the smallest height in the range - 250 mm. The model fits easily under low window sills, saving space. One section generates 78 watts of heat.

CS 350

A welded carbon steel inner frame ensures structural strength. The model is recommended for installation in high-rise buildings and office buildings. Section weight is up to 1.5 kg, height is 403 mm. Heat dissipation characteristic 125 W.

CS 500

The frame of the structure is made of durable pipes with walls 2-4 mm thick. The radiators are rated for pH values ​​up to 8. The battery delivers 135 W of heat dissipation and is 552 mm high. When choosing the number of elements, they are guided by the rule - the length of the battery is equal to 75% of the light opening.

Aluminum models

R 350

The packaging must have the original Italian barcode

For one section with a height of 431 mm, 0.275 liters of coolant will be required. During operation, the heat transfer will be 165 W. The connection to the system is through a 1 ”inlet. The radiators are mounted on special brackets. The packaging is not removed until the end of the work.

R 500

The heat transfer of the section is 192 W, its height is 581 mm, and the center distance is 500 mm. At a working pressure of 16 atm. the batteries will easily withstand the average pressure of the centralized system of 9 atm.When installing the battery, you must comply with the regulations that ensure the indicated heat dissipation. The distance from the wall should be at least 25 mm, from the floor - 80 mm.

Raden's products outperform competitors in several ways. These are the only radiators that are painted section by section, with a coating inside the structure.

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